Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's a nice sounding name, but when I hear it I always think of "Vince Larkin" in Con Air.
Love it for a boy. Very outdoorsy and spirited.
How do you guys find this feminine?
This name definitely seems more suited for a female. This is just like another nature inspired bird name like Robin or Wren. This seems like a good name if that is your style.
I like Larkin for a boy and it sounds so masculine to me! For a girl, I prefer Larkine. I’m starting to understand that some boy names should be best on boys because Charlesine and Christophine seem pretty on girls, they’re never used! That makes no sense:):):):):):):))))))!
Reminds me of larks.
As a female with the first name of Larkin, I can honestly say I've never met anyone else -- male or female -- with the same name. In school I always looked at it as: "Well, even if I just sign my first name, the teacher won't confuse me with anyone else." :-).It is far more common as a last name though. Both it and my middle name (Dyer) were taken from the surnames of two maiden aunts.
Larkin is lurkin.
This seems feminine to me, perhaps because I'd want to use the nickname Lark.
I wouldn't name my kid this or anything, but it looks like a terrific name for a character in a fantasy book, and maybe even a good name for a band, if you think about it.
I don't really like this name, and it sounds very surname-y and elitist.

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