Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Taylor is a name I've always loved. It's a very stylish and cool name regardless of gender.
I prefer Taylor for a boy but I like it for any gender.
Taylor is a really pretty name for a girl.
I like the sound of the name, but makes me think of tailor as in the job. I'm not so into job title names.
I feel sorry for girls who have this name. It gets a negative reaction from a lot of people because of a certain overexposed pop star who can't sing or read music.
I usually don't love the "surname as first name" thing, but I really like Taylor.
Taylor swift has completely ruined the name for me. I’m so sick of hearing about her.
Imo only name for girls, I can't imagine a boy named Taylor.
Love this on Taylor Swift, it's the perfect name for her, she's so pretty and sweet.
I think this is a very good name for either gender!
Taylor is a fine name, I consider it to be quite popular among girls, but unique for boys, I imagine a little boy and a little girl named Taylor, personally it's better for a girl, either works though.
Typical cheerleader name.
Taylor is a nice name, I like how it sounds. Nice for anyone.
I like how this name can be used for anything. It's beautiful on a girl. It's attractive and sounds great on a boy. It would be a good middle name because it goes with like 90% of first names. It is one of my favorite last names. If Taylor is a part of your name, be grateful! :)
Before Taylor Swift rose to fame, I think it was a fairly unisex name. I may have even said it seemed a little more masculine than feminine. Now? I think it could still work on a man, but initially there will be surprise, I'm sure, just because the association with the singer is strong. Fifty years from now? Probably still. I'd choose Tyler.
My name is Taylor and I love this name, guys and girls who have this name are both beautiful.
I am a man, and this name is beautiful just as the God who formed me!
And I love whoever said Taylor in Hebrew means "Eternal beauty and clothed with Salvation".
And I love the comment that said, "Taylors speak the truth." They're right. We do speak truth.
Speaking of truth, if you hate my name, oh well, ain't nothing you can do about it!
I like this name, I think it's pretty for a girl and handsome for a boy. But I have to say, I know more girls named Taylor. It could totally work on a boy, though.
Taylor's mediocre at best. I think it's best for a girl since most people associate the name with Taylor Swift anyway.
I like it for both genders but Taylor for a boy is my favorite. It sounds good on a boy. Still, it's my opinion.
An okay name. The meaning, tailor, is pretty there, it's not hard to say and it's common enough to work. I don't love it, but I can't say I hate it.
Taylor was hugely popular for girls back in the late 90's- early 2000's. It baffles me how this name got hugely popular for girls when it was mainly used for boys up until then. Taylor is more popular as a girl's name now then for boys for the most part. It just sounds off-putting on a girl, not saying it's bad but much like the name Madison this name has been taken over by girls. When I was a kid this was mainly a guys name I prefer it on a boy over a girl, it sounds more rugged on a boy. I guess because I grew up with boy Taylors Taylor as a girl name doesn't appeal to me.
Taylor trash.
Only for a girl.
Maybe the name is not bad itself, but feels annoying, because used for male, female, also as surname and probably for something other also. Because of wide type usage, seems a little bit boring. Alright, but not of my favorites.
T is for Tacky.
I hate this name, a lot. I would only be able to see it on a girl though.
I am a person who likes names like Parker, Riley, Blake, Lane, & Rowan on girls. I don't however like Taylor on a girl. I like a good masculine Taylor.
The most plain Jane name ever. Actually hate this name!
Only like it on a girl.
I don’t hate the name Taylor, but most of the Taylors I know are royal female dogs. They get whatever they want whenever they want. I mean some I’ve met are nice, but that was only two out of the fifteen I happen to know. I guess it’s a pretty/handsome name for some, I like it for a masculine name then feminine name. P.s. this is just my opinion, sorry If I happen to hurt some feelings.
Beautiful/handsome name. Perfect and gender neutral.
This name is way too trendy. Don't use a surname as a first name, please.
Absolutely hideous!
I'm not the biggest fan of the name. It seems to plain, and now that Taylor Swift is famous, way too popular.
It sounds fine on a girl, but it sounds more masculine to me. I don't care if it's a surname.
