Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A beautiful and regal name.
You might not want to name your child this for two reasons: #1, the kid will not be taken seriously anywhere...#2, this name is illegal in the US. I honestly like Queenie more.
Sounds both tacky and pretentious at the same time. There are so many nice names meaning "Queen". Why not go for one of those instead?
Queen is a gorgeous name. I love the idea of giving a baby girl the title of a female ruler. It's incredibly empowering.
This name does sound narcissistic and not Narcissa.
Ridiculous. Might as well name your son King, then.
And I would do that in a heartbeat. It's not ridiculous. King's a beautiful name, as is Queen ;)
Just use a name that means Queen or the name of a Queen.
I love this name a lot. ❤️. Queenie is an awesome nickname too.
No thank you.
*face palm*
Regina - Queen in Italian
Reina - Queen in Spanish These would be better than just Queen.
Slightly better than Queenie.
I find this name better suited as the mom’s name than the daughter’s. If your family really is royal, name the baby girl Princess, not Queen. This is kind of a ridiculous name on anyone. I can’t even picture it on a pet. So snobby.
I would love to name my child Queen! Don't say negative things.
I find Queen to be an unusual name to give to your daughter. Can you imagine calling her, or she claims herself to be “Queen Queen”? That’s doubling up, if her name is going to be Queen, it should at least be Queen Princess, but that still sounds hilarious. And I think that Mom should be a Queen and the girl should just be the Princess, but hey, that’s just me. Queen as a name on a little girl has a higher potential of turning the girl into a spoiled brat since Queens call the shots more than Princesses, and you should think twice before naming your child God or Ruler, because they’ll really take you down! Okay, I’ve said too much! Personally, I think Queen is kinda cute as a name, (but really not the best idea since you’re going to have a hard time preventing your daughter from calling the shots).Queen is not the worst name out there! It’s kinda interesting! If only it was the mom’s name and the girl could be named princess, the boy’s name prince, and the dad’s name king!
Not a great choice. Use Reine or Reina instead, which means the same thing.
Queen is one of my least favourite names because it sounds like a spoiled brat's name and they would get teased a lot.
This is actually my mother's name, she was named after her grandmother. Her full name is Queen Esther, and she was born in the late 50's.
My name is also Queen. To me that name is wonderful depending on what the parents of the child had in mind when the named their daughter/child Queen. I love my name.
My name is Queen and I love it! I personally have never met another Queen. My great grandmother and great great grandmother's names were both Queen, but other than that, just me. I receive compliments on my name every time I introduce myself and people never forget it. I love my name and couldn't think of a better name. P.s. I'm not spoiled or a brat- the complete opposite. If you are considering the name go ahead and add more Queens to the world.
Queen being used as a name is pathetic, stupid and pretentious.
I had a friend whose cousin's daughter was named Queena, and that's the closest I've ever come to meeting someone with this name. Though I know that her brother was called Kingston and then there are Princes, Earls, Dukes, and Bar(r)ons. Ugh, some are royalty-obsessed.
What if "Queen" was presented to an actual Queen and her Majesty was a known tyrant? No, it just looks like the parents are trying too hard to make their children "unique"; there are many ways to help their children stand out, but burdening them with this silly, pretentious name is not one of them.
Ugh. I can't believe this is actually a name.
I hate occupational names, and the word's original meaning isn't so nice, either. Imagine, one day, she really might be a Queen. She'll be "Queen Queen". It's a pretty cool job, but a name? Get real.
Haha! And let's name her twin brother King!
Imagine if a girl with this name actually turned out to be a lady of royalty. Then she would be called Queen Queen. The word is quite difficult to pronounce anyway.
This name sounds extremely pretentious and over-the-top. Are you setting up your daughter for a superiority complex? Then there's the association with the band. This is a terrible name.
Regina (meaning "Queen") is sophisticated. Queen sounds like you are trying far too hard to look sophisticated.
This name is silly. It is a royal title.
It's a title for a woman who bears no purpose to this world, except to be rich and glamorous. It sounds like the name of a spoiled brat to me, and would work better as an epithet for a stuck up woman. A name like this is guaranteed to lead to teasing, maybe even worse. Who can take a woman named Queen seriously?
I liked this name at first, I thought it was powerful, I was shocked when I found out that the origin of the name meant woman/wife. I think if you're looking for a name for a kid, there are plenty of other great names with great meanings. But it's nice for a pet, I don't mean to offend anyone with this name, I like it and how it sounds, but I do not like its meaning.
It's better than "Princess" or "Queenie", but I find it doesn't really sound like a name.
I think this name is okay, but I wouldn't personally name my daughter this.
Personally, I wouldn't name my little girl "Queen." I think it would make her sound like a spoiled brat. No offense to those who bear this name. But it is perfect if you name your daughter Queen Anne.

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