Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not everybody calls Santa Claus "Santa". Sure, this is what he is called in the US, but NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS AMERICAN. This name is perfectly acceptable in a country that calls him something else, of which there are many. It's lovely and does not deserve the disrespect that it's getting.
Guys, this is a feminine Italian name. The two names are TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I actually like it!
Nice name, but too many people will associate it with Santa Claus.
I understand it as a name because it means saint and is very Catholic, but in English speaking countries, as you can see from all the comments, it will be associated with Santa Claus, the fat old dude with all the coal and presents.
Like Santa Claus.
I don't like it as a name unless it is paired with the name of a Saint, for example Santa Rosa, and that naming a kid Saint is conceited and what if the kid turns out to be an atheist or something? But if Santo (which is usually San) can be used, why not Santa?
Ho Ho Ho!
That would be a weird name.
Please don't use this name ever.
I can't see ANYONE saying "Hi, my name is Santa."
At all. Ever.
Pairs up nicely with a lot of names, such as "Santa Maria", "Santa Jane", "Santa Louise", "Santa Anita"... When pronounced right, as it should be "Sahn-tah", it sort of draws attention away from the familiar "Santa Claus" character.
Santa does actually work as a name in some places.
I wonder what it would be like for a girl with this name around Christmas time! I'd bet people will expect lots of presents from her, that's for sure!
Three words: Ho ho ho.
The jolly fat guy that gives you presents when you are good on Christmas is the only thing that comes to mind whenever I hear this name.
This is just pointless, since I always think of Santa Claus.
Having this name in America would be hell. Having this name in Spanish-speaking countries or any countries where this means 'holy' would be hell. Even in Finland, this is an old word for 'sand', and would thus be hell to have. Whereever people know the word 'Santa' to have the meaning 'holy', this is going to be hell to have. So why use the ridiculous name?
While this is a lovely name I'm kind of put off it by the fact that Santa is an anagram of Satan. Shame really.
Santa WOULD be a nice name. But good old Saint Nick ruined it. (No offense, Santa.)
So many plays on words. Santa as in "Santa Maria!" or Santa as in ho, ho ho?
There are just too many jokes that could derive from this name. It's a shame really, it's actually a very pretty name.

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