Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I can't see why this name is feminine.
I like this name and the names it is derived from (Christopher, Christine, Christina, Christian, etc.) but it is extremely common where I am from, so sadly I probably won't be able to use it in the future.
Name for a large middle aged bloke with no hair with a deep voice and sweeps the streets. Probably drinks a lot and sits on their sofa watching Sky Sports on TV.
It's not a bad name, but it's not my favourite name either. I feel like it's very overused.I like this name for both genders, but mainly girls :>Please don't attack me for this. This is just my opinion.
Ben and Chris are my favorite nicknames for a boy! :)
I like it for a boy and a girl. It is pretty popular, but I can see why! It also fits all ages. Maybe I just like it because it's my dad's name.
That's a nice name. Not too long, so you can easily remember it, and not too short.
Very boring name, and ONLY MASCULINE, please.
Hang on a sec, I changed my mind. Chris isn't that bad; it's not ugly or anything like that.
Although I LOVE masculine names on females, I feel like this is a little too masculine for girls... but do whatever ya want, I guess.
It’s an okay name. I prefer this as a nickname for Christopher.
It is not good, it is boring and simple despite how the name is.
A bit unattractive. Sounds weird on a girl.
Boring name.
Nice nickname. Good only for Christopher.
Chris is a good unisex name, a little masculine for women. I think Chris is a good nickname for tomboys with names like Christine, Christina, Christiana, etc! For a boy, it’s absolutely great! Even as a full name, but I do prefer it as a nickname for Christopher or Christian. Chris is good for girls too!
Chris is a nice sounding name.
I know A LOT of Chris's and they all have different personalities. One of them is a HUGE player, one of them is super funny and sweet, another is just a popular jerk. The other is an immature kid. And another is a weird guy who thinks he's funny, but he is just annoying. I will say all of the Chris's I know have a sense of humor, not all funny but most are.
It is a very popular name but there is a reason why... it's a great timeless name.
Too overused! Some variations are Crys, Kriss, Kris, Cris, Krys, Kryss and Cryss if you like this name try those names instead and DON'T USE CHRISTOPHER- WAY TOO OVERUSED!
I like this name, even though it's so dull and overused.
Please, avoid this name. It's hideously overused and I already know like a million Chris's so it's becoming too used and redundant.
I like this as a full name for a girl. I'm not sure why. I think I tend to like one syllable unisex names on girls.
Okay, I usually hate over-used names, but Christopher/Chris is my top name for a guy, and I even love Christina/Chris/Christie it for a girl. My first child, whether boy or girl, is getting some form of this name. I do know a ton of people named Chris, but I still love the classic and somehow still fresh feel of this name. It's kind of inexplicable. I just love it.
This name IS too common but I like it a lot. It does sound very masculine though.
Ugh, I hate this name, it's too common!
Ok, this name is way too common.
Though this name is extremely common I still like it because it sounds cool and masculine, but horrible on females.
This name is way too overused, I know like a million Chris's.
My name isn't Chris, but I would rather be called Chris than Christine or Chrissy.
Haplessly dull and overused for boys. But it's not as bad on a girl though.
It's alright but it's way too common, if your name is Christopher wouldn't you rather go by Topher?
I noticed that Chris is too common for guys but not so much for girls. It seems as if though younger women named either Christine or Christina prefer being called either Chrissy or Christy to avoid being teased. It's somewhat common for older women using that name. Your thoughts?
Although it's overused, boring, and dull, I can't help but smile every time I hear this name.
I think this an awesome nickname. :) It's classic and has this cool kind of feeling too it. I actually don't know very many guys named Chris, so I guess the reason why I like it so much is that it isn't so 'overused' where I live.
Boring and unoriginal. Every Christopher I knew went by this. Please, no more.
I know someone named Chris, & my cousin Casey (and I) just love to nickname him. From Cris, Kris, Chrissy, Criss, Crissi, Krisey, they all spell in odd ways but read as Chris or Chrissy. But HE likes Crissi best.
Gosh, there are no words to how utterly fed up I am with this nickname. It is SO common and it has been SO overused. It's almost tragically boring and unoriginal. Plus, it makes me think of rather unpleasant people.
It's a grand name, but a bit too overused. Someone yells out "Chirs!" and 15 people look around. Even girls are called this. I like it. Just too many!
Not a fan of the name, but I like that everone does not feel that they need to name their child it.
I personally love the name Chris, though lots of people use it. I think that when people try to change its spelling it makes it less nice. After all, there has to be at least one name that tons of people have, right?
I absolutely love the name Chris, only because Chris Brown.
Rosalia, I'm with you. I love the name Chris - but mainly because of that cutie named Chris Brown!
I know 4 Chris's, all in my grade! It's too overused!
Blech! Terribly overused. Please, if you MUST have a Chris, have a Cris or Kris! Or maybe Christopher itself; it's a beautiful name. OR maybe Topher.
My dad's middle name is Cris pronounced the same as Chris. I really like the spellings Cris and Kris better because they are more unique.
You can never figure out a Chris.

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