Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Personally I think Sara looks nice with and without the H.
This name is really pretty but I always picture an annoying 3 year old with brown hair and brown eyes and is sensitive. But other than that I really like this name and the spelling and I would name my child this.
Cute! I prefer it to Zara 🌺.
There is nothing ugly and boring about this name. You’re just saying that probably because you have an ugly and boring name like Donald or Olga.
Ugly and boring name.
I like this spelling better than Sarah, but it's kind of boring and overused, I think it's fine if others like this name, I just personally find it boring and plain!
Sara is whimsical and evocative of myrrh and Turkish Delights.IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It is the *American*-English way of pronouncing Sarah the same as Sara - just search YouTube Sara Pronunciation and read the comments, in many other countries they are different sounding names.
I have changed my mind, I now like Sarah and Sara equally.I think Sarah has more of a classic feel, while Sara feels more modern and youthful :)
I like this name a lot, it's pretty. Sarah seems like an older spelling for it.
I used to prefer this spelling but, now I think that it looks like it is missing something. Still, this is a gorgeous name!
Gorgeous name, I am also fond of Clara and Lara.
I think this can be said Sehr-ah or Saa-rah and it should cause no problems. I like both Sarah and Sara. Australians tend to say Sara like Saa-rah but if a wearer of the name corrected my pronunciation I wouldn't mind because it's their name.
I like the name, it's prettier than Sarah because in my country it's pronounced sah-rah and sair-ah sounds too different.
Homely name.
I feel uncomfortable without the h. And even with the h, the name itself is too boring.
I changed my mind. This name is pretty cute, and I like both Sara AND Sarah equally the same.
My name is Sara. I was named after my great grandmother whose name was "Sarah." She died the year I was born (1989). My grandmother insisted that my name be without the "h" because she disliked that spelling. I have never really cared for my name. It was popular in the 90's when I was in school. My last name was Johnson, which is a common last name. There were like 4 Sara(h) Johnson's in my class alone. We had to spell out our middle names so the teachers would know whose work was whose.
I like this name better with no H cause H’s are EW!
Quite a gorgeous whimsical name with international appeal.
It seems Americans pronounce Sarah and Sara the same way. In England they are different names.
I like this spelling better than Sarah. Sara looks less fussy and less puritanical, too. It's modern and exciting, but still has the oldtimey joy found in Sarah.
I had four Sara and Sarah’s in my graduating class of 1992!
A lot better than Sarah in my opinion.
Sara to me looks incomplete. I prefer Sarah.
Very pretty, but for me it sounds like a name for a cat, I think it's because my grandmother's kitty was named Sara.
So pretty! Simple, and can be used in many languages. I love the biblical association. I'm planning to use this name in a story of mine. :)
Love it! Love it! LOVE IT! I honestly don't prefer Sarah nor do I prefer Sara, either is great. Sara feels like a more delicate and simple name.
I prefer this international version over the English spelling with an "H".
I prefer Sarah.
I feel Sara is too simple and modern. Sarah is a more classic name. Just my opinion.
There’s much more light in Sarah.
I think this spelling is more modern, and for some reason I like it better. Beautiful name nonetheless!
I prefer this to Sarah.
This is my older sister's name. My mom wanted to name her first daughter this because she used to baby-sit a girl named Sara and fell in love with the name. My parents preferred to spell it without the "h" because they thought it was too old-fashioned. My sister really likes it, and she tells me people frequently comment they prefer this spelling. I like the association with Sara Crewe, the heroine in "A Little Princess" because it's my favorite book. Not the most original name, but it does have solid history in many cultures.
Worst spelling.
I might be the only one who likes the original, this one is bland and boring.
Sara is an amazing name. A young girl needs a name that inspires and shows power. This is perfect.
My BFF name is Sara and she fits the name beautifully. It truly is a great name.
I love my name which is SARA! I think the h at the end is pointless and dumb. I have to always say "I am Sara with no h"!
I adore this name and its pronunciation SAHra. It sounds and looks pretty. I also think it looks better without the h.
Sara is the second name of my daughter. I regret using Sara as her first name and not putting on the "h". I prefer Sarah with an h. Her first name is Meryam but I call her Sara.
This spelling is so much better then Sarah!
I am a Sara and honestly, I like my name very much. Sarah is a more common spelling but they both have the same meaning. I have only met one other Sara.
This spelling to me isn't extremely feminine sounding, so it suits my part tomboyish personality.
Overused name.
I was going to be named Sara/Sarah but my parents called me Bebe instead.
This name isn't a favorite of mine, but I prefer this spelling to Sarah.
This is my name and I think it's very pretty.
Mostly the same as Sarah, although it can still have a bit of difference.
