Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not gonna lie, kinda a dead name.
So adorable! Sounds cheeky, cute, and innocent. I'd recommend naming your future daughter Lala, your child will be blessed.
Sounds like someone is singing all the time: LALALALALA! This name IS cute, I gotta admit.
Sounds like a sound. Lalalalala!
Lala was my character's name in a game I used to play on Nintendo: Disney Magical World. I was around 5 or 6. Anyways, Lala is cute as a nickname. But as a actual legal name is a bit strange.
I'm Taiwanese, and my English teacher is British, when I told him my English name was Lala, he was surprised and smiled strangely. I was confused about it for 3 months, now I see these comments, I guess he also thinks this name is ridiculous.
Not a good name to use by itself. Lala is bad enough but used as just a seldom nickname makes it a bit better.
The name Lala is extremely darn cute. It's a lovely and happy feminine name, just like the name Lulu. :) Overall, I believe Lala is a beautiful sounding name with a beautiful meaning. ^_^
Lala is a nickname and it's cute. It reminds me of the nickname Lulu but Lulu sounds a bit too juvenile. Lala sounds is more sultry and mysterious. I've only known one person named Lala, but her name was Alessandra, just called Lala.
My name is Lala. It was hard in Elementary School where kids are immature and judge you by your name. But as we grow up we look past names and faces (at least most of us). I'm 25 now, and good looking may I add. I like my name, it's unique and people always ask about it. Why not!?
Like Lala007 said in school kids are a bit immature and judge you by your name, but those 7 years of your life will be difficult and why let a child suffer for seven years when you can just give them a better name like Adalaide, Gracelyn, Annalise, Bridget or Larisa? And no offense to all the Lalas out there but Lala sounds a bit stupid with any middle name I mean come on, Lala Anne? Lala Marie? Lala Katarina? Lala Rose? See? It just doesn't work out. It might get better when the girl is older but for those years of her life, just don't torture her, give her a more normal name like Diana or something.
I really like this name, it's quite dreamy and gorgeous. I would not name my daughter Lala, it's a little TOO weird and sing-song-y.
I'm one of those people who likes to give ridiculous nicknames to their friends. I went to school with a girl named Amber but my friend Tarah and I decided to nickname her Lala (for no real reason other than she liked flowers and was very nature-y). I love the sound of this name when it's pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. It sounds almost wild but not fierce. Very free and unrestrained.
In Iranian and Turkish, this name sounds lovely. But in English, Lala sounds just wrong, not to mention it's associated with a Teletubby.
If you happen to be Bulgarian and living in Bulgarian, that's fine. But if you live in an English-speaking country like I do - this name is a definite NO.
What an awful name, the only people who have this name must have clueless parents.
Don't name your kid this. Seriously. "Oh, look, Lala's not paying attention, she's in Lala Land." Or, "Lala, are you a singer?" Come on, people.
I highly doubt that anyone named Lala would be considered highly intelligent.
It really just reminds of me Tellytubbies. I can't picture anything else besides a funny looking yellow person with a grey TV screen on its stomach.
Fine as a nickname for someone, like a Leila or Alannah, but not as an actual name.
It is wierd.
My best friend's name is Lauren and I call her "Lala." A lot of people know her that way by now. I think it's a lovely name, but I'm probably a little biased.
Lala is a cute name, but I would never name my kid that. It is very different for one thing!
Wait, Lala, like la la la la la. That's a name?
This name makes me think of a blond crazy-looking pale girl walking in circles.
Lala is the name of my cousin's poodle. I don't think it's a suitable name for a person though.
I love Lala. I think it's beautiful.

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