Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer this over Rebecca, REBEKAH sounds more biblical. I also have someone in my church group with the name REBEKAH, too😁.
I love my name but I sometimes get angry when ppl write it "Rebecca", but it is fine.
This spelling gives a stronger appearance than "Rebecca". When I hear the name "Rebecca", it reminds me of a baby bunny. Not saying it's a bad spelling, but the spelling of Rebekah is symmetrical and pleasing to the eye. Also, with this spelling, it is easier to see the nickname "Bekah" rather than "Becca" or "Becky". I have never been a HUGE fan of the name, but this spelling makes me like it. :)
This is such a cute and sweet spelling. I love this spelling.
Better than the traditional spelling 'Rebecca'.
I love this name. I go by Bekah but different people come up with nicknames for me (Bek, Bex, Bekah boo). I always get compliments on the unusual spelling and it looks great written down because of its symmetry. I think the spelling is stronger in comparison to Rebecca which is elegant and traditional.
Even worse than Rebecca.
I like this alternate spelling of Rebecca, although I slightly prefer that one.
Actually, I've changed my mind. I love both Rebekah and Rebecca.
I prefer Rebecca. I think it looks prettier.
I much prefer Rebekah over the other spelling.
I have always preferred this original spelling over the common Americanized Rebecca.
I have always loved this name.
My older sister's name. We call her Rivky.
I think that people naming their child Rebecca are spelling the name wrong. Because the name is spelled or should be spelled like Rebekah, and that is the correct spelling.
I prefer this spelling to Rebecca. I saw somewhere that Rebekah could be nicknamed Ruby. Maybe a bit of a stretch, but I like the idea.
My name is Rebekah and oddly, my nickname growing up has been "Kaye" because of the spelling. I like both names and feel like they compliment each other. As I grew older, only close friends and family would call me Kaye and so a new nickname had to given to me when I used Rebekah all the time. I started to call myself Becky/Beckybex which works for me. It sounds harder. Some people would prefer to call me Rebekah over Kaye when given the option, they say it suis me better. For a long while I felt like Kaye really suited me the best but now, I can't imagine myself being called anything else. Rebekah sounds common but my spelling is "different" according to a lot of people I encounter. I always get compliments on my spelling on how pretty it is. The K and the H makes the Rebekah sound and look significantly different from Rebecca. It also has more symmetry to it visually as the vowels are low and the consonants are tall and they alternate. I don't know, maybe I just love myself and my name too much but it's so pretty to me and I'm grateful to have this name. It means Beauty, Brains, and Brawn. How can you not be a proud bearer of this name? :P.
This spelling always reminds me of Hannukah. And it's more Hebrew looking, of course.
Rebecca itself is fine, but this one can be a nice alternative.
I prefer the spelling Rebekah to Rebecca because it seems a little more unique without being weird. Both spellings are in the Bible. Rebekah is in the Old Testament and Rebecca is in the New Testament, IIRC. It is a timeless, beautiful name.
Better than rebecca!
I like this a little better than Rebecca.
I have never meet a Rebekah before but it looks more pretty than Rebecca.
I prefer the shortened version, Bekah (I'm surprised it's not in the database). I have a friend with the name Rebekah and she hates it.
I love my name! My name is Rebekah Dawn & I think it fits me good since I have black-brown hair... I would recommend this name=)
My name is Rebekah and I really like it! I recommend this name, I think the spelling is prettier than Rebecca, and it is more unique spelled like that. You can also have many cute nicknames like, Bekah(mine:), Bek, Bekah Boo, (also Becky and Reba, but I don't like those).
My name is Rebekah, I love this name and I can't imagine any other name. The only down side is when people miss spell my name as REBECCA or REBECA. Or when someone calls me Becky:(
A Bekah or Beks but not a Becky. My name is not common with my age group so it's nice to be the only on at school with my name :)
I love this name, with this spelling. Don't really care for it spelled "Rebecca".
Not a fan of this name, but I like this spelling better than "Rebecca". It's less used and more unique.
I prefer this to Rebecca, it sounds more unique, more powerful, more majestic.
In all honesty, I hate "Rebecca," but I read Beka Cooper (Tamora Pierce) and I've fallen in love with the name "Rebekah." The spelling of it makes such a big difference. =D
This spelling is much prettier than the much overused "Rebecca."
Rebekah, though biblical, is really too kreatyv for me. I'm very traditional like that. And in the Old Testament anyway, Rivka was Rebecca (or Rebekah) not Rebekah/Rebecca. I don't know the New Testament way, though.
I love this name, it is my middle name, only when my parents named me they decided to spell it REBECKAH which I prefer. :)
Rebekah is my name and I love it. I think it's very uniuqe, and I only know 1 other person with this name. Also I think that Rebecca is pretty, too.
I much prefer the spelling 'Rebekah' to 'Rebecca'. It is much more interesting and unique.
Since this is my name and the spelling, I absolutely love it, I never liked it as a child, but I've come to appreciate it a lot more as I've grown older. Also, every meaning I've looked up said that it meant "bound, or tied" which I thought was odd, but if you go deeper with it, it really suits me.
I like Rebekah better than its variant Rebecca.
I love the name Rebekah. I would either use this spelling or the spelling Rebecca.
If you want to name your child REBECCA, but want to name your child biblically, then you're better off naming your kid REBEKAH. I have never seen a Bible with a character named REBECCA, only REBEKAH.

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