If you’re thinking about naming your kid Taylor, it’s very likely your name is Jennifer. Or if your name is Taylor I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s your mother's name. I know many Jen/Taylors for some reason, along with myself and my mother. Also if you’re thinking of using this name don’t use Nicole as the middle name, every Taylor I know has either Rose or Nicole as their middle names.
I am a HUGE fan of Taylor swift and I adore this name, I like how it is unisex and doesn't really have a lot of personality stereotypes to it, so people don't automatically assume things about you if your name is Taylor. Like I said, I am a huge Swiftie and maybe someday I might even name a future kid after her, no matter if it's a boy or girl. Have a nice day everyone! :)
When I met a Taylor in my class many years ago, I had an internal struggle. I was trying to figure out where this nickname is from, and wondering if she spent her free time tailoring clothes. It was so confusing. I still have a blank in my mind when I think of her. Where is her real name? A 'name' like Taylor leaves a person, well, nameless.
Eh, it’s a fine name on both genders. It’s more of a surname though.
Taylor seems to have more harsh-worded haters than other names I've considered for my daughter. I don't personally know anyone with this name so although it's basic/not very creative, it does hold some uniqueness next to names like Jennifer (mine), Brianna, Sophie, Sophia, Isabella, Ava, and Olivia. I don't want my daughter to have four other girls in her class with her name like I did. All hating aside, when I think of Taylor I think of beautiful, successful, creative women like Taylor Swift and Taylor of the country duo Maddie and Tae. I imagine Taylor as all the traits I'd want in a daughter and will raise her to have:Sporty
Taylor means "tailor." You might as well name your daughter "Seamstress."Not a fan of surnames as first names, especially for girls. Besides they're always patronyms. Even if the mother's maiden name was Taylor, it means that was the grandfather's surname, and on back.
I think Taylor is a really nice name for a male or female and find it very rude that people diss this or any other name considering we don't get to choose our names just as much as we don't choose to be born in the first place.
At least it’s better than Tyler.
I find "Taylor" okay as a masculine name, especially because- as a first name- it started out masculine. It is also probably because it sounds similar to "Tyler". I don't like "Taylor" as a unisex name because then I become confused as to what the genders of the bearers are.
Too surnamey for me.
My first name is Taylor, however; it’s my mother’s maiden name... actually, funny story- my uncle and his wife were done having kids before they found out she was pregnant and my grandfather, being the lovely Scot that he was told my parents he should’ve known the “Taylor” name would not be carried on once my uncle passed away... so my mom named me Taylor in an attempt to make her father happy to carry on the Taylor name that way. Once I found that out I was pleasantly surprised by the name Taylor and would love to carry it on the exact same way as my parents did.
Taylor is a beautiful name. But I didn’t know this was an occupational name. I’ve seen it used as a surname before. Anyways, Taylor is one of my favorite unisex name, mostly for girls. It can be used for boys too, as it’s fairly unisex and it’s not JUST for girls. It just seems more female-oriented. I have a female cousin name Taylor. I’m rather disappointed that this name has fallen out of popularity because it’s such a great name, or I’m happy because it’s becoming unique.
I think Tyler is a better alternative for a boy, rather than Taylor. I think it's cute for a girl though.
When an ex-boyfriend told me Taylor was his middle name, I instantly, involuntarily felt disappointed. I wasn’t expecting myself to react like that, it surprised me. I guess I unknowingly harbored a bit of disdain for the name. I think maybe Taylor’s a bit plain and juvenile sounding. Shallow and 2 dimensional. Just not very sophisticated. I also think I associate Taylor with girls more than I do boys, so it’s less masculine to me. Idk.
Kinda low class, when you think about it.
A super boring and played out name for boys or girls. Want your child to be just another face in the crowd? Then choose this dull name.
Taylor's a good name. I like it on a girl or a boy. When I think of a girl named Taylor, I think of a cowgirl with blue eyes and blonde/strawberry blonde hair in braids. Here are some first-name-middle-name combinations:
· Taylor Poppy
· Florence Taylor
· Taylor Florence
· Beatrice Taylor
· Taylor Beatrice
· Emma Taylor
· Taylor Emma
· Louise Taylor.
Clothes-maker? Weak name, practically meaningless. Presidential names are super lame.
