Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Laura is in fact my name! I think it's a quite normal and standard name. It's a lovely name though. :)
I have always thought that this was a strikingly beautiful name!
My birth name is Laura. As a child, my parents thought it sounded too mature for a baby, so everyone called me Laurie. When I was 13, I decided I was mature (lol) and started using Laura. I answer to both easily, but it confuses people who didn't know me as a child as to why I answer to both. I'm used to it, and it sounds strange to me when my family calls me Laura. I always pronounce it lor-e or lor-uh. There is a lady I deal with in a business that insists on pronouncing my name la-rue-ah. I correct her every time, and she argues with me every time that I'm pronouncing it incorrectly. I've explained to her that I'm 60, and that is not how I pronounce my name. I can't imagine arguing with someone and telling them they don't know how to say their name correctly. Anyway, I like the name. As a child I didn't like it very much, but I think most children dream of being someone else. Now I'm happy with the name; I think I'll keep it even if I don't pronounce it correctly.
My name is Laura and I love it. My only problem is people call me Lauren or Lara. I do love those two names but they aren't mine.πŸ™‚
Overused, overused! Blegh!
This is my name and I've always liked it, I like its meaning and how it sounds and I think it fits me really well. It is quite common where I live, which caused quite a few inconveniences, but not too much after allI was actually named by my sister after the Hamtaro character (she was obsessed with Hamtaro at the time). When she suggested the name to our parents they both immediately liked it and decided to give me this name, and I'm glad they did beacuse it suits me more than the names they had in mind.
My name is Laura, I'm Lithuanian and my name's pronunciation is [Lawra] not [Lora]. Just English speaking people pronouncing my name [Lora] but I always correct them, as my parents when I was born gave me the name Laura but not Lora, what is in Lithuania a totally different name. I'm always saying that's my birthright to be called by the name given me by my parents, it doesn't matter in which country I am. I really like my name and I have heard many times that my name sounds very posh and sexy.
One of my least favourites, I just very much dislike it and it seems cold, unfriendly and without personality. Laura also, not lying or not making it up, means 'penis' or 'b---end' in Urdu and Hindi. I thought maybe it was pronounced differently, but unfortunately it has the same -aw- vowel sound at the au and the r is only different in that it is pronounced further back in the to the average person, similar enough.
Laura is one of the prettiest names. It's soft but not wispy, and it has historical staying power. I also like Laurel, but I'm not fond of Lauren, which seems very dated to girls born in the 1980s.
I like the name Laura quite a lot, it works well in pretty much every European language other than French and it's just a sweet and simple feminine name, ik a girl named Laura and I like her.
I think Laura is a boring name, but it’s still pretty. I think this name only fits an adult. I prefer more modern names like Lara and Lyra.
I think Laura is a pretty name. It sounds soft and gentle, and it rolls nicely off the tongue. The meaning is pretty too. I won't lie, I do have a somewhat negative personal association with the name, but I'm not going to be biased because of it. So I still think it's a cool name.
I really like this name. It's cute. Lauren, Laurel, and Laurelai are cute too.
I love this name. So pretty, classic, and underused today. I would love to see a little Laura.
Best Girls Name Ever!I rate this name:
5 stars!
Really pretty but too countryside-ish.
Never mind what I said, this name is always beautiful! I love it a lot! :)
I love this name! It's so pretty and feminine but also versatile and strong. I feel like it can grow with a person through life. I pronounce it Lo-ra, but I also like La-ra.
Good name. Still popular, sounds good, so still going strong. Nice name!
Boring & plain!
It seems like a beautiful name, even if it's overused in so many languages, as its Greek and Latin origins, like many other names, are a bit predictable.
Amanda, Laura, Savannah, and Rebecca are tied as my favorite girl's names. Laura has been my favorite since 2013. I think it's a beautiful name. I'm surprised I didn't comment on this name when I first came to this site in early 2019. Laura is a timeless classic and fits a variety of girls. There's also the famous Laura Ingalls Wilder who is the author The Little House books. I think Laura is a strong name because of Laura Ingalls Wilder. While the name doesn't make the person, it makes an exception of a beautiful, wonderful, strong, kind, beloved girl. It grows with you, and it works well. You should totally use this name.
Personally I think Laura is a very beautiful and sophisticated name. I know a girl named Laura and she's very sweet so I might be just a little biased. I think Laura could suit many types of personalities AND it can grow with you, so that's a plus.
