Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It looks like someone just pressed a bunch of random letters on a keyboard. I don’t hate it though, but I would never use it.
Cool and unique name but definitely not using it for my kid. It's very long and very hard to pronounce.
It’s interesting and long. If I had to guess how it would be pronounced in English would guess Cab-der-aks-min.
It looks extremely confusing to pronounce. I really don't mean to offend, but it looks like a username on a video game that a 5 year old child would come up with when they type in random letters on their Mom's iPad.
How do you pronounce the X? It’s kinda long and confusing.
All I see is “cab man”.
Super long.
I'm not even going to try and pronounce this...
...What? It's a cool but weird name.
Unless you want everyone to mispronounce their name, maybe don't name a kid this..?
I almost died trying to read this.
Nope. Wouldn’t even consider it.'s too long!
So much to think about here.
Better than the original.
Cab-dir-man whatttt?
What a headache.
It's alright, but I wouldn't use it.
It seems cool but I would absolutely never use it.

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