Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It is weird, but I like it a lot. My name is simple to say but often mispronounced, and I so strongly hated it as a kid. So for this reason I don’t think I would use ‘Honora’. It should be easy to say but people will over complicate it and butcher it where I live. However it is so beautiful and strong, and I like the way it is written. I’ve never heard or seen it before. I’d like to see it used more for sure.
Such a beautiful name I really hope this name gets used more in future.
Nice elegant sounding name.
Oooh, this one is pretty!
Looks weird and you will never know how to pronounce it.
This is a beautiful, rare name. It's pronounced like Ah-NOR-ah, and is a gorgeous alternative to Nora.
I think this is a beautiful name. It's rare but not bizarre, and it has a feeling of class and sophistication to it. I first came across it when researching on Titanic victim Honora Fleming.
This is amazing! I like it much better than Honor. I like Honor too, but Honora just seems more name-y to me, and the nickname Nora is stunning.
It's best pronounced with a silent H. It sounds much prettier that way. I first encountered this name while doing genealogy research on my Irish ancestry. It's a very old name. I found reference to the name Honora as far back as 1346.
This sounds almost Maori!
Wow. It's the word 'honor' with an 'a' stuck on the end. It's entitled, and not even pretty.
When you read it, it's very obvious and slightly cheesy, but said aloud it's absolutely gorgeous. On-or-uh.
A beautiful name, rare but not strange. I love it.

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