Nice. Don’t see how it’s masculine.
My name is Shani and I’ve heard all sorts of pronunciations of my name through schooling life and just if I am out and about but the way I pronounce my name is Shay-Ne so it’s a long a instead of an ah sound.
Shani is the best name ever! Name your child or pet this! I love the name Shani!
My name is Shani. I pronounce it “shay-nee” with a long ‘a’. I have heard various pronunciations, however. I never knew there were so many meanings to my name. Very interesting!
I love this name, but I'd hate to use it and have people think I used it after the hindu god.
'Shani' is the name of a God in India. The planet is also called 'Shani'.
Shani also denotes the seventh day or Saturday in most Indian languages. [noted -ed]
Shani is a nickname for the Hebrew name "Shoshana", which means rose.
I am learning Hebrew, and the word for the color red is "adom", "adoma" "adomot" and "adomeem"; male, feminine, feminine plural, and unisex plural. I think this means 'scarlet'.
Pronounced sha(soft aa)-nee. Translation is usually horrible in Hebrew (eevreet)/English.
I thought this WAS a unisex name. The one Shani I met was a man, he was a Jewish-American from New Jersey. [noted -ed]
Shani Davis, the American speed skater has this name.
In Hebrew it means "scarlet", in Irish it means "Beautiful", and it has numerous in Swahili, including "marvelous", "adventure", "curiosity", & "wonderful."
It really depends on where you are from, I have heard it three ways, shuh-nee, shah-nee, or shaw-nee. My family pronounces it shah-nee, but most people just call me shaw-nee.
Shani should be distinguished from the Hebrew "adom" (red). Shani means "scarlet". It can be seen to symbolise the "scarlet thread" that runs through Biblical and Jewish lore. Some contemporaries wear a red thread tied around the wrist, believing that the string will protect them from the “evil eye” and bring them good luck.
Shani is the equivalent of the English name Scarlet.
I like this name a lot. It's beautiful and easy to say. Here it says it means 'red' in Hebrew, but it also means 'wonderful' in Egyptian.
Never in my life have I met a male Shani, and I live in Israel. It's not considered a unisex name here. [noted -ed]
Shani is a beautiful name. I always thought it was a girly form of Shane but I never realsied it could mean scarlett. It is very common in the part of Melbourne I live in (I'm in a area with a lot of Jewish people.)
Pronounced shah-nee.
The meaning of the name Shani is not red, it's scarlet.

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