Mary Jane Owen (1929-2019) was a disability rights activist, philosopher, policy expert and writer who lived and worked in Washington, D.C. from 1979 - 2019.
I actually like it better when it means weed. I find it charming.
Such a cool and vintage name, it makes me think of a badass girl.
I love Mary Jane. It's such a beautiful vintage name and so cool!By the way, I think Mary Jane as a slang term for marijuana is rather outdated. I don't think many people use it these days.
Why does it have to be a weed slang? Like if you're gonna get some weed, just call it weed.
It's an old fashioned name that means marijuana.
It’s quite the nice name. I don’t really mind that it’s slang for weed.
It's pretty, but I prefer its nickname MJ.
Mary Jane would be a nice name if it weren't slang for weed.
It is slang for weed. Also, Spiderman's babe and a minor character in a Scooby Doo movie, I think.
Mary Jane Holland is a song by Lady Gaga.
Mary Jane Watson is Spider-Man’s love interest and wife.

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