Taylor is my bff's name and he loves his name! I hate how people say it should only be a girls name, it fits some boys too.
First of all, there's no reason to hate the name "Taylor". It's beautiful. My name is Taylor and I know I'm not the only one who used to hate this name when he/she or other were young. It is a boys name and a girls name for a reason and that is because it's beautiful both ways. So please, stop being a hater because no one likes a hater. Now cut it out. I mean since my name is Taylor which has the main meaning of "tailor."
Taylor is my daughter's name. I just love that name. It fits her well.
I used to dislike my name (which is Taylor) but now I really like it. I feel like it's a dignified name. I do wish it had a meaning other than tailor. People say it's a surname and although that is true it works very well as a first name (or so I think)! I also think it's a girl's name rather than a boy's name. Tyler (which I get called a lot) is more of a masculine name. Taylor is a more feminine name.
My name is Taylor, and I'm a girl. I didn't enjoy the name Taylor when I was little. Why couldn't I have a cute name like Elizabeth or Ruby? But we can't choose our names, so we are just stuck with what we receive. I understand that some people may not enjoy that name, but don't be rude to people named Taylor, because we didn't choose that name!
My name is Taylor! I've only ever known one other Taylor and we are both females, but we are very different. She was more drawn to athletics while I'm a book lover, a dancer, and a bit of a nerd. I make it a point to try to help others as often as I can.. even to a point that it causes me some stress. My name does not define me, however, so please try to not lump people together in a certain stereotype based solely on names. I love my name (especially considering the fact that my mom almost named me Candy Lee). Hopefully this shed some light on the beautiful individuality of every person no matter whether their name is unique or "common." Thanks for taking the time to read my little rant.
I hate the name Taylor! It's a surname and to me it's a little bit weird. I would never call my child Taylor for a boy. And definitely not for a girl. Hate it.
I'm really not a fan of the name Taylor. I've never met a Taylor who I have stayed friends with. The people I've known have ruined it for me. Other than that, I don't think of it as especially beautiful or feminine, especially with it being unisex (though I've met far more girls with the name Taylor than boys.)
My name is Taylor. I have read all of the comments about some not liking my name and some who do and I would like to say that it is no longer a common name. I am the only girl with the name Taylor and there is only one boy with the last name Taylor. I love my name because it is unique and fun to get nicknames with it like Taytay or Tay. People may say that this name sounds too manly or to feminine, but it's not, it's just right. People don't understand that new names are used everyday. So many kids are bullied for this and this is not right.
Taylor Swift has forever tainted this name, as she's a bad singer and an even worse role model, what with her constantly changing boyfriends. Taylor sounds like the name of an evil popular girl who enjoys being mean to ugly girls.
This is my name (hence my username) and I'm pretty okay with it. However, the nicknames (such as Tay Tay) can get really annoying. Plus, I go to school with four other Taylors in my grade alone.
My name is Taylor Jane.. so boring right?
I used to hate my name, mostly in middle and high school. I don't think I had one class that I was the only Taylor. I just went by my last name. Or any of my much more unique nicknames; TFry, Tay, Taytay, Sweet T, Tay-ter-tot, etc.
I do really like my name now. I think the plainness of it is cute.
This is one of the only names that I would comfortably name a boy or girl. I can understand a lot of people saying they don't like it because it's so common and 'trashy', but I have never met another boy or girl called Taylor in my life.
Don't like this name on boys. Sounds too feminine.
I love the name Taylor because
1) It is my name
2) it means that the person is beautiful, kind and smart
3) it can be a boy name or girl name
4) if you are looking for a name for your baby, name it Taylor!
5) this name is super cute
I have mixed feelings. On girls, it's become dreadfully common. There's no real originality or personality to the name Taylor on a female. Though I don't think it's completely unsuitable for a girl, I also don't think it sounds very mature or womanly. It sounds like a teen's name, not a grown woman's name, and it's not very pretty, either. On boys, my opinion is different; it's become so uncommon for males that I think hearing a boy called Taylor would be quite refreshing among the sea of girls with this name. I still think it sounds like a teen's name, instead of an adult man, but it's much more suitable on a male than a female.
It's nice more for a girl than a boy, but something that I don't like is the meaning... I mean tailor Taylor?!
