Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly, based on another ugly name (Eleanor), and it's the name of a laundry detergent in the UK.
A pretty and feminine name. Sounds very natural.
Lenore deserves a bit more recognition than it’s been getting. It’s a very pretty name.
It’s not bad, but it sounds like someone tried a little too hard to come up with a nickname.
Harsh and severe, and a bit boring and dated. I don't like it.
A very nice name.
Beautiful and mysterious.
The lost Lenore!
I think Lenore has a beautiful, flowing sound to it, and it has made more of an impression on me than “Lenora”. Lenore would make a good first or second name. As for nicknames, you could go by “Nora.”.
Lenore seems kind of dull to me. I prefer Lenora.
Quite sorry, Lenore!
Thanks a lot Emily, my name is Lenore, it's so nice to hear that mere mention of me will cause grating in your ears. People often horribly butcher my name. French call me Leo-nor which doesn't make any sense, Germans call me Len-or-eh which phonetically makes sense. In America most people assume that my name is really Lauren. Also, everyone who hears the name will think your parents are obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe. I was actually named for my Grandmother "Lenora". I sometimes use the Poe connection as a joking way of blaming my parents for my entry into the Goth scene.
Lenore sounds harsh and grating to me. The very mention of the name, to be entirely truthful, gives me a touch of a headache.
Lenore is dark, dramatic, and elegant, and I think much less old-fashioned than Eleanor. Still, I'm not sure how good of a first name it would make.
I'm positively enamored of Lenore -- I find it both sprightly and stately. ♥
It is such a pretty, mysterious, and melodic name.
I love this name, maybe even more than Eleanor. The problem I have is with nicknames. The only one I've heard of is Lee and I don't like that, so I suppose that I would use Eleanor nicknames instead. I think of a woman elegant in both background and nature. I would want to be thought of in that way. Some think that the name alludes to death and depression, but I think of calm when I read that poem. Lenore is a truly lovely name.
I can think of lots of nicknames. For instance, Lennie, Lena, Leno, Nor, Nori, Nora, Lori, Lora, Lor… Yes, some of those are also nicknames for Eleanor, but I think that's okay.
Maybe it's the connotation it's gotten with the poem, but I always think of a beautiful, tragic, serious person when I think of a Lenore. Definitely a pretty name, though.
Love this name. Very melodious and mysterious.

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