Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is a very regular make name where I live, but when I casually mentioned the name when talking with a French person, she was confused as to what I had said and had me repeat the name. I spelled it out, and she said she had never met a Joe. For me, this is a very common, basic, normal name, like Bob, Tim, Dan, James, John, ect. And it didn't cross my mind that it wouldn't be the same for someone else, although it makes perfect sense.
Anyways, Joe's a fine and regular name, but I suppose not for everyone.
This name is just so bad that I used to laugh every time I heard it when younger. On top of that, it is the name of the laziest and most incompetent president of the history the US, Sleepy Joe. Hard pass!
I can't stop thinking of Joe mama.
I love the name Joseph but the fact that any Joseph will get automatically nicknamed "Joe" ruins the name for me. Joe makes me think of an annoying, misogynistic teenage boy who doesn't wash.
It's such a bad name. Everyone I know who is named Joe is some irrelevant, boring miserable working class man with like no friends.
Weak and ungreat name. So unsimple yet so pompous, and it also makes me think of an old man with this name.
Kind of blah but I guess it's okay.
I feel bad for you if your name is Joe, you must get Joe Mama jokes thrown at you all the time, which is funny and I would do that to a Joe too (Joe mama's so fat, when she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up!), but I hope you have enough money to one day be able to legally change it something better like Christof.
In positive things, it's okay for middle names and nicknames only.
In negative things, I guess I don't like it as a first name because it makes me think of a rude and arrogant boy. Sorry. :(
Joe is an average Joe who drinks Joe.
Joe is your average Joe who drinks Joe. One of the many stupid puns that are associated with this name. It's a good name, but I would just go with Joseph.
I never did like this name. Don't know why it's so common. The spelling reminds me of shoe.
Strong and great name. So simple yet so good.
It's very common. So much I don't immediately think of Biden when I hear Joe... so many other notable Joes, I don't think he "ruined" it or that it'll be forever associated with him.
Okay name, but who cares if Joe Biden bears the name? If he had a name you liked, would you say he spoiled it? Probably not, you'd say the name is better because a relevant person used it. Doesn't make sense.Anyway, as I said, this name is okay. It's fine as a diminutive for Joseph, but I would much prefer other alternatives.
I don’t really like this name. Too basic (common) for my taste. Names like Josiah or Joseph nicknamed Joe are better.
Who is Joe? Joe Mama!I used to hate this name because of that joke, but maybe I really like it now.
Prefer Joseph, because you can be Joseph and go by Joe or whatever but not Joe and go by Joseph and Joe is such a basic name. Joseph sounds nice though. Sounds like a Kennedy or something.
It's a pretty attractive name. What if someone had this name but unfortunately had the last name "Mama"? XD.
Joe Biden, in my opinion, has made the name skyrocket lots of places in my favorite name lists.
I prefer it as a nickname for Joseph.
Sounds like the name of a cool jazz musician... Joe Cool.
Whoop whoop Joe Biden.
It may be a good name if Biden didn't ruin it. 9.6.
I don’t like Joe Biden, but I still like this name. (no, I’m not a Trump supporter either)
I like Joe Biden, but I prefer José, Joey or Joseph.
Good nickname for Joseph or José.
You know who Joe is? JOE Mama.
Joe Biden spoiled this name.
I don't like Joe Biden, just my opinion though. However, politics aside, I think Joe is a nice nickname for Joseph. :)
I think Joe is such a cool name for a boy! I honestly have never heard the Joe Mama joke before I looked at these comments. This name actually isn’t used too much anymore. I also love Joey!
Who’s Joe?
Oh yeah, Joe mama.
Way too simple, and a child with this name will get teased.
Who's Joe?
Seriously though, kids with this name will get jokes about it nowadays.
I don't want to have classes with Joe bro
Who's Joe?
JOE MAMA. Your child's going to have to deal with getting that 24/7 if you name them Joe.
Joe's a simple name that has grown on me. Some of the best guys were named Joe. Joe Frazier, Joe Louis, Joe DiMaggio, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Joe Walsh from The Eagles, this name is kind of underappreciated. Sure it was once a common name but I find it to be a masculine, simple name that makes me forget it's the shortage of another boring Biblical name. I don't care for the dated term "the average Joe" that seemed to kill this name's popularity through time. Joe over Joseph any day.
Joe is a good name for trolls because they all say JOE MAMA HAHAHHAHAHA Joe is therefore a very funny name due to it referring to one's mother. This type of comedy is unparalleled and JOE MAMA! Got you again lol.
I never liked Joseph or the ugly nickname Joe. It's an old man's name. I don't care for biblical names in general. They sound too religious and outdated.
I love this name. It has character. My younger brother bears this name and it really suits him. Also makes me think of the late Joe Strummer of The Clash, although it wasn't his real name.
Never liked either Joseph or Joe, but I guess the nickname "Joey" MIGHT be cute on a really young boy. It also means a baby kangaroo, though.
Joe is such a crappy name. So bland, so plain. I much prefer Joseph over Joe.
This name is as bland and boring as John. Almost every other guy seems to be called Joe. Don't like it at all.
Joe/Joseph is a common name in my family, along with Paul.
I don't like it as a full name. It just feels boring and it doesn't sound pleasant as a full name. Plus it's too short, like Mo or Bo or something. I like it as a nickname for Johannes though.
I think the name Joseph is way too serious. The name Joe is for nice, sweet, generous little squirts like me. ;)
I've never met a Joseph who didn't go by Joe. Why can't a Joseph be called Joe for once?
I think Joe would be an amazing name for a girl!
I don't like this name. I much prefer the name Joseph instead, and I don't like the name Joseph either because of how plain and bland it is. But Joe is a nasty sounding name in my opinion. This name makes me not want to call a child Joseph or Josiah so this horrendous nickname won't be out on them.
Joe is a strong, classic name, suggesting the kind of guy you can depend on in a pinch. It tends to have a blue-collar ring to it, so I'd expect a boy named Joe to grow up to be an athlete rather than a professor. Of course, Joe is just a nickname for Joseph, so if I ever met a man whose true first name were Joe rather than Joseph, I'd conclude that his parents weren't very educated.
I love the name Joe for a boy! It's a very cute, happy, fun and friendly name! =)
If kids named baby's, this is what they would pick. Sounds boring, dated, and ugly!
I think of Joe as a normal name for a regular guy, but a strong name. I know kids, adults and old men named Joe--it truly never dates. I also think that it goes with a wide variety of last names.
I have a son called Joe and he's certainly no average Joe; that's such a negative thought pattern. Joe is such a strong name which never dates. Yes Joe is Cool. :-)
I think this name is a bit overused. I tend to like names that stand out more.
You have to like the name Joe. Anyone named Joe would like their name because it is awesome and has nothing bad about it. The name Joe sounds really nice. :) Joe is the king and he will rule you!
It quite nice. I've used it for a boy in one of my stories. If I was forced to have a boy who was going to be called Joe I'd call him Jonah or Jonas. Not Joseph or Josef.
The first thing I think of when I hear this name is the phrase "average Joe".
Dull, overused, and boring. Not my style.
Joe is an awful name in my opinion. It would be much better to just name someone Joseph, and pray they don't take on the nickname Joe. It sounds so sloppy, (no puns intended) and gross. Yuck!

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