Classic, sophisticated, and pretty.
I like this name a lot since it is my first name. What I like most about it would be how easily relatable my name is with my Guatemalan relatives. They don’t have any difficulties saying or writing my name since it is exactly the same in the spelling department. My name also ages well which is an added bonus in my opinion.
My name is Laura and I’m not really a fan of it. I think it’s quite plain and I hate getting called Lauren or Lara.
I love the name Laura. I think it's a good name. I like how it means laurel.
I like Lauren and Laura. I can see why most would probably prefer Laura over Lauren though. Laura feels more up to date and timeless.
Automatically makes me think of Little House in the Big woods which is a good thing, I loved those books as a kid. I am mixed on Laura personally since one of my favorite pairings has a variation of it and I just think it also doesn't go well with the other name. However this is still a classy and elegant name and should still be open. It's a lot better than some of the names used today, I loved that it's used all over in Europe and the meaning is gorgeous.
Boring and very dated-sounding. I agree that Lauren is prettier. It's similar to Laura, but a much better choice for a name.
I prefer Lauren to Laura. Lauren is prettier.
Too boring.
When I was a little girl I adored the name Laura along with Klara. I considered them an ideal twin set. I was thinking Laura is a very mysterious and original name, with an icy cold, but also gentle vibe to it. I think many people considered it very original and mysterious back then. Now Laura is excessively popular here in Poland and because of this, it's lost a bit of that lady-like charm to me. I mean, it's still a beautiful name, but not original at all and my first association with it is a baby girl, or not more than 5 years old. Still though, I think the Polish pronunciation is better than the English, the English one sounds a bit too serious and haughty in my opinion. It is a serious name even pronounced in Polish, so I don't think it's really good when it's too serious. I associate it with Laura Pyziak, a heroine of Polish book series called "JeΕΌycjada" by MaΕ‚gorzata Musierowicz, with Laura Ingalls Wilder, with my two little cousins and dozens of other little Lauras, with ice, porcelain and... gingerbreads. Don't ask me why, I don't know, just when I say the name Laura in any language, I think about the taste, the smell and the texture of gingerbreads with icing.
Boring name.
My sister's name is Laura and our family calls her Laurie/Lori for short. It's a nice name for a calm intelligent person :)
My name is Laura and, as a child, there were at least 3 of us in any classroom. I used to be jealous of my sisters' more modern, more feminine names, because mine seemed so plain next to theirs, but I feel like I've finally 'grown into' it (if that makes any sense).
I really love the name Laura, mostly because of the Little House On the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It's also a really nice, flowy name that is common but not too common.
I actually think the name itself is beautiful.
This name makes me hot!
I'm a guy.
Laura is so pretty. It's soft and subtle yet has an undeniably pretty sound to me. It strikes me as boring and even dull at first blush but that's only because of its popularity. Once I really listened to the way it sounds, I was like "Gosh, that's a really nice name."Ella Fitzgerald's "Laura," made me see the name differently. Give that song a listen!
One of the most beautiful names. I love the names from the '80s and '90, but it was always popular and that shows how many people feel the same.
It's trendy but not over the top, which is nice.
I'm proud to be a Laura. I've always liked my name, and I've never wished to have a different name. I like that the first three letters of my name are the same as the first three letters in the word "laugh." In that regard, I think that the name has a friendly feel to it. I don't really mind the various pronunciations of the name. My mom always pronounced my name LAR-ra, but I personally pronounce it LOR-ra. If I am giving someone my name (for example, placing an order on the phone), however, I pronounce it LAR-ra and then I spell it for them. They're more likely to spell it correctly the first time when it's pronounced that way. I tell people I don't mind being called LOR-ra or LAR-ra; either is fine. But I hate being called Lori. My name isn't Lori or Laurie; it's Laura!The one thing I don't like about the name is that it's difficult for young children to pronounce because of the L at the beginning and the R in the middle of it. L's and R's are difficult letters for toddlers to pronounce.
Reminds me of very thick paint, for some reason.
One of those names that's still beautiful no matter how popular it is, because the fact that its been so consistently popular is what makes it classic! :)
It's quite a pleasant name, but doesn't have much of a ring to it. And it was also the name of a person who wouldn't leave me alone for years, which puts me off it altogether.
