Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Joey is my nickname. I am called Jojo and Joe.
Amazing name, cool, and also called a baby kangaroo. Cute!
Better than Joe.
I feel like this is too childish. If you want to call your son this, why not name him Joseph and call him Joey as a nickname? That way he can go by a more formal name by the time he's older than 10.
Cute name ;)
Too childish to my view.
Adorable! But, how is this for girls?
This is more common for girls than boys right now.
It reminds me of Joey from Dawson’s Creek and Joey from Liv & Maddie. I don’t like it at all on a girl, but on a boy it’s fine I guess. Oh, and Joey from Friends. It’s just too familiar on a boy to see on a girl tbh.
I feel like Joey has become a girl's name by FAR.
This is my name and I am okay with it - it's been with me for a long time now, but now I have many nicknames on.
I now associate this name with sexy Joey from Friends.
Definitely not for girls.
It's an okay nickname for a boy, but it seems childish as a given name. On a girl, I don't like it, even as a nickname.
Masculine to me.
I love this name, I'm going to name my 14 and a half kids this name.
Nice MALES nameRidiculous on a girl.
I love this as a name for a boy. I prefer Jojo for a girl. :)
My husband is Joe and I love Joey for a girl. Way too common for a boy.
My first boyfriends name was Joey; it was a bit common, I admit. But no one could bear the name as well as my darling Joey did. He was funny, smart, sharp-tongued, and a bit of a ladies-man; all which I expect a Joey to be.
I was always sort of indifferent towards the name when it came to males, but then I watched Dawson's Creek, and I fell in love with the name on a girl. DC had a lot of great female names, but this was my favourite. So cute.
In my mind, Joey can only be a funny guy.
It sounds like a feminine name rather than a masculine one. If was named Joseph, I would definitely be pissed if someone called me Joey.
Joey is a cool name because a baby kangaroo is a Joey!
This is a cute nickname for but males and females. This is personally my nickname, and I'm a girl. Joey can be a nickname for Joseph, Joanna, and Joelle.
I love the name Joey! It's so awesome!

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