Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Although it does sound pretty feminine, it's such a nice boy's name. There have been a ton of masculine girl names for years at this point, so having a boy named Luka isn't bad. And honestly, I prefer Luka over Luke as well.
I've always known it as a girl's name in Japan, so it's a girl's name for me. Similar thing with Remi and Yuri.
Like it better as a girl's name. Has a strong sound and a sort of masculine edge, but I think it works well for a girl. Very strong name.
I hate this name and don’t understand why it’s trendy not just in the US, but several European countries as well.
I don't get why people are so up in arms about Luka being used as a girl's name. In my opinion it can totally work as both. I know Luka as a masculine name from the Suzanne Vega song, and I know it as a girl's name from the Vocaloid Megurine Luka (though it's technically meant to be Ruka since the letter L doesn't exist in the Japanese language, but whatever). I think this name sounds amazing no matter which gender it's used for!
I love the name Luka... for a BOY. Not every name that is used for boys needs to be used for girls.
Even though it means "blood" in my language (which is obviously unable to be used), I still like this name because of the Croatian footballer Luka Modrić. The Vocaloid association is just misleading; "L" does not exist in Japanese so Megurine Luka's name is supposed to be pronounced/spelled "Ruka". However, I wish the masculine rating would increase. It is a variant of Lucas/Lukas, and an "a" ending does not necessarily make it feminine. Use Lucia or Lucy instead for a girl!
Nice name. Exclusively masculine in my opinion. I don’t care for it on a girl.
Personally this is the best spelling for this name because then you could go with Luke easily as a nickname.
Why are the comments so mad that it can be used on a girl...if you don't want to name your girl Luka then don't, just let people do what they want. It's not even that outrageous of a name - it's not like they're naming her John or Stephen or some other super boyish name. Luka to me doesn't sound inherently male or female, I think it works for both.
Love for boys!
Luka is for boys and for girls. Hooverphonic's old singer was a girl and her name was Luka (Luka Cruysberghs)!
Guys. STOP SAYING THAT "Girls should only have GIRL NAMES" Bruh this doesn't make any sense xD, I have a boy name and I don't care...
This is NOT a girl's name. Just because you think it sounds feminine doesn’t mean it is. Please, do not ever name your baby girl this. It sounds perfect on a boy though. I think it could work for non-binary too, though :)
Ewww. Why name your kid Luka (which sounds way too feminine) when you can name him Luke?
While it's used as a masculine name in many countries, it's still often used as a unisex name, and it's a name used by nonbinary people for that reason. I think labeling it solely as masculine is a little misleading because of that. I feel like a better labeling would be masculine and unisex.
Nevermind, I see Luka as a 100% masculine name.
I like this name a lot but it is popular in so many countries. I like the spelling Luca too but Luka looks more complete.
Nice name for a boy. Could work for a girl, but to me, it's more of a boy's name.
I think it is 100% masculine.
I love Luka or Luca as a girl's name.
I'm tired of people using male names on females. Just because you think a name sounds feminine doesn't mean it is. Luka isn't a feminine or unisex name. It's only a male name and I hope it stays that way.
Beautiful girl's name!
Luka is a nice, gentle-sounding name. Although it sounds youthful in my opinion. Where I am from (Russia) the usage is completely masculine. I am not sure why the majority voted it as feminine.
I think this is a lovely name, however, it reminds me of "leukemia".
I had always thought of Luka as a feminine name, thanks to the female Vocaloid Luka Megurine. That being said, I think it would be a good name for either gender.
It's a nice unisex name, simple and not overused.
This name is number in Croatia for years now. I like it, that's all. I don't love it, but neither hate it.
I think it`s a beautiful name and it`s also great for a girl. It sounds both feminine and masculine.
Bright, masculine name for a boy, right here.
Luka is my brother's name and I just love it. It's nice how it sounds modern and it's actually a Biblical name.
I feel that Luka is a version of Luke, however it is not strictly masculine. I am a girl and my name is actually Luka. Spelled the same and everything.

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