Comments (Personal Impression Only)

All I'm imagining right now seeing this name is a kid saying “I'm Sextus” and someone mishearing as that as “I'm sexist”, I find it kinda funny….
Good for someone born in Sexass (Texas)
Poor child...
Good for a Catholic maybe.
Oh my gosh, why is this a name?
I feel sorry for anyone named Sextus. I'm adding it to my list of inappropriate names:
And Peni.
As it’s an ancient Roman name it’s gone out of use. Generally nobody uses it anymore, so of course it’s not a nasty name at all. I just personally wouldn’t name a child because of its ancient origins that have made the name become out of use. Yet if you have a great bond with the ancient Roman mythologies, go ahead!
It sounds a lot like Sexist, and I’m against sexism.
Seems too homophobic to be used as a name. Gay people are gonna be against Sextuses.
I kinda like this name. I would use it for a character in my book where it’s a boy and he actually is a SEXIST, that’s not to say it’s an ugly name, it isn’t. But I just want the name to fit the personality on the way it sounds. If I named a kid this, they would get teased, so I wouldn’t do that. I still think it’s a cute and interesting name for a kri8tiv character in my book.
There is no need to make fun of this name. Probably in English it is funny but in other languages and traditions it isn't funny.
While I can't recommend anybody to name their child Sextus (the name has a nice sound to it, but the teasing would be severe and probably lifelong), I wholeheartedly agree with Anonymous User 1/31/2007, and I would like to add that calling this name (or any name, for that matter) 'disgusting' is downright stupid. I'm sure that a) in history, there were many honest and good men with this name, not just the one legendary rapist, and b) there's plenty of criminals named George or Angela or whatever, and it never stopped people from using these names for their kids.
Sextus is a disgusting name. I challenge you to find one more hilarious. In Roman mythology Sextus Tarquinius, the king's son, raped a noblewoman called Lucretia. After that she killed herself. Not a name you'd want to call your kid.
I sort of like the sound of it - but I would never ever ever use it because of obvious reasons and possible teasing. Plus, what would be his nickname? Sexy? :]
It's very immature to think that this name is "hilarious" just because it has the word "sex" in it.
The sex in this name is hilarious!

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