My name is Taylor and personally I think this is a very feminine name. It's sweet, cute, and 'fun'!You peeps just hate the name because it's trendy thanks to Taylor swift. "Ugh, people having a good time where I am not? I must hate it and call it overrated."It's a very feminine name, it's sweet, fun, and cute. Works for a cute feminine boy or just a cute young man as well!
It is my name and I know not all Taylors are nice, but most and myself have these traits:Beauty
Tends to rebel a bit
Tells the truth most of the time
Very geeky
SmartAgain those are MY traits and I am me and no one else but I tend to see that in many Taylors. I have no reason to change my name, I love it! It also is unisex so for all you stalkers out there... you don't know my gender.
Trendy and boring. This is one of the most unappealing names I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.
I think Taylor is a beautiful name. Any name can be a stripper name now. Yes, there are porn stars with that name but there are also porn stars with the names Mia, Sophia and Riley. Just because it is a beautiful name strippers want to use it. Nothing about this name sounds trashy or 'stripperish'. Strippers use everyday normal names now, sad to say.
A white trash name that instantly makes me think of the annoying Taylor Swift and her terrible "music".
This name is so modern-ish that it's unbelievable. For a female, it sounds like she's a prostitute, and for a male, he's probably hated his name at one point in his life, if not many. Then Taylor Lautners' like "Come on guys, Taylor can be a males' name TOO!" Also, who names their child after an occupation? I can't find a single good thing about this name.
The name Taylor is beautiful or handsome for a girl or a boy. Taylor is a very strong name and my name is Taylor and I'm a girl. I love my name. My mom and dad picked it for me! So people of the world, pick the name Taylor as much as you want. Don't listen to the haters.
It's really awkward when you go to read comments about your name and people say 'Taylors' are horrible people, strippers, and trailer trash.
People are extremely passionate towards their views on names. Personally, if I could have picked my name I probably wouldn't have chosen Taylor but my name is a part of me of course and I wouldn't change it for anything.
To the people who are being so negative towards a name, you are all entitled to your opinion and to the ones who have met less than decent human beings named Taylor I'm sorry, terrible people exist everywhere with thousands of different names.
I'm Italian so I personally don't know people with this name...I love its feminine form and also the meaning because I think it's strong, mature and true... and refined.
Growing up I used to hate my name "Taylor." A lot of girls would tease me in elementary school for having a "boys" name since there were three other boys at the school named Taylor.
After that, I resented the name along with my mother for not naming me something such as: Paige, Rachel, Britney, Ashley, etc.My mother had found a shop when I was younger that researched the meaning behind your name and if you wished to purchase it as a certificate to hang on your wall, you could. I'm glad that she did. It made me proud of my name given to me.
Not only was I no longer ashamed of the name, but I also matured and realized that my name was not my identity. My name does not define who I am. Taylor: "One who loves God and their country." There was more on the certificate for the name, but this was what stood out to me and I never forgot these words from the rest. It surprises me that such little minded people have to shit on the name "Taylor," thinking that it is somehow "lower" than other names out there, just because of the meaning behind "tailor." Are you that immature? Do you really think that a name defines a person?
Didn't your mother ever teach you "if you don't have something nice to say don't say it at all"? Reading these comments a lot of people are putting down this name due to someone they personally know or an artist they don't like. Newsflash people. We're all different. Taylor was historically a girls name but has become a unisex name because of its masculine sound. All names are beautiful in their meaning but judging someone by their name is the lowest thing you can do. I love my name because it's a perfect balance of powerful and delicate. Taylor is a wonderful name so please no one be offended by what anyone on this page says.
I love Taylor Swift but I don't know why she uses Taylor instead of Alison, because Taylor is a horrible name especially for a girl. It sounds masculine, but even for a boy it is ugly. It's so boring and means "tailor". It's horrible...
I love this name for a boy - the name TAYLOR is inspirational.
Yuck on a girl, BORING! It's overused, harsh, unattractive and dull.
It's a really cool name. I much prefer Taylor (and Tyler, Riley, Avery, Leighton) for boys. There's nothing feminine in it.
