Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is sexy, I wouldn’t mind having this name myself.
This is my name! I love it so much, and Adventure Time being my favorite show, BRUHHHHH :)
The association has no problem! The character is like the coolest and fan favorite character; I'm pretty sure having this name won't make u teased as "Marceline the vampire queen" because I'd think it as a compliment of chillness lol.
I find this name pretty nice, and the Adventure Time association will die out.
I don't think the Adventure Time association is anything to worry about. Most people (that I know) that have seen the show enjoy it. The character Marceline is awesome! She might actually be my favorite.
Unpopular opinion, I think Marceline is gonna become more popular. Probably wouldn't make it in the top 100, but I see it somewhere in the top 500 pretty soon.
This is a very unusual yet elegant name. I don't think of Adventure Time when I hear it.
The Marceline association isn't going to be a problem for a very long time since the Adventure Time will become less and less relevant with time, plus people who don't watch Adventure Time have probably never even heard of the character. It is a very sweet name and I'm surprised it isn't more popular.
Makes me think of Adventure Time of course, so I might consider using this name... it ain't half bad!
My middle name is Marceline. I adore the name and will absolutely name one of my kids it.
Absolutely gorgeous! It also flows nicely with many different middle names.
Can't help but think of Adventure Time. Sorry.
This name reminds me of marzipan and vaseline!
I like the Marcheline spelling best as well. I think it would be easier for people to pronounce.
This name is overly beautiful. Marcheline is my favorite spelling of the name.
I think this a pretty name, but I like seeing it spelled like Marcheline instead.

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