I think the Spanish pronunciation of this name is SO beautiful :)
Love this name! I've never met a Laura before, and I think it's pretty. I chose the name for a doll when I was a kid, and have loved it ever since. I like the combination Laura Valerie.
My aunt's name is Laura. I love her so much - she's the best aunt ever! On top of that, I love Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books. Go for this name, it's pretty and awesome! Besides the only Laura I know is my aunt. :)
I've always found this name quite exotic and dramatic, I don't know why. Maybe it holds some sort of mystery within the laurel tree.
My mother named me Laura after one of my ancestors. She was one of Queen Victoria's Dressmakers/Seamstress. Proud of that heritage & namesake. Although my boyfriend doesn't think my name is pretty enough--he says it's rather plain. Not sexy sounding enough for him. I'm not about to change my name for anyone that's for sure!
Even though this is so common (I know 5 Lauras), I think it's gorgeous! I love it!
What's wrong with Amanda? Both Amanda and Laura are beautiful, historical, and charming names! :) And yes, Amanda was in fact used in the Middle Ages.
I've grown to think this name is pretty since my last comment, but it's still not unique in any form.
So BORING. I really can't see the appeal. Sorry.
I love this name, but it's way too common for me to want to use it.
This should be my name, my mommy wanted it. But my dear daddy decided that it will be Ena pronounced like Anna. Thank God that I'm not another Laura: 1st it's too common 2nd: It seems too "sweet". In Croatia, where do I live, it's pronounced LAH-oo-rah. Sorry to all Lauras, but I just don't like this name.
Personally this name is very elegant, and lady like. It just seems to be old fashioned, which I like. There are two girls in my class with the name Laura, but one has it spelt differently, L.O.R.R.A which is made out of her parents names. I like both spellings, Lorra and Laura.
Laura is a really sweet name! It's cute, yet very mature at the same time! This is one of the few manes that will sound good at any age and no nickname is really needed for such a pretty name XD.
My name is Laura. I used to like it when I was small, but now it's just too common. There are dozens of Lauras, Laurens and Lorraines at my school. It drags too much in my opinion: LAAAUUU-RAAHH *shudders*
My name is Laura (pronounced law-ruh) and I hated my name until I was about 13. It was never popular when I was small, so until I started camp, the only other Laura I had met was my great aunt. I love my name now, because although I have met a few other Lauras it still is not as common as Megan (or Meghan, Meaghan what have you). Also, it is pretty timeless because you can be 7 and have Laura seem like a regular name, but also be fifty and not have someone give you an inquisitive look. I love that my name comes from a flower and not some city off in the middle of nowhere. It's a hard name to have as a kid, though, because very few notebooks, pens, etc have Laura printed on them, and other children do not understand why your name is different.
Laura is my mother's name. I have never met anyone else with it. When I think of the name, it is classic, refined, and not at all too common. It is a good name to have as an adult. Laura feels responsible and down-to-earth.
I have no idea where all you guys get the idea that Laura is such a popular name. I have been the only Laura my entire time in school. I have never met another Laura in my life.Anyway, I like my name because it's so uncommon(here at least). I was named after my great grandma Laura, so it's a special name to my mom. I feel like with a name like Laura people take me much more seriously than if my name were something like Ashley. It's a feminine name, yet has some authority behind it. I used to not like it, but I've grown to appreciate and love my name.
Laura is my best friend's name! I love her name although I don't want it for myself! Laura rolls off the tongue nicely and I love her name so much!P.S. Her name is pronounced Loh-ra! I like this pronunciation better than any other, unless it's spelled differently.
My name is Laura and I LOVE my name. But I HATE HATE HATE it when people call me LORa. It's Lar-a.
There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but it's far too common, and it has been ruined, at least for me, by people like the ghastly Laura Schlessinger and Laura Ingraham. I've heard of some other Lauras I haven't liked, so my impression of this name has been ruined by the nasty bearers.
Rhymes with 'boring'. Kind of. And that about sums it up for me. Not an ugly name in itself - it would really be quite striking if it were rare. And I like the Petrarch link. But about every other girl born in England in the 80s was named Laura. Yawn. It has become totally, totally colourless for me. I much prefer Lauren (which, I know, is the Laura of the 90s, but at least I didn't have to go to school with ten thousand of them).I also prefer the Italian pronunciation, Low-ra (first syllable rhymes with "Ow!", or, er, "Ciao"!) Much perkier than "LAU-ra, BOR-ing, YAWn".