Taylor, I believe, is a very strong name. No, for all you idiots out there who are saying that it's for men or don't like it, whatever! Us Taylor's, we know that we're beautiful, and nothing brings us down, because we ARE stronger than to let you bring us down. I'll tell the truth, I'm rude, I'm very strong, a tomboy even. I'm not good at making friends, so yeah. Reply whatever you want, I don't care.
Taylor is a very happy type of name. When someone's name is Taylor, the first thing that pops into my mind is someone who is happy. It's also used a lot though. That's why I wouldn't name my child Taylor. Millions of people have it.
My name is Taylor and I think it is a beautiful name no matter who else has the name. All Taylor's are not the same. I love my name and I'm a girl too.
The name Taylor is important to me because, my grandma named me that after my great great grandfather Author Taylor and the meaning of Taylor means happiness and thankfulness.
Taylor is the name of a fun-loving girl.
Taylor is my name and I happen to like it. It may be derived from the word 'tailor', however, in the modern context, it has nothing to do with that occupation. Besides, if you still want to hold onto the past, it's French and the French, particularly in the medieval context when tailor started being used, they were very romantic, so it is both feminine and strong (unisex), however is more suited for a girl. It's not that common, I've only met one and she was a good friend. So for all those Taylor's who have read through all of the comments it is a great name and I happen to like it on both myself and others, regardless of gender.Also, for those who have said that it's for a certain gender, or they don't like it on both, think about what may be the reason you are assigning names to genders.If you are named Taylor, join the club and embrace your name! It is a great name and some people are just too negative...
My roommate's name is Taylor, and she's not bitchy, or trashy, or any of the other things people have commented. She's actually an incredibly nice and funny person. You can't make assumptions about what people are like based on a name! I'll admit it's not my favorite name in the world, but there's nothing wrong with it. At all!
Why is everyone being so hateful and negative towards this name? It's just a name. How would you like it if you looked up your name and found people were saying that if you were named that, they would automatically assume you're "trailer trash" or a stripper? I understand personally disliking a name, but please don't bash it, just don't name your child it. Please stop being unkind and please keep your rude opinions to yourself. Thank you.
It's the person that makes the name, not the other way around.
Please be aware that words are very powerful weapons and you wield them with ease. Please think of how you could be effecting someone reading these comments, before you post something hateful.
My name is Taylor. It is my great-grandmother's maiden name, and she means a lot to me. Having her as my namesake is very important to me.There is a lot of negative connotation with the name Taylor, and I'm a little sick of it. I love my name, just as I'm sure other people love their names. There is no need for hostility when it comes to names, or claiming that my name being "a boy's name" is a bad thing. I, for one, think that assigning expectations based on someone's name is stupid. If anything, it reflects that my dad loved his grandmother. Also, not every name has to have a special "Biblical" meaning. My name means the woman who has the best recipe for lemon meringue pie. I don't need a name with a fancy meaning. I can make that meaning for myself.
I really despise this name, just because it's so boring and it seems as if every poor neighborhood has about a million Taylors in it.And I have looked up my own name, and people only have nice comments to say about it, so sorry I got a good name and you got stuck with ugly nothingy Taylor that everyone hates, but deal with it.
I despise this trendy surname-turned-name. Taylor makes me think of trailers. Call me "mean", "hater" or whatever as IRDGAF! And anyways, I'm 100% you Taylor's bashing our opinions hate certain names too!
The name Taylor has surprisingly grown on me... I've actually begun to appreciate this name for both genders! Um... so... apologies about what I said in my previous comment! I take it back... Well, except for the trailers part of course, lol.
Lol for all those haters, I sure hope you read the comments under your name. My last name is Taylor. It's a very strong name and I've always loved my name. For you to rub it through the mud, just be happy there's a computer between us. Let's talk about meaning. So Taylor means cutter of cloth- a clothes maker am I right. Well paint this picture without clothes there would be a whole lot of ugly going on in here. So next time you get naked in front of a mirror find a Taylor to thank that you don't have to look at all of that on a daily basis. For those that have complimented the name Taylor I thank you for the kind words.
