Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hippie-in-a-bad-way white-people-with-dreadlocks name, and would not work on an adult. That's just my opinion.
Better if it's a nickname for Belinda, Indigo or Lucinda.
My name is Indie. I think it goes nicely with my middle name which is Rose (Indie Rose) I see why others don't like it, but it's all I've ever known so I never thought anything negative about it. It was just "my name". Unfortunately, it is getting really popular and anyone born from 2018-2022 is going to have at least a few other Indie's in their grade. There are a few spelling variations. Indy, Indi, Indee, Indie, and I've even seen Endie before which I personally don't like. My favorite spelling is Indy because it looks so pretty written on paper. But, the spelling I n d I e has been my name for years now and I wouldn't change it.
This name has hipster written all over it. I can't see anyone who isn't a hipster using it.
It’s decent. I prefer India.
I used to know an Indie, she had bright orange hair. Once she reached middle school, she changed her name to Vanessa after her deceased older sister. Anyways, I don't like this name. It sounds, well, childish. Like, c'mon...there are so many other names to choose from. I do like Indie Music, though. Tame Impala is really nice.
I changed my mind, it's kind of pretty actually.
At first I wasn’t sure about the name Indie, but I think it’s one of my favorites right now. My favorite combination is Indie Opal.
Cute name, very underrated.
India is better...
Despise! So, so bad and unoriginal.
Nothing says “Trying too hard to be a hipster” like naming your baby Indie.
I actually kinda like this name. I don’t know why, I just do.
I like Indie for a name. It would also be a cute nickname for Indiana, too.God bless you ❤️.
Ugly, and tacky.
Indie is a cute name. It sounds even better if you have a pretty nice last name.
I really like the name Indie for a girl or a boy (though for boys I prefer the spelling Indy). It can be a nickname for India, Indiana or Indigo. Indie sounds kind of exotic and cool, but can also be really cute on a little kid. I think it ages well, although Indies should have a long name they can switch to in case it gets too immature.
Nice nickname for a kid only.

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