Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My brother is called Chandler and I think it is a nice and unique name for you to call your baby.
My name is Chandlar with an "a" instead of an "e" however it's still pronouced the same. I'm a female and I was born 2 years before the show Friends came out. My mom was pregnant with me and she saw this movie with Barbra Streisand called The Prince of Tides. There was a little girl named Chandler and she said she instantly fell in love with the name. Growing up I didn't like it because kids would say it's a boy name. Now that I'm 29 I absolutely adore my name. It's so rare, especially for a girl and I get compliments on it constantly. People think it's a really unique and cool name. I'm actually surprised more people don't have this name. A unique name gives a person a sense of individuality and I think that's a wonderful gift my parents gave me. I also really dig boys names for girls. My daughter is Charlee!
I honestly really love the name Chandler. I've been fascinated with it ever since I heard it. I also really appreciate the meaning (“candle seller”), since I've adored candles for as long as I can remember. Candles can be a light in the darkness; it could be a physical flame or it could resemble an ember of faith, hope, love, courage, loyalty and whatever else. Plus, I kind of feel like it gives the name somewhat of a romantic vibe.
Another thing I like about the name is its uniqueness. You definitely don't hear it every day, but it's not completely unheard of, so most people would know how to pronounce it (without having to ask).Concerning the gender, I don't think it matters that much, and I honestly think a lot of the commenters are bickering too much about it. I mean, to me, Chandler is just a nice name. Period. Neither gender “ruins” the loveliness of it or whatever. It's definitely not “too feminine” for a boy, and I don't think it's “too masculine” for a girl either.Regarding Chandler Bing, he is one of my all-time favorite television characters, so that only adds to my liking of the name.Overall, I think Chandler is a beautiful name.
This is my name (The user gives it away) yeah I'm named after the Friend's character, but I don't care. The name has such a nice ring.
I can honestly only see this on a boy.
I don't like Chandler. It's a very rare name and too masculine for a girl.
How in the world is it feminine?
Sounds gentle and affectionate to me.
I hate this name for a creepy kid I knew. Not very mature of a name.
Chandler is for boys. I don't care for it, although I see the appeal. I have a feeling this will rise in popularity because vsco girls are soon going to have children. Vsco girls like the 90's show 'Friends' (which I like to watch sometimes). By the way, I don't like vsco girls.Skskksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksk-Shut up!
Sounds kind of pretentious. This name isn't the least bit feminine.
I like the name Chandler for boys. It has a soft, appealing sound.
Ehh, not really for me.It’s more on the masculine side.
It literally means “candle seller”
But I kind of like the sound.Still, not really.
I am a female with this name. It’s always weird meeting or noticing a male with this name to me. I love having a gender neutral name. My name makes me feel unique.
Chandler is a great name.
I absolutely love the name Chandler! I think Chandler is a great name! Especially for characters on TV shows called friends:)
This name is pretty cool in a modest way, in my opinion. Personally, it's best to keep it as a male's name, but for the right person I suppose it could work on a girl. It would be nice if this name was more popular, instead of the "-aden/ayden" army and names like Kaycee.
I'm a woman with the name 'Chandler'. It has grown to suit me very well, and today I love it. When I was small, I wanted a more typical or conventional name, but now that I'm older, it's nice to stand out in a crowd. I like that it's gender neutral; it's soft but also strong. I'm glad my mother named me something so unique.
I like this name on a boy, not on a girl.
Sounds like the name of some fancy cat food.
I think this name works as a last name. Example, Mr. Chandler (from Penny Dreadful)
It also sounds better pronounced with a British accent. More sophisticated. Slightly pronouncing the -r.
I don't think this name works on a girl, but people can do what ever they want.
I know a girl with this name. She's your typical pretty, popular cheerleader type. I personally think this is an awful name for a girl, and I'm not super fond of it for a boy. And it doesn't fit the Chandler I know at all.
DEFINITELY a males name. Chandler is a cool and different name- not something you hear often at all but has too much of a strong association with character, 'Chandler Bing' portrayed by Matthew Perry.So I automatically think of Chandler Bing. How can you not? Lol.
My name is Chandler, and I am a girl. My dad is a huge Thomas Kinkade fan, and my mom had just always loved the name.
I really like my name. I'm not a huge fan of being called "Miss Chanandler Bong" (Friends fans will get it), but other than that I have no complaints. I was always the only Chandler in my class, which I liked.Oh, and my nick-name is Chandelier (but with a CH not SH), for the person that said that's what the name reminded them of.
I love Chandler on a boy! Friends brought it to fame, but they also made it "unisex" as one of Phoebe's nieces was named after Chandler. Still, a gorgeous name, and I love Matthew Perry and Chandler Bing!
This name is stupid, sounds rather pretentious, and is also unmasculine (but at the same time unfeminine). Besides, I hated the show where it came from!
Could this name BE any more lame?
I have never liked this name. It sounds too boyish, and the sound of it reminds me of 'chandelier'.
I know a girl with this name, and she personally ruined it for me. Not to mention Friends!
Chandler is a cool name for a boy.
I LOVE Chandler. Especially on a girl.

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