Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Honestly, not a bad name when you really think about it. It doesn't sound too much like a name because of who it's associated with though. It's kind of hard to believe this was such a popular name back in the day, but I can understand why. It only sounds cutesy because of the association with a children's character. I say, bring back Minnie!
Love this name! I don’t associate it with Minnie Mouse when I first hear it, I think of the Victorian era. I think it’s better as a nickname but it’s still cute!
I don’t think of Minnie Mouse. I think it’s too cutesy for a full name, but I love this as a nickname for Wilhelmina or Hermina.
I have two words for you: Minnie. Mouse.
If the association wasn't as strong, then this name would be the best nickname for Wilhelmina!
Um no. You say Minnie, you hear mouse.
Too cutesy in my opinion. Also don't like the association to Minnie Mouse.
It's okay, but too cutesy for my taste.
I like it as a nickname.
My daughter Carmen (8YO) has this as a family nickname and being a former Minnie Mouse fan she loves it!
I wouldn’t use it as a full name because it doesn’t age very well.
Innie, Minnie, Miny, moe.
Minnie is so cute, I would never use it as a first name type deal. I do love this for a nickname for Yasmin. It's so adorable and sweet.
I love the name Minnie. It's a classic name but also rare amongst people now. Which is a shame in some ways because of its simple beauty.
Minnie is a wonderful, cute, pretty vintage name! ^_^ Imagine meeting siblings called Minnie and Winnie? Aww! ^___^
Minnie is such a cute name! It's got an old fashioned feel to it, which I love, and works well for all ages, I should think.
A cute little name. :) It's a little short though and sounds kind of cute-sy. Sort of like what you would name a pet. But a good nickname!
This, somehow, has turned into a nickname that my friends and family have given me. I'm a skinny person, so people will call me 'Skinny Minnie'. Ugh. The name itself is very pretty, but to me, it's simply a despised nickname. Which is weird since my name is Sierra. How do you get Minnie out of that? :)
I love Minnie! I think Minnie could be used as a full name. It's very cutesy but in a good way.
Cute! (:
This sounds way too infantile to be a legal name.
It sounds like a cat's name.
Minnie is such a lovely underused name, a real classic. My daughter's name is Madeleine Ruth but we call her Minnie, and I love it!
Where I come from, Mini means small, like a Mini car, so I wouldn't name my kid this. Second of all, Minnie Mouse.
This was my grandmother's name and she was wonderful, so I love it. To me, it is sad that this name has completely fallen out of use. Of course, I'm sure parents avoid it because of the Minnie Mouse factor.

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