Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Like this name a lot. I like it as a nickname for Luca or Lucas and also as a full name.
I absolutely love this name! It's always been my favorite name for a boy, and I love its meaning, "bringer of light". I've always considered it to be a timeless, dignified, yet down-to-earth name, if that makes sense. Additionally, as a Christian, I love the name's connection to the Gospel of Luke in the Bible.
You literally can’t go wrong with this name. It’s a total classic. Short, strong and biblical. There are a lot of men my age with this name including my boyfriend, I think possibly because of Star Wars, but I still love it.
I love the name Luke it just looks so cute and short. There's nothing bad about it :D.
I really like the name Luke. I like all of the versions too, like: Luca, Luka, Lucas, Lukas, and others. I have a friend named Lukas and I call him Luke for short. People say that this is a very common name but I have never met a Luke and only 1 Lucas and 1 Lukas. So if I had to choose any boy name, one choice would definitely be Luke.
Even though this is my brother's name, I don't particularly like it. It is WAY too popular where I live (There were hundreds at my old school) and I am not keen on the sound of it. Luke Skywalker also isn't that good of an association.
I love people named Luke it's a simple, powerful and strong name. There is a person named Luke that I love he's caring and wonderful people I've met with that name never disappoint me. It's a beautiful name and it's not a joke because it was a character in Star Wars.
Looks ugly and I don't care for the pronunciation or its connotations. I prefer Luca.
My name is Luke and I LOVE it! It might just be my #1 favorite name of all time! It also reminds me of Star Wars!
Luke is a great name.
Luke is kinda similar to Lucian for some reason, I like it, and it's nice.
I like this name, but it makes me think of that stupid movie Star Wars and Star Wars is TRASH.
Luke is the best most strong name.
I love the name ❤️ .
All Lukes are strong and handsome.
I love people named Luke
They are so smart and handsome and strong and sexy.
This name is traaaaaaaaaaaaash.
I have always liked the name Luke because I think it sounds handsome. I know a little boy with this name. However, I don't think it's timeless. The other variant (Lucas, Lukas, Luca, and Luka) are as great as this one. If I name my future son Lucas or Lukas, I would use this as a nickname.
Too short and too plain.
Luke is one of my favorite names, I absolutely love it. I love the meaning (“light”) and its biblical association. Also, I think it would suit any age beautifully, which is sometimes hard to find in a name.
Overall, I think the name Luke is gorgeous.
I dislike the name Luke. In this essay I will be dissecting why. To begin, the L. This disgusts me. I vomit and dedicate immediately upon hearing this vowel. Next, the u. 0/10 vowel. Looks like the bowl which I store my vomit in after hearing the L. Literally just a worse o, with less surface area and a flatter sounding vowel sound. One of if not my least favorite name. The C immediately gives me a migraine. I must remember to take painkillers to numb the horrible sensation of this godforsaken name. What just god would allow such a horrendous combination of noise. By the letter k I am hallucinating out of stress, and by e I am struggling not to end my own worthless existence and succumb to the nothingness of death, simply so that I need not hear these putrid sounds through my ears. By the end of the name I am sitting in my own feces and vomit, clutching my head in raw agony unknown of many men throughout the eras. One of these days it will be my last. I only hope that I may go in peace, but alas I know too much to fall gently into the void.
I like it, though generally I prefer Luca or Luka.
Not bad. It's better than Lucas, at least.
My son is named Lucas, called Luke frequently. It's a great name! Classic and has never been a source of derision from classmates. We debated on both versions, but ultimately went with Luke as a nickname because it didn't pair well with his middle name unless his first name is Lucas (and his middle name is for my husband's grandfather, so we didn't want to change it). He's a teenager now and it's a name that was great as a child and has grown with him to impending adulthood.
I hate this and all its variants.
My name is Luke and my name is nice and simple and easy to spell.
Inoffensive and classic.
Not as good as Lucas but still not bad.
Lucas is much better.
Luke is about my least favorite name. I don't like Luke, Lukas, or Lucas.
Luke has a strong, masculine and timeless sound to it even though all the Luke's I know are in their late teens and early 20s. I Like how it is reliable and not too rare, but not too common, especially compared to its Gospel counterparts. This also seems more formal compared to Lucas which sounds a tad bit childish (even though I actually like Lucas).
Luke is so much better than Luca/Luka or Lucas. I loved the character Luke Castellan in the Percy Jackson series.
