Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Kind of basic, but still better than Amanda.
It's a reasonably pretty sounding name, and has a kind of grand sound to it, although it's not one I would use, because it's one of the few names that actually sounds a bit 'dated' to me (also there's an injoke in my family about it that would prevent me ever using it). In terms of association, you've got the 'Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee' song, which your child probably WON'T appreciate, although Grease is awesome, but on the other hand, there's Sandra Bullock, who is incredible.
Is Sandy a nickname for this?
I love it. Sandra is a beautiful name it's so nice, simple and elegant. ❤❤.
I love this name. It has a beautiful sound to it that defines its stately beauty.
Strong name, Sandra! I like it! Mature, elegant, has good sound and stability! Good!
This is a beautiful name.
I think it sounds quite nice.
Sandra seems very mature to me. If I were to use this name, I would use Sandy as a nickname, or Alexandra/ Cassandra as a full name.
This is my name and I like it, though I don't really like Sandy as a nickname. This is also my mother's name, and my friend's name. Sandra comes from the name Alexandra which comes from the name Alexander. This name's origin is actually from Greece. Its meaning is protector of man or defender of man.
I like the name.
Sandra is a bit too modern for my style and I wouldn't give it to my daughter in any circumstances, but I somehow like it even though. Actually I think I even like it more than Aleksandra/Alexandra, 'cause it's a bit overlooked. I know two Sandras, one is a very determined, self-aware, beautiful perfectionist in her late twenties I guess, the second is a little girl, whom I knew when she was about 7, now in her early teens I suppose, she was a very curious, but also nervous (sensitive and easily stimulated I mean) girl looking much younger and smaller than she was. I think it's good for a child, young girl and middle-aged woman, I can imagine it on a woman in her fifties or older, but probably just because I don't know anyone in this age with this name. It's strong and energetic, but also feminine, as many of you said. And I like the nickname Sandy.
Sandra sounds so pretty! But I don't like the shortened form 'Sandy'.
My name is Sandra pronounced San Francisco not Sandy. I hate it when people call me Sandy so I don't answer but tell them my name is Sandra.
Sandra's diminutive is also Sasha.
This is my name and I am a college-educated white female in my 20s (for a demographic sense). I'm the only person I've come across in my age group with this name, but I know lots of older women that have the name. While I didn't like it when I was younger (wanted to be another Sarah or Emily), I've come to love my name since it is the perfect balance of unique, strong, feminine, and also accessible (everyone knows how to pronounce it and it's not weird). I liked that if you said Sandra in my large public high school everyone knew it was me - not oh, which one of 50 Sandras? Also, even though I was able to be the only Sandra, my name wasn't "weird" or so unusual that nobody knew how to pronounce it or that I was teased. I did get a bit of the "Sandra Dee" song sung at me by boys in high school, but it didn't really offended me since it was kind of flirty in the obnoxious way that high school boys flirt - never felt mean-spirited. If anything, it was kind of cool to have my own song, and people joked I was just like the character Sandy in the musical/movie (not a bad comparison when in HS). Now, in my adult life I go by Sandra and I think it is an intelligent, strong, name in the working world - I feel like Sandra sounds more like a boss name and not a stripper name, without sounding like a manly name. And again, the uniqueness without being bizarre has helped me, since employers/clients/people I network with remember my name better than very unusual names or very common names.
I agree with the various comments that the name is a nice mix of strength and femininity. Also, it works well internationally without sounding foreign in the US. Italians, Germans, South Americans, Scandinavians, Spanish etc all recognize this as a normal name that doesn't sound strange. Good for an international family or someone who travels.
Well this is my name and I love it, I don't know but somehow I feel like it shows strength and feminism at the same time. It's unique.
This is the name of my older sister. Since I love her so and we are very close, I find the name especially valuable to me, though it appeals to me on its own merits. (My sister goes by Sandy.)
My name is Sandra Alys. My friends sometimes call me Sandy, and say I remind them of sand for some reason because my hair is like the same color as sand. I think Sandra is pretty and reminds me Sasha, which I don't like as much!
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't really like this name. It just makes me think of sand. The nicknickname, Sandy, is even worse. Don't get me wrong! I know a very nice girl named Sandra. So no offense to the Sandras and Sandys out there.
I like this name when it's pronounced SAHN-dra and is short for Cassandra. I don't like Alessandra/Alexandra.
Sandra is my mom's name and I think it is a really pretty name. I actually wish Sandra was my middle name and not Alessandra, the name she was baptized with in Italy, because it is much sweeter and understated and less ostenatious.
I find this a much more beautiful, feminine nickname for Alexandra than Alex.
I think this name is alright and sort of pretty. However, I think its full version, Alexandra, is more pretty, though.
That is my nickname and I hate it. Because every single person here is SANDRA.

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