Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's not amazing but it's pretty good.
Leland is not really my style, as I like very few surname names, and I'm not crazy about this one, but still like it a bit. To me, it conjures up an image of someone rather elderly but I can see it feeling as a very trendy name to many people because the L sound is so trendy, as are surname names in general. I like a lot of L names but this one is a little too much with two L's being so close and makes for a bit lispy impression. So it's definitely not my cup of tea, as I said, and has its downsides, but it is decent and I can't say I seriously dislike it. It's an okay name.
It’s decent, but a bit surnamey.
I don't really like Leland, it sounds surname-y and rather stiff.
This name would be better without the 'd' at the end. Leland just sounds so old-fashioned. After watching Twin Peaks in 2007, I just couldn't imagine using this name or even Lelan, as it would remind me of the creepy Leland Palmer.
I like this name, it's diffrent. I like it better spelled Leeland.
There are better names for men but I like this one.

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