I am an EXTREMELY HOT specimen. All the women I know love people called Luke. Luke is not a stripper name. Did you know I have three (3) degrees? Jesus endorsed Luke. Just sayin'. My son's name is "Luke Jr." At home, we call him Lil Luke but my wife and I worry he might get influenced into wanting to become one of those rappers.
Fulfilling, so much stronger and better than Lucas/Lukas.
I really like this name and if I have a son I will name him Luke.
Luke is literally the best name ever and I feel like it is a name that is smart, kind, and very very handsome!
Luke is the BEST name.
Personally, I think the best reason to use this name would be due to Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. See, I've been a longtime fan of the Expanded Universe, and I've always admired and idolized the Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, so I kind of acquaint this name with the name Albus, as I find Albus Dumbledore equally as admirable as Luke Skywalker. Also, I've heard this name also means "light," and I like that sound.
My sweet boyfriend's name.. I used to hate it but I love it now. Sounds very gentle and nice.
My name is ALEXIS LUKE. I like it.
My friend's name! It's fairly common, but I think of a good looking guy when I think of this name.
Pretty good name.
I don't know why, but this seems like more of a nickname to me, even though that's not the case. Don't care for it.
I used to not really like this name, due to it being extremely boring, but have grown a bit more fond of it after reading Margaret Peterson Haddix's "Shadow Children" novels, as Luke was the main character of that series. Still, despite this new positive association, I find it to be a dull name.
Luke is my absolute favorite boy name! I never realized how nice a name it was until I recently re-watched the Star Wars movies in preparation for the new one (no, I don't JUST like it because of Luke Skywalker, but that's not a bad association!). If I have a son, this will definitely be his name.
If I were my parents I would've gave myself Lucas, Luca, Luka or Lukas not Luke! But maybe to other people it's a great name. Reasons I don't like it- it reminds me of Mucus, Puke and the scientific word for white blood cells and also the usage of it in Star Wars!
Love it because it's strong and Biblical. Never a problem with bullying in school -- nobody ever bullies a Luke! Works great with any surname of more than one syllable.
It's a simple short name but there's just something catchy and sexy about it... when I hear the name, I expect a hot, gentle, sophisticated young man.
I don't really like this name. To me it sounds very similar to Puke or Mucus or Leukocyte (White blood Cells)... some kind of bodily secretion. Not attractive sounding.
I LOVE this name! It is such a strong, timeless and handsome name in my opinion. I think of a sweet good-looking guy when I hear it.
This is my very favorite man's name. I've known a couple people named Lucas who use Luke as a nickname, which is nice too, but I much prefer Luke as a given name. No good nicknames for it, but it doesn't need any!
I like this as a nickname for Lucas, even though for some reason Luke has always been more popular as a given name than Lucas... I like the sound of it, it's just really hard to imagine an older man named Luke!
I have the strangest obsession with this name.
Luke/Lukas is one of my favorite boys name ever. It can so easily fit a little boy, a businessman, and a male model.
"Luke, I am you're father." That's all I think of when I hear this.
I really like the name because it's short and sweet and it is kind of romantic too.
My favorite name! So handsome.
This name is very handsome and masculine.
Personally, when I think of this, I picture the dog Luke from Neopets. Not to be rude. I prefer Lucas!
This name is very beautiful, s'all I can really say, lol. Doesn't have a very interesting meaning though, sadly.
I quite like this name. I have a new cousin with this as his middle name, and his first name is Dominic. I'm not sure they really go together, but separatly they're fine. I noticed someone said it was common in England, that's where my extended family lives (including my cousin).
My younger brother is called Luke, and I plan to name a son, if I have one, after him. I like the name on its own merit, besides: it's simple, not too common and has a nice sound to it. ^^
Sorry to say this, but the name Luke reminds me of leukaemia.
I think Luke is a very sweet but strong name.
This is my cousin's name. It's okay. It's not my favorite name, but I don't hate it either. However, it is starting to get very common these days.
Lately I've just been really into this name. I think it's adorable for a little boy.
I think this is a very gentle kind of name to give to a boy, I used to know a boy named Luke he was a really nice boy.
Luke is a great name for a boy. I picture a rugged, handsome, gentle and kind person.
I find my name, Luke, to be a nice name. I believe that all of the meanings of the name have come out in me. As for the Luke Skywalker thing, it isn't as bad as many people think it is.
Great name. I like the fact you cannot shorten it.
Luke's a very weird name.

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