Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I’ve always pronounced it as Rose-Alya, I know it’s wrong and an Americanization but Rose-A-Lee-A sounds like too much.
Very pretty. I also like Roselia.
Adorable! It gives off the same energy as a violin, and I have no clue why.
This is so pretty.
If you don’t mind the fact that there’s a Pokemon with almost the same name (Roselia) then go for it. Personally I think it’s plenty nice enough.
Beautiful, underappreciated name.
Rosalia is an absolutely gorgeous name, and not common. It reminds me of that poor girl with the fictional disease named after her in Trauma Team, but I still like it! Definitely one of my favourites!
Rosalia is awful. I don't like the way it sounds, plus it's boring and annoying. I hate it.
My Coworker is named Rosalia. First time I heard this name. I think it's okay.
I've heard it pronounced Rose-ale-ya, which is said more as one syllable than three. Maybe it's just the Americanization, I'm not sure. I think it's a pretty name, but I'm not overly fond of Rosa Leah either. I'm not a big fan of the name Leah anyway, perhaps it's because of the bad connotation from the bible, I don't know.
I love roses, my favorite flower, but can't seem to bring myself to use any of the name variations. Every time I try to use it for a character I usually wind up changing the name.
So pretty! I think some people unfortunately would end up saying "roz-AH-lia, which seems quite dragged out and ugly when compared to "roz-a-LEE-a".
This is a BEAUTIFUL name! However, if you're fluent in Italian, you'll notice that Rosalia is extremely similar to "Rosolia," which means Rubella. This is probably why Rosalia is underused in Italy; it's not a nice connotation. Too bad, because it's a gorgeous name :(
If you don't speak Italian, then this name will be more appealing to you.
Such a lovely name.
I like it pronounced Roz-ALL-ee-ah not Roza-Lee-Uh.
Because I don't like the nicknames Rosa and Leah.
I really do love this name!
Such a beautiful name!
It is very fancy, but I like it, sounds so beautiful like a flower. This is my aunt's name, and I like it very much, way better than these modern names.
I adore this name. It's quite funny. I chose this name for a character in my story without knowing it was a real name. I really do adore it!
Beautiful, underused name. I recently chose it as my Confirmation name. (Since my family is from the Palermo area)
This is a lovely name.

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