Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Leo is a classic and timeless name with a lot of charm. It's short, simple, and easy to pronounce, which makes it quite versatile. Additionally, Leo has a regal quality to it, evoking images of strength and leadership due to its association with lions. Overall, it's a great choice for a name!
Personally I prefer it as a boyish nickname for names like Leopold or Leonard. But if I had a son born end of July or August under the sign of Leo the lion I’d totally use it.
When it was borne by 13 popes, 6 emperors, and 5 kings, you know it's good.
Hi, my name is Leo! Despite being called Leo, I am NOT born on the Leo zodiac sign. The Leo zodiac lies on the dates July 23rd to August 22nd. know said this several times, but my birthday is May 15th, which makes my zodiac sign... Taurus the Bull. Taurus lies on the dates April 20th to May 20th. I was one of those people on the Taurus Bandwagon. man... If I was born on the Leo zodiac AND in the month of August, I would have been SO COOL!
Or… I could have even been called Leon and that would be okay.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Enough with the zodiac bias, I’m super happy to see my name, Leo, becoming SUPER popular again after being vintage and niche, even ranking #3 most popular boy name in New Zealand in 2022, Australia in 2022 and Scotland in 2021 and 2022 and #6 most popular boy name in the England and Wales as of 2021—Just shy of the top 5, which that #5 spot goes to Muhammad.’s honestly surreal! And there are people praising how cool and stylish my name is!
Leo has been a male given name throughout history. On its own it sounds very masculine but also makes a great nickname for Leonardo and Leonard. Leo is a good name for a guy but if you use for a girl everyone will assume she’s a boy. Leona or Leola would be a way better choice. Every girl I know that has a masculine name absolutely hates the confusion!
Leo is literally my favourite name ever! If I had to change my name to anything, it would be Leo. It is mainly a boy's name, but I think it would be wonderful on a girl, too. I have a few reasons for liking this name. 1. Leo Valdez! He is literally one of the best characters in HOO. (Second to Percy, of course.) He is also very funny and inventive. 2. It is my Zodiac sign, therefore it holds a special meaning to me. 3. It would be so unique as a girls name! I have never heard of a girl named Leo, but I think it would be really cool!
I personally think that Leo is a name of impeccable appearance and gravitas that ages well into the elderly stage of human life. An additional bonus, at least in my humble opinion, would be that Leo is a very easy name to spell for any small child. Therefore, I would take this exceptional name any day over others for a future son. Cheers!
Seems childish compared to Leon, Lionel etc. I can't imagine a Leo older than 10.
This is my favorite male name. Simple, no frills, but not boring like "Tim" or "Joe". It carries the light, strength, and courage of a lion. Reminds me of a very handsome man with a long blond mane of hair. He's confident, kind, extroverted, and full of natural boundless energy. Others are drawn to his light. This would also be a really good name for a cat, particularly a longhaired Maine Coon.
A few years ago, maybe five or six, there was an article published on some random online magazine that contained an article that was in regards to the subject of names that are intergenerational. The basis for the findings of the article's research pertained to the SSN data that was collected from the early 1900s all the way to the then present. Long story short, Leo was the top boy name that had a long consistency of being used regardless of the decade the individual named Leo was born in. Overall, I like Leo as it is uniquely short, easy to spell and has a timeless quality to it that crosses the barriers of succeeding generations.
Simply gorgeous and gorgeous simple. Very popular right now, but I love it! It means lion which is adorable.
My cat's name, I can't think of it as a human name but it's a good nickname for Leonardo or Lionel.
I love the name Leo. It's so handsome & actually an older name that's making a HUGE Comeback. I prefer the simple Leo name over any other variation of Leo. I love the nickname Lee.
My future son's name! (If I ever have a son) I don't know why, but I love this name so much. I love that it is short but powerful and strong.Leon, Lionel could be longer versions of this name.
Cool middle name!
This name really fits any age! Therefore I love it!
Anyone named Leo has a very dignified flare.
Too short, but handsome and masculine. I like it as both a nickname (for Leonard) and real name. Here in the country where I live, we follow the German pronunciation. Leo and Lea(h) will also be perfect names for opposite-gender twins.
Short and sweet but very strong at the same time. It is a punchy little name that is full of personality.
I love this name! It reminds me of my favorite character from Heroes of Olympus, Leo Valdez.
My sister used this name last year for her son and I think it goes well with my other nephew's name, Zane. Very handsome, short names.
I really like the name Leo for a dog. Specifically for a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd. I think the name would suit a cat too.
It's a decent name. Like others have said, it's the only zodiac sign name that is actually decent. It's nothing eye-catching, but it's not terrible either.I wouldn't name my son this, but I wouldn't go around calling people who did decide to call him that stupid for choosing it.
My cousin is named Leo Nicolas and he is the cutest baby ever. *he is NOT a Leo, but his sister is.. he is really cute as a Leo though.* I personally love the name. He has two siblings, a big brother named Ryatt James, and a big sister named Brynn Olivia❤❤❤❤ Ryatt, Brynn, and Leo go wonderfully together in my mind.
I like Leola but I dislike Leo due to the astrological association!
It's okay. Definitely the only zodiac name that actually sounds like a name.
Nothing much to say. Just boring name. Boring!
Stupid American name. Short and sad. Pathetic name. And ugly sounding.