People should stop being mean. WE WANT TO STAND OUT! I'M NOT A B! I happen to be in excel and I know the meaning and value in life. And, for that person who said we are "Just another blade of grass in a meadow", YOU ARE A PILE OF DUNG IN THE MEADOW! You may recognize me from Minecraft. If so I hope you're not DISRESPECTING MY NAME! It's common, yes, but it is spreed out across the world. I'm GLAD MY NAME IS TAYLOR! I'm not disrespecting YOUR name, am I?!?! SO DON'T go DISRESPECTING mine! Thank you, for your considaration.
I've always liked the name on both genders but lately I feel like it sounds better on males but Taylor Swift kind of ruined that. I just love the relaxed vibe of it.
I can't bring myself to like this name. There's nothing wrong with it, I just tend not to like surnames-turned-forenames or unisex names. But that's just me, and I'm sure there are many lovely Taylors out there.
I guess there is nothing really wrong with this name for a boy or a girl, but I personally detest it. It reminds me of Taylor Swift, the talentless princess of pathetic teenybopper trash. When I hear this name, all I can think of is how people always tell me I look like Taylor Swift. (Come on! I'm five feet tall with thick cateye glasses and a dark brown pixie haircut! I DON'T see it!) Ugh!
MY name is Taylor.. I like it cause of all the nicknames I get like, taytay taytertot and taythird and tots (: I like it both on a girl and a boy.
What is wrong with all of you people who feel it is acceptable to trash another persons name? How would you like it if people said you were a bitch, or a trashy, lazy person simply based on the name you were given?
Or just to say a name is bad based on its meaning or its popularity? When parents choose a name for their child it is a deeply personal experience and no one has the right to pass judgement on their choice. Life is hard enough without complete strangers telling you your name sucks (for no good reason). All, of you negative people need to get a life and focus your energy on something more positive. And, yes, my daughters name is Taylor which we chose because it was my mothers maiden name, not based on the meaning, not because it is a popular name, but because it meant something to us and she is proud of her name. I hope she never sees this page of this website and all of the negative, ridiculous comments that people have posted about her name.
So let me get this straight. My name is Taylor, and yes I am a girl. So, from what many are saying, I am automatically a bitch? Trashy? Selfish? Stereotypes are rude, I don't mind you all saying you don't like it so long as you have valid reasoning. Just try not to stick all Taylor's in the same boat. I like to think that I am my own person, and just because someone out there with the same name is a mean person that doesn't make me one as well. Try to be a little more sensitive, words are powerful things. I do agree, however. Taylor isn't the ideal girl's name. It is a bit masculine, and it is overused. None the less, I love my name because my parents gave me the name. I respect and love them too much to hate it. Anything they give me is something to cherish.
Personally, my name is Taylor. Yes, I do think it's a girly name, and it can be masculine. But, first off I want to say, Taylor DOES NOT mean "poor cutter of cloth." It's definition is just "cutter" or "cutter of cloth." Get it the hell right.
This name is a total girls name. Taylor is very pretty and strong, not delicate. I think delicate girls names are ridiculous. I'm a fan of Taylor Swift as well. There are too many girls named Taylor out there, so don't bother using it for a boy.
It's very much a unisex name, which is the only good thing. My nephew was named this, and I think it could be worse but the meaning isn't that great, either.
I like the name Taylor :) I think it can be used for a guy and girl and go perfectly for both. My name's Taylor, I used to not like it, but I love it now. Some people really think it should stay a guys name? Things change :/ sorry but things are going to get mixed up and be different. I like it (:
Where do I begin? Within my large distaste for surname-turned-forenames... "Taylor" is very likely the worst offender.
It is abominably unpleasant on a male, but absolutely dreadful as feminine."Taylor" is very much a default, generic, and predictable name; there is nothing particularly interesting or alluring to it... it is, itself, merely another blade of grass in my backyard. And who wishes to be that? I thought that people wanted to stand out, to be a bright flower in the stretch of green.While I do not want to say that it is entirely unintelligent in sound... "Taylor" is rather juvenile, weak, and unprofessional (again, particularly on a female.)
In either case, it is definitely not attractive to my eye or to my ear-- nor does it initially fabricate an image of a brilliant brain.
