Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It reminds me of the character Ena, which I quite like, but the fact it doesn't have a solid meaning makes me feel iffy about it.
I think that this name is very cute, as a nickname or a first name.
Ina is very interesting. I don't see the appeal. I like Ida a LOT better.
Little bit better than boring looking Ana, but similar looking Ida sounds more stronger and mature. Ina is simple name, no good and no bad, just alright.
Very pretty! Also my friend's name.
Variant of the German number Eins.
Kinda cool.
It looks very German to me.
My real name is Angelina but literally everyone I know refers me to as Ina (EE-na). I love my name because it's simple and unique. Like how many people have you met named Ina? Probably not more than one. One of the only annoying things about it is that people constantly pronounce it "I-na" with the long I. No offense, but I don't really like Ina with the long I because it sounds unnatural and too serious. I know I'm pretty late compared to other comments but I just wanted to see what other people think of it and put out my opinion. Happy New Years btw! :)
Worst diminutive ever. Like a fractured piece of a real nickname.
Ina should be short for Catharina, Emelina, and names like that. Not a big fan of those names, but at least they have a meaning unlike Ina.
My name is Ina, pronounced I-NA. I was named after my grandmother, who lived in Southeastern Kentucky. As a child I did not like the name (I could not locate a key chain with my name on it, Lol!) But I learned to appreciate the name as I got older. I love my name! I get all types of pronunciations like, E-NA, Tina, Nina, Ida, Anna... I don't mind. I answer to them all!
I think this is one of the few short names that can stand alone and be beautiful. Ina Garden is one of my favorite chefs on food network!
Ina (pronounced I-na) was my great grandmother's name. She did not like it, but I do because I associate it with her. Their family did not like nicknames, so they gave their children names that were already short. It didn't always work of course. My grandmother Rae got called Pinky by friends because of her red hair.
I think, because the name is so short, that you need a fairly strong personality to carry it.
Too minimalist for my taste. It's not utterly silly or infantile, but people will assume it's short for something.
I think it's really pretty when pronounced "Ee-na", and of course there is the cute little girl from "The Tunnel".

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