This is my name and I love it. During elementary and middle school I was the only Laura in my year. Now that I am in High School, there is only 1 other Laura. A good name because it is not to common, but it is not so unique that a child would be teased for it.
So cute. Fits all ages and is great compared to the current popular names.
This is my name and I hate it. I've always thought that it's really plain and old fashioned and wish I had a name that's more modern and/or unique.
Laura is such a beautiful classic name! And quite uncommon too!
Laura is a name that's sadly been losing popularity among the years but I'm sure it'll make a big comeback. Laura is classic yet modern, it's strong yet refined, and its meaning definitely couldn't be better!
I like this name for the fact that it is new but still has an old charm to it.
Too popular and boring. Spice it up a bit by pronouncing it luh-RAW. It gives it a sophisticated accent.
I like this name, as I should considering it's mine but am extremely annoyed when someone calls me Lauren (a nice name but not mine). Just reading over the previous comments I only just learned about Laura Jean being Reese Witherspoon's first two names. I find this extremely interesting considering those are my first and second names. Also my name is pronounced LO-ra but I really like LAW-ra better.Just for information. I live in eastern Canada and Laura is not a popular name at all so it's kinda more unique around here which I love!
I am a Laura myself, and I sort of feel that my name is rather plain. But I still like it! I am intelligent, with a quirky sense of humour which most people don't understand (unfortunately). I like how my name comes from something that is awarded to the victorius, because I can relate to that (I always try to do my best and come out on top)!
I think Lauren is too common a name.
Sometimes I like being called Laura, and other times I don't like it at all. I think it's because there are so many girls with the same name, but it's also quite a pretty name compared to others.
Laura is a nice name and all, but it is a bit boring, and I know so many Lauras that it has lost all individuality. I think it would be at its best teamed with another name to give it flair and originality, but alone it's not very interesting.
I think that Laura is a pretty name, it one of those semi-popular names that I really like. Also my sister is named Laura, and my best friend 3rd-6th grade was named Laura.
This is my friend's name, but she spells it Laurah. I like that spelling better because it is more unique.
Heck yeah it's an awesome name, not just because it's my name too, but just because... think about it. Laura can be preppy, as it can also be like hippie. It's such a feminine yet unfrilly name. I love it and I love how it can be so different LAH-ra, LAW-ra, LAO-ra rolling the r like in Spanish. It's awesome! ;)
I used to like this name a lot. Now, I think it's alright. Not my favorite, but a good, solid name that will serve a girl well her whole life.
Laura is such a pretty, feminine name, a real timeless classic. I just love this name.
My best friend is called Laura and I think that the name is becoming increasingly popular and common, but I love the way it sounds and that it gives my friend an identity almost! If I make sense!
My name is Laura and I was named after Laura Ingalls Wilder, which I think is neat. I've never had a problem with my name, and I still think it's not too common, I didn't run into another Laura really until high school.
My favorite female name. Simple, strong, not uncommon but also still unique and beautiful sounding. The few girls with this name I've known have all been wonderful people.
My mom's name is Laura, but it is spelled Lora! I like this spelling a lot! I think Laura should mean beautiful because all the Laura's I know are really pretty, including my Mom!
This is my mother's name, and she pronounces it LAW-ra, not LOR-uh. I love the way she pronounces it, and I think it is a lovely name.
My name is Laura. I have to admit, I do not like to be called Lori. I think my name is beautiful and I'd like people to use it and not a short form of it. It doesn't have the same feel about it. I think Laura is simple yet wonderfully rich and warm to say. It suits me.
I'm glad that I'm named Laura. There are many songs about Lauras and even a movie titled "Laura".
I really don't like this name. I think it's plain and extremely common. And it's very irritating that it rhymes with my name, Nora, which is much more unique, and whenever I say my name, people think I'm saying Laura.
I've always found this name a bit plain. I don't really like it because it's my name and I would have prefered something more unique. I think it's a great name on other people, it just doesn't suit me.
President George W. Bush's wife, Laura, truly deserves this beautiful name. It's very sophisticated and lady-like.
I love the name Laura. It's simple, yet very pretty.
I love this name. It is pretty, and simple. This is also the name of George W. Bush's wife, Laura Bush.
I love this name not only because it is mine, but because it sounds sophisticated, and it is not dated.

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