Despite Lyn technically doesn't really go along with my overall naming style, I do like this name, whether it's spelt Lyn, Lynn or Lynne. I wouldn't really use it though because I guess it's quite dated as a first name. On the other hand though, it's typically overused as a middle. I think it could be a nice nickname for something more fresh that ends with or contains -Lyn-. I guess my favourite form is Lynne, but I do like Lynn and Lyn as well.
Christy-Lyn Marais is a South African harpist.
Lyn is definitely not your typical Polish name, nevertheless, as of January this year, there have been 11 women with the first name Lyn in Poland, and 30 women with Lyn as their middle name. A Lyn could probably celebrate her name day with any name that contains -lin-.
Can also be short for Ashlyn (my name).
Personally, I prefer the spelling of Lynn and Lynne. It would be nice if wanted a name with three letters, though! It’s short and sweet regardless of my preference.
This means "lightning" in Danish, as in the context with the weather phenomenon "thunder and lightning."
Lyn Lapid is a 17-year-old singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
My girlfriend is a trans woman and chose this name. I absolutely love it and it fits her very well.
Boring and incomplete.
This name along with Lee, Dawn, Kay, Ann, and Marie were the overused middle names of the 70’s.
Lyn is a character in the game Fire Emblem: the Blazing Blade.
Lyn St James, the race car driver (it was short for Evelyn in her case I think - Lyn is definitely snappier than Evelyn so I see why she went with it). Makes the name seem bold.
Also a masculine name, as in the case of victim Lyn Saunders (
Lyn is a nice name for women aged 40+. I'd much rather call my child Evelyn so I could call her Evie when she was younger, and Lyn as an adult.
An alright name but definitely overused, specifically as a middle name. And I should know since my middle name is this. When I was much younger, I assumed that my middle name was spelled this way. I would always spell it with on 'N' until it was pointed out to me that mine was actually spelled as Lynn with 2 'N's Lynn\Lynn or whatever spelling. Stop using it as a middle name! If I could, I'd change my middle name. I'd pick something that wasn't such an obnoxious filler.
I'm honestly sick of seeing this name. It needs to be given a LONG rest.
This is the middle name of the late rock singer, Janis Joplin.
My favorite spelling of the name. "Lynn" seems boring and "Lynne" is just overkill.
This can also be a nickname for masculine names beginning with or ending with "Lyn."
I prefer this spelling over any of the others, like Lynn. I am not a big fan of this name as a first name - it is too short, it doesn't have nicknames or variants - but I love this as a middle name, since it goes along with almost any female first name.
Lyn is the Norwegian word for "lightning".
This makes a great middle name. Much better than Lynn. I think the double N is way too much.
I've also seen this used as a short form of Carolyn.
Lynlee is also very pretty.
Lyn Cote is a Christian author.

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