I don't like this name at all. It is plain and lacks anything special to me. I don't know why people like it so much. It's so common - I know a ton of Sarah's. I have an aunt Sarah (she's in her 50's), she named her daughter Sarah (who's in her 30's) and my other cousin married a 'Sara' (without the 'h'). I went to school with at least 5 Sarahs (grade school, middle school, high school) and have worked with 2 Sarah's. I have another cousin who named his daughter Sarah Alexis (she's 8) and another friend who named her daughter Sarah Daniella. This name is really, really super popular. I dislike Sarai/Sarahi and the nickname Sarita even more.I don't like this name in the slightest.
I'll never for the life of me understand why this name is so mega popular, or why it's liked. I think it's boring. So short and plain. I don't like it at all.
I prefer Sarah to Sara, it's easier to say, unless you pronounce it the same.
This is my favorite spelling of Sarah! It sounds so much prettier without the H.
Although this name is commonly used (And I absolutely DO NOT like common names), I would definitely name a daughter this because of the Fleetwood Mac song!
A common name in its own right, I prefer the spelling Sara much more than the traditional Sarah, of which I know *way too many*. Despite the beauty of Sarah, it can get tiresome when you know so many people with the name. I still like Sara, though: simple, and the sound is beautiful.
I like this spelling more than the one with an H, but no matter how you spell it I love the name. It has a great meaning and a sweet, simple sound. It works on anyone from a newborn baby to an old woman. My favorite combination is Sara Violet.
My sister's name. She was named without the 'h' because our parents thought it looked too old-fashioned, and she loves her name and the spelling. The only possible downside it how common it is. I think it is a very pretty name, though.
I love this name, but it is WAY too overused. I know like eight Sara(h)s in school alone, and like another three outside of school! However, it is a really really pretty name. And it's even prettier without the "h" at the end of it! XDD
I think this spelling is MUCH prettier than "Sarah". I think the H makes it ugly (no offense).
My name is Sara (pronounced like SAIR-uh) and I've only met one other person with this name and they had the H at the end. I quite like it like that, though Sara without the H seems a bit more modern? I've no idea.
I like the name in general, but as an American name I like it better with the "H" because I know more people with it spelled like that.
In my opinion the way you spell the name has a lot to do with which country or language you are planning to use the name in.
I'm from Norway and I prefer the spelling Sara here, that's the most used spelling, however in English I would have prefered the spelling Sarah.
One of my best friends is called Sara. She is the only person I have ever met who had her name spelled without the h in the ending. It's a lovely name and I like it the best without the h which in my eyes is unnecessary.
I knew so many Sara/Sarahs growing up, probably because I knew a lot of Christian families. I like this name a lot more than I used to, and maybe it's because I hear it less these days. (The 'h' is a must. It completes the name.)
I love this name, but I would pronounce it Sah - rah, because if there is a name with an h, why steal another! I think Sah - rah is very pretty and I love the book A Little Princess.
All my favorite "Sarahs" are "Saras." =)
I love this version of the name, Sara.
My name is Sara and I used to not like it but I'm starting to like it more, though I only know one other Sara but quite a few Sarahs.Something people may not know about the name:
One of the Nuremberg Laws created by the NAZI's was that Jews without "Jewish sounding" names had to use the middle name Sara(h) for women and Israel for men.
I'm sorry but I don't really like this spelling. I think when it is spelled with the 'h' it is prettier.
I love this name! It is the name of my best friend and to me it is the correct spelling. I personally think it looks kind of strange with the "h" at the end.
I like Sara but prefer Sarah. When one is accustomed to seeing names with 'h's on the end, they just look incomplete without them.
My best friend's name is Sara. I definitely like the name better without an "H".
Sara is beautiful but I much prefer the spelling "Sarah". (No offense)
It annoys me to no end when people pronounce Sara and Sarah the same! I think it's just an American tradition but in other countries Sara is "SAR-ra" and Sarah is "SAIR-uh". They are different!
I think it's much prettier without the extra 'h' at the end.
I love this name. It is biblical, but it is modern as well. I must say that I prefer this spelling to Sarah. The meaning is great too.
I don't like this name, I know a girl who has it. Anyway, I think Sarah is better. Here we pronounce it Sa-ra. But it's not the same 'r' as the English use.
I love this name. Although in my own language Japanese, Sara means "dish" or "new" (but in that case, it is pronounced Sah-ra), it is used for Japanese girls.
I love this spelling.
This is the most beautiful version of the name's spelling. It's the Greek form of "Sarah". The name represents royalty, being that is was the name of the mother of "nations" and "kings of people" (Gen. 17:15). I am most honored to personally know a Princess by this name.
An under-used variation of the popular American name Sarah.

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