Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I thought it was cute, snooty and french. It was a king's name. For English speakers it is green, it sounds like clover. I imagine the king Clovis had clover-like decorations on his crown. My husband would not accept "Clovis" since we live in a french-speaking country. Though it is a French name, "Clou" means nail, and "Vis" means a screw. He was not into construction tools being used in our son's name.Someone here said their history book pronounces Clovis as Clo-vee. But this can not be correct. My French professor from college is from Paris. He is an authentic frenchy with a doctorate in French litterature, and he certainly pronounces it Clo-Vis.
Like Clover, this name would be lovely on a cat (or any other pet).
I doubt that this will be a popular opinion, but this is one exclusively masculine name that I think could be used for girls as well... It's much softer and sweeter than a lot of other male names.
This name is one of my favourite ones. I saw it for first time in one of Rick Riordan's books, named The Lost Hero. His Clovis is son of Hipnos. Also I am writing books and one of the main characters in one of them is named Clovis (he is emo).
Such a lovely name, very masculine but gentle sounding too. Clovis would make a wonderful name for a little boy or a grown man, unlike a lot of names used now that sound childish.
This is a terrific name. It suggests to me a mischievious, humorous, clever person who can get into a lot of unpleasant situations but can just as easily get out of them. It sounds a little like "clover" to me, but that wouldn't stop me from using it. I love this name.
I think this name is extremely underused. It is refreshingly off the beaten track.

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