Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not a fan of day of the week names.
Ha! Funny. I actually think Sunday got one of the better names of her siblings. Zealand is cool too. Posie is just sad. Definitely the worse. Sunday Savannah isn’t good at all though.Anyways, Sunday reminds me of warm and chill days. The nickname Sunny is so cute. So I like it. As a person who was born on Easter Sunday, I wouldn’t have minded Sunday as maybe a middle name. It’s kinda pretty and usable. It may not be that namey; but it ages well and it’s interesting. I like that about it. Tuesday Weld and Wednesday Addams are also people with days of the week as their name!
It's so pretty. It sounds like sunny day. I like it.
This is my most favorite day of the week name! I love it!
I think Sunday is an incredibly beautiful name. It's always been one of my treasured favorites, in-fact. The undeniably adorable nickname “Sunny” makes it even better. When I think of Sundays, I think of church, summer, warmth and football. I also love it because I think it's a good balance of feminine yet not too “frilly”. In other words, I can picture Sunday as a sweet girly-girl with long luscious hair and big bright eyes who loves sundresses, flip-flops and acoustic guitars; however, I can just as easily picture Sunday as a laidback southern tomboy with a backwards cap, sports jersey, boyfriend jeans and sneakers, who's best friends with her dad and loves bbq and football (especially on Sundays, of course).
Overall, I think Sunday is a gorgeous name.
This is actually my second favorite of the day of the week-names. Here's what I think of all of them: (Just my opinion :))Monday: It's decent.
Tuesday: That would be kind of weird...
Wednesday: -Addams family vibes-
Thursday: Coolish I guess
Friday: This is actually kind of oddly pretty
Saturday: I love this one! My favorite. Something about it just sounds really sophisticated
Sunday: A lot of people's favorite day. I also really love this!
It’s ok but it’s a bit weird naming your kid after a day of the week (at least we like Sunday’s because we have Sunday roasts).
I love the name Sunday! I think the nickname Sunny is so cute too. Sunday is, like, my favorite day of the week, so another prop! I LOVE IT!
I knew someone named Sunday before and their name fit them well. It's pretty and I think it's usable despite the name being a day of the week.
LOL better than Monday, I guess...
Better than Monday, but maybe try Sundae?
Just ridiculous. Plain and boring!
I think of an ice cream sundae, delicious. Also, the Lord's Holy Day.
I was born on Easter Sunday. But this name is very unique and nice.
It's alright, I really like Sundae!
I love Sunday, I think it sounds cozy and warm. I'm trying to persuade my partner into letting me use it. It's a bit out there for him, he likes traditional English names. I also have a daughter from a previous relationship, her name is also out there so Sapphire & Sunday I love it, it melts me a little. It sounds autumnal to me as well.
Sunday is a very sweet name and I think it would be adorable for a girl with blond hair, considering the sun thing.
Well when I was young I truly thought I was adopted. There is NO WAY MY REAL MOM WOULD NAME ME SUNDAY!
I have come to terms with it. I find it funny, all the "What is your name" ❤.
My name is Sunday and at times I love it and other times hate it. It definitely makes me one of a kind and that I would have no other way.
Although I normally detest object names like August or Hope, Sunday is actually a very pretty name that is quite unique! I never knew this could be a name, but I really like it now!
Out of all the days of the week, the only one I like to be used as a name is Sunday. I love how you can associate an ice cream Sundae with "Sunday". I think "Sunny" is a nice nickname also. (:
Someday Sunday won't hear Happy Days, but today is not that day: "Monday, Tuesday, Happy Days,..." Sunday probably has a great sense of humor though. Yeah, I can't imagine 'Sunday' being anything but happy.
It's very unique. I have a friend named Sunday. It's a nice name.
Sunday is a stupid name. It's a day of the week, for crying out loud, and it reminds me of sundaes. Plus I've heard people using it because Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman had to use it.
Remembering Sunday is one of my favourite All Time Low songs so I wouldn't mind using as a name- it's much more softer than the other days of the week and I really don't see what the issue with using it as a name is. You here girls called April don't you? So why not Sunday? XD :)
I would so burst out laughing if I were at a grocery store and some mother yells to their daughter "Sunday, let's go!" I cannot picture that happening. However, I can picture a mother yelling "Audrey, let's go!" or "Claire, let's go!"
Sunday strikes me as a religious name.
I think Sunday is nice. It's very "sunny" and positive. In fact, Sunny would be a cute nickname. I think of a bright, cherubic little girl with rosy cheeks and blonde curls. I don't know how well this name would "age" though. Funny, because I agree with the person who wrote about the hungover feeling of Sundays - I don't even like the day itself, but the name has a good vibe, a very happy energy.Also, I think it's silly that Nicole Kidman named her daughter Sunday Rose when she was born on a MONDAY! I hate that, when people are named Autumn or June and born in February.
This is a stupid name. It looks like "sundae" and is kind of trashy.
I don't even like Sundays. For me, the day has, for several years, been like a hangover day without a hangover. It's been a boring and tiring day on which I've had a heavy and a weak, tired feeling, like I'm anemic and dehydrated and undernourished all at the same time. So, I wouldn't want the name of my daughter to remind me of typical Sundays when I'm not on vacation and all days are alike. Beides, the name is weird and tacky, like all week day names. Come on, imagine a parent calling their child: ''Sunday, could you come over here?'' There would be jokes and embarrassments.
I like it but I don't think I'd use it as it reminds me of an ice-cream sundae. I love Tuesday though.
I know a girl with this name, but she spells it 'Sundae'. I think it is a really pretty name, much better than other day names.
I don't think that this is a good name at all. It's not even cute or anything.
This name is acctually kind of cute. It's original.
Sunday would make a cute name!
I don't like this name. It sounds too sugary sweet. I think Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday would all make better names than Sunday.
I actually like it. I think it sounds a lot better than, for instance, Thursday or Saturday. Sunday is really pretty.

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