Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Definitely too pretentious and over-the-top for a real child, plus it's too heavily associated with Bonaparte.
Too associated with Napoleon Bonaparte.
I kinda like it, but I would use it on a pet or as a second name.
I genuinely love this name, but I’d never use it because there are way too many associations. It would be okay on a pet?
Although it sounds nice, it's maybe a little too...ostentatious?
I like the etymology comments, some interesting possibilities there. Being totally uneducated on the matter, I’d assumed the name meant ‘Lion of Naples’. In relation to N’ Bonaparte, I'd always assumed, being somewhat wealthy, his parents (even though they lived on the coast) decided to summer in beautiful Napoli. Under the thrall of Neapolitan magic they did the Boom-Boom then nine months later back in Corsica out pops young Neo, a screaming bundle of noisy energy and called him Lion of Naples.
Too associated with the historical figure.
My name is William Napoleon S. I love my middle name and am so in love with it. It makes me feel unique and special.
While I think this is a bad real name for a child, especially outside of France, it's a cute nickname I use for my boyfriend whose name is Leo and who is very short, five foot tall. We sure got a laugh at Versailles...
Leon is a better name. Napoleon, Cleopatra and Charlemagne should all be relegated to names for pets and human historical figures.
A perfect name for a class clown.
A very royal name. A good nickname would be Nap.
Napoleon is a name that could definitely be used for a fiery and determined child with great ambitions, just as Bonaparte was. But there is the problem that Napoleon is seen as a midget tyrant (he was actually slightly taller than the average Frenchman) and that the hand-in-waistcoat gesture might be used to tease the little guy. But I think that a Napoleon wouldn't necessarily let that go off easily, and then he will be respected.Nicknames include Leo, Leon, Bonaparte, Nabulio, etc.
The name Napoleon... It immediately shouts "RARE" to me. And rare isn't too bad.Besides, the name has several noteworthy namesakes, the Corsican-French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte being a prominent one. I have never seen Napoleon Dynamite, but it does seem to be increasing awareness of this unusual name. But the pig from Animal Farm is one namesake it would be best to forget (the pig is an analogy of Stalin after all).But aside from these namesakes, I see it as a modestly usable name. It sticks out among the crowd.
My sister named her son Napoleon, at fist I was a bit skeptical, but I've grown to love it. We call him ole, poli, and Napi for short. He is so full of light and energetic, now that I think of I don't know why I didn't like it at first and I can't think of him ever having a different name.
I personally like this name, it's historic and sounds regal.
Who wants to have a name associated with an angry short man who conquered most of Europe?
When I hear this name, I don't think of Napoleon Bonaparte first, but rather, Napoleon Dynamite. Therefore I think this is a fairly funny name (but only if you know Napoleon Dynamite). I don't think that this is a good name for people nowadays. The name seems to only rightfully belong to historical figures, a pig from Animal Farm and Napoleon Dynamite.
Oh please, who would use this pompous, corny name on any child today? It's associated with the historical figure and no one else.
Great meaning, I had no idea it had anything to do with the Nibelungenlied. And Napoleon makes an interesting namesake, certainly.
This is probably not a good name to give your kid because of the historical and pop culture references. I know if I met a Napoleon, I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to say "Gosh!" or ask about his super sweet liger artwork.

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