Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer Bryce since it is balanced and more coordinated.
It's a solid enough name, as it can fit all sorts of boys and doesn't feel too young or too old. However, it's extremely boring. Nothing about it stands out, and it does sound a bit too surname-y.
I prefer Brice because it's the older version of Bryce (it's been used for a longer time and therefore more classic.) it's a cool name... But please, please, please don't name your daughter Brice/bryce!
Bryce is much better. Brice just doesn't look like a name to me.
I like Bryce better, I don't really know why but it looks better.
I prefer the name Bryson, it is much more masculine than Brice.
The rare persons I knew that had this name were terribly shocked by the film "Brice de Nice", lol. Please don't stop calling boys this because girls really like that name! Instead of the pronunciation of the film, Brice = Brees as it was said before.

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