Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Mireille is a beautiful name; the spelling, the pronunciation, the uniqueness, the French charm, and everything else about it is just gorgeous.
Eccentric, complex, and extravagant; yet a beautiful name. I love the meaning.
What an epic name.
This is such a cool name but I feel like a lot of people would mispronounce it, although the actual pronunciation is lovely.
Pretty. If I lived in France or Germany I could name my kid this.
Simply beautiful! I've never seen this name before.
It is a wonderful name! It's rare, indeed. My name is Mirela, the Romanian form and back in the day I was so avid about finding out what it meant and I asked one of my high school teachers about it and she said: "It comes from mirar, the French word for the English to admire. It also means the marvelous one."
I've lived in France for the better part of a decade and have never once met a Mireille. It could be that its origins in Provence make it a 'peasant' name, equivalent to the American 'redneck', so any name that originates there will NOT be fashionable here in Paris.
What loveliness.
This is pretty without being frilly. I love it.
I live in the US and my name is also Mirelle. When I was born my parents named me after a French singer named Mireille. When I was about seven they changed it to Mirelle because it was easier for people to pronounce.

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