Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hi my name's Liv and honestly I love the name I personally think I'm a stubborn person, but others may say that I'm a loyal and kind person. But I mean there are two things I hate annoying teachers and people that say "wait does your name stand for Olive?" I say as calmly I as I can nope. But it's a pain when people say that.
In my book there is a girl from Norway named Liv Norman. I love this name!
I love this name! Short and unique. It's not short for anything.
My name is Liv (pronounced LIV) and I absolutely love it. I think that the name Olivia is tired. When I was younger I didn't like my name, but I think that was because I had only heard of Olivias... and I didn't know of anyone else named Liv. Once I got to an age where children start to discover interests and their own personality, I realized that this classic and beautiful Scandinavian name was perfect for me. My family is Scandinavian and my parents named me Liv with love, and with hopes that I would love it too. I feel bad that I didn't sooner realize that the name I was given was unique with a beautiful meaning. I get SO many compliments that remind how lucky I am. If you are considering naming your daughter Liv, please know that the common warning "she will be asked if her name is Olivia EVERYDAY!" is simply not an issue. I am almost never asked that. As I move through my life and the name Liv becomes more popular and known, I am asked less and less. Liv is not only a nickname, and like all names, others have no right to ridicule names given to a human being by their parents. Parents often search extremely long to find the perfect name for their child and it isn't fair to share unkind and unwanted opinions. So, whether you are thinking of using this name for your daughter or are just curious, please take my experience with the name Liv into consideration.
I absolutely adore this name. I have been drawn to it for 20+ years! I see it as classy, beautiful, simple and sweet. I have given it to my daughter as her middle name and it's what she goes by. My family has Swedish lineage, but we are Canadian and speak English. I can see where people are coming from when they insist that Liv be pronounced the way it would be in Sweden, but I hope they could consider seeing it in another way. Think of it like this: there are names that originate from certain languages, but depending on where that name is being used/said, it could be pronounced in a number of ways. This doesn't make it any less of a name, or a name used with any disrespect. For instance, take Estella, it sounds so different depending on whether an English, Spanish or French speaking person pronounces it. Another example, take the name Louis - there are two pronunciations of this name - LOU-ee (silent s) or Louis (LEW-is). In French-speaking countries, the former is predominant, while in North America it can be both. In North America everyone calls famous bearers Liv Ullman and Liv Tyler by pronouncing them as "Liv" not as "Leev". There's also a cute Disney sitcom called, "Liv and Maddie" where the characters are twin girls and I don't believe the girl Liv is short for anything since she is only ever referred to as just Liv. I hope my daughter finds ease with the pronunciation of her beautiful, simple, classic name, Liv :)
I love this! It's nice as a nickname for Olivia, Livia, Liviana, etc., but I prefer it on its own.
Love the name, and the meaning is short and sweet. I hate it as a nickname for Olivia though. I may use this for a daughter but if I have a son I would call him Oliver. Liv and Oliver are too alike for me so I maybe I won't use Liv. But I love this for a story character. And I like it on its own.
I like this as a name in its own right with the pronunciation given, but I also like it as a nickname, pronounced like the 'Liv' in Olivia. I'm writing a story in which there is a character called Deliverance, and she hates her name so she calls herself Liv.
It reminds me of "liver" (which I hate, by the way).
I dislike this name in both Swedish and English usage. In Swedish usage, it sounds somewhat strange and sentimental in a bad way, as it means 'life'. In English usage, it's far too minimalist, and sounds like it must be short for Olivia.
I like this name despite some teasing and mispronunciation the child might experience in anglophone countries as in "Leave, Liv!" or thinking it's short for Olivia.
I don't like this as nickname for Olivia but that's just because I don't like that name. I got to know this name because of actress Liv Tyler and at first I didn't really care for it but it has grown on me. I might use it for a daughter later.
I love the name Liv! It should be pronounced (Live) not like live television but more like living without the ing. I personally think it is a beautiful name. Some people think that Liv should be short for Olivia, but I don't. It's the name of a girl who is alive. It reminds me of a girl who is free and lives every day like it's her last. Liv is one of my favorite names. Plus, Liv Tyler is a wonderful actress and holds the name with pride.
I think this name is pretty, but not one of my favourites. I pronounce it 'LIV' as in, That story will live on and on in my heart.
Just really hate this name. I think it's really ugly. :( And I don't pronounce it "Leev"!

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