Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I hate this name so much. Whether it's pronounced with the "e" in "bed" or "ee" in "see", this name is hideous.
Renee is nicer.
I like this name a lot. I also love the meaning.
Very pretty stand alone name. I’ve also heard it as a cute nickname for the name Maureen a few times.
I know one person named Rena. (ree-nah) It's a really pretty and uncommon name, surprised to see it's not even in the top 1000 anymore! It could also be a nickname for marina.
My full name is Serena, so my grandma, not liking Serena, always called me Rena (ree-na). I used to dislike it and asked her to stop using it, but I actually really like it now. My full name is serious and dignified, but Rena is fun and cute.
I know a girl named Marena (ma-REEN-a) whose nickname is Rena (REEN-a). I think it's pretty as a nickname or as a full name. Plus, Rena-Bean or Rena-Beana are cute nicknames! :)
How would this be pronounced? Since it comes from Renee I would say ruh-NA which sounds a bit weird but REE-nah doesn't sound related to Renee.
My name is Rena and when I was younger I didn't like it because it is so unusual but everytime I meet someone new they tell me they love my name because it is unusual but pretty. It has grown on me.

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