I don't like it. It's a self-centered astrological sign.
Simple and cute.
My daughter is called Leo. Pretty rare I think, but most people really like it once they let it settle. Leo Zuri Ré. Our beautiful lioness, I think it’s a gorgeous (albeit not obvious) strong name for a woman.
The cutest boys in the world are named Leo! This is not a biased opinion, it is the truth I swear. Every single Leo I have met has been cute.
I have three Leo's in my family. Two aren't with us anymore, one is 40. He's a very fun cousin.
Leo is a great name. It's short and strong. I still prefer it as a nickname for Leonard, Leonardo, or Leopold.
I'm a boy whose name is Lauren and I prefer to be called Leo, but that doesn't mean I hate my name. No, I actually like it a lot, but still I just find Leo more suiting.
I think twins Leo and Mia make a good sibset :)
Don't like it at all. Sounds like the name of a small child and could not imagine it aging well. I much prefer Leon.
This is a short and cool name that always sounds fresh with timelessness. :)
Great-sounding, and it means lion. This one is a keeper.
Simple and strong.
This name is fantastic. It's masculine but slightly tender. It's a simple and cute name. I've wanted to be called this since I was seven years old, when I asked my mom why she didn't name me that. At the time I didn't know what transgender meant or that I could ever be Leo. But now that's who I am.
The acronym LEO for a law enforcement officer ruined it for me.
I like the name, it is very beautiful, it makes the name feel strong and adventurous. That´s why I´m naming my kitten Leo! I love the name. I don´t get why some of you don´t like it.
Short and to the point. I love this name, I’m jealous of all you Leos out there! ;)
Leo is my boyfriend's name. I really like it, it's short and sweet and I think it sounds good with my name, which is a little longer and more fancy. Another good thing about Leo is that it's so short (almost a shortening in and of itself) so nobody can turn it into something annoying, which people do a lot with my name. My boyfriend is very small so we have an inside joke that his name is short for "Napoleon".
Simple and classy. The meaning lion is also super cool.
I think Leo is a great name. It's very short, but manages to contain a lot of strength and character with only three letters. The meaning "lion" is cool too. Personally, I like the combo Leo Alexander.
I like it, but unfortunately it is used too much as a nickname for names that start with Leo-.
A lot of people would think it's short for something else.
I love the name Leo. I think it’s very interesting and a strong boys name for being only 3 letters long. I also love the zodiac reference! It is also a family name to me personally which makes me love it even more! I love the nickname Lee.
It's a nice name, but I would prefer this to be a nickname for a name like Leonard, Leonardo, or Leon.
I like names that have cool or interesting nicknames that you can use if you would prefer.
With a name like Leonardo, you have a cool name you can use, as well as a cool nickname to use.
I really like this name. It's short enough to be easy to say, but not boring, and whenever you can put two vowels next to each other without it looking like the word Gaelic, that's a good thing.
I chose Leo to be my name when I transitioned from female to male~ I love the name and it really connects me to my childhood, my favorite movies and animals, and my beautiful girlfriend Lianna.
I also chose Leo as my masculine name while transitioning. Strong, yet soft and very masculine. I love it, my family and friends love it, and they all say it suits me very well.
I only like it as a nickname for Leonardo or something like that. But as a name on its own it can get kinda boring.
The name Leo is VERY classy and handsome! I'm DEFINITELY considering using this beauty of a name! You can't deny that the meaning "lion" is bloody fantastic! ;-)
Leo has everything- it's simple, it's strong, it's vintage, and it's adorable. I absolutely love this name ♡. We are considering naming our son Leo =)
This name is absolutely adorable, but it seems like it's getting trendy. I hope it doesn't become too popular, it's a great name but sometimes names get ruined by becoming too common!
I like Leo as a full name, Leonard is kind of ugly to me. Leonardo isn't that bad though.
Simple, nice boys name.
This is such a cool name; timeless, too! It'd be really cool to give this name to a son born under the Leo zodiac.
... Though in this day and age, with all the little Liams running around, you'd have to put extra emphasis on the 'o' when calling for your kid on the playground.
I am warming up to the name Leo. Before falling asleep last night, I thought it would be such a cute little family of mine to have a little daughter Anna, and a baby Leo. So I like that combination now! And when I woke up, it occurred to me Leo Tolstoy wrote 'Anna Karenina'. Still, Anna and Leo make a cute sibset!
I like it, when it's pronounced LEH-o.
I'm bringing Leo back for a girl. I'm kidding! But it's kind of awesome, even late 19th and early 20th Century Americans used male names for females. Our generation didn't start it.
I like the name Leo. I always think of a sunset when I see this name.
I don't care for this name. I prefer Leon. It's too common and people seem to think of it as a nickname, when in fact it's a given name. If you like it that much, just use Leo on its own.
I also like Leo as a girls' name - like, for instance, as a short form of Leona or Leonie. I think it would suit a brave, strong, determined girl just as much as it would suit a boy.
By far, this is the most widely-accepted of the zodiac-sign names. But I wouldn't use it myself; I find it too common. That aside, it's not bad.
I love the name Leo. It sounds modern to me, not overused, and it has the same feeling as the name Jack.
I really like this name! It sounds very masculine. But if I was given a name like Leonora, I'd probably use Leo as a girl name.

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