I think Taylor is an amazing name. I like all spellings; Taylor, Tayla, Taylah, Tayloh. I think Taylor is a cute name, and country singer Taylor Swift is a brilliant inspiration and she has such a beautiful name :) I think also Taylor is ok for a boy, although it doesn't sound as good. I saw a comment back up there that said something about them disliking Taylor Swift & Lautner. How could you?!
I can't believe how rude everyone is being. Grow up!, as after all if a parent wants to name their son or daughter Taylor, it's their own choice and no one else's. And anyway it's a nicer name than all these modern names that have become popular like Jayden, I truly despise this name.
This is a good name for someone who is androgynous, gender queer, gender fluid or transgender. I don't mean that as an insult to the name, nothing wrong with alternative gender expression. I just think this is one of the few names that can really go both ways equally well, or rather it works better as a masculine name but is more popularly used for females which lends it well to gender bending.
Taylor is more of a boy's name, in my opinion. It just seems odd to name girls after occupations.
My youngest sister is named Taylor. I know a couple other girls with this name but I don't think I've ever met a boy with it. I think it's a pretty yet tough name (for girls), and that's what my sister is. It's a little plain, sometimes, but I like her name.
Not exactly sure what to think of this name. I've met two girls named Taylor: one was a none-too-bright but friendly cheerleader and the other was transgender. Therefore, one or the other of these descriptions always comes to mind. I do find it a bit more feminine than masculine, however.
I think this name describes a hard-working, caring girl. Honestly I don't think I can see this on a boy anymore. Although, this name is now quite dated to the 90's. I'm in high school and I know tons of Taylors (almost all girls). But I still think this is a pretty, wholesome name!
I like this name, but I prefer names with a little more meaning.
I love this name. I am going to name my kitten Katyah Tailyr. Occupation names are very cool right now and I really think this name will stay up in popularity for a while.
Wow. What an amazing meaning. "a tailor" -.-
My name is Taylor, and I like it, even though I'm a girl. It is a little to popular, though, which I find sort of unsettling.
I have many problems with this name.
Taylors Swift and Lautner, in my opinion, talentless kids who are both famous because of teenage girls (I am a teenage girl, by the way, and dislike both Swift and Lautner)
Not a fan of ugly, ambiguous names. Just, not.
Would I like this name on a boy? Maybe. I wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't take issue with it, either. But on a girl.You see, there are four feminine names--Riley (which I still like for a boy), Chloe, Madison, and Taylor--that conjure an image in my mind of "really tacky names from a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie/show." I'll be the first to admit, when I was a little kid I was a huge fan of the twins (their "Full House" days, and movies like "It Takes Two" and even "Billboard Dad"). However, if you look at all their "teen movies" and their later TV show (which was also a "teen show"), they started sticking to having "cool" character names--and the main ones that stick out in my mind are Riley, Chloe, Madison, and Taylor (though the first two were recycled more). And the storylines just got more vapid. Seriously, try sitting through "Holiday in the Sun" and feeling sympathetic towards either twin. I dare you.And there was a user who commented before that Taylor is a great name (because she had it) and inner beauty is what counts--or something to that effect--and "chances are all your names are ugly and un-feminine too!" THAT is the picture in my head that Taylor paints: a very shallow, tacky person.I realize that my ranting can come across as quite insulting so I apologize to all the female Taylors out there (of which I'm sure there are quite a few) who do not perpetuate the stereotype which I have illustrated here. It's unfortunate, but. It also appears as if I'm not alone. Hopefully, all the good Taylors can change the image and create a much classier one.
Taylor on a boy is okay but on girl - ewww! I mean it's so disgusting and unfeminine on a girl!
I will never understand why people think this sounds like a NAME, let alone a girls' name.
Childish and overpopular. It's an occupation!
I love the name Taylor. It's my middle name, and I love love it. For a baby girl I think it's cute! I almost wanna go by Taylor, but my first name is Kaitlyn, and I love it a little more. My mother has good taste in names if you ask me, Kaitlyn Taylor is pretty darn cute.(:
I can't stand Taylor Swift. It sounds too much like a girls name for a boy. And "to cut" what the---, what type of meaning is that? Horrible name.
I really dislike this name. I don't like it for a girl and I don't really like it for a boy either. But I would much prefer it be a boy's name than a girl's.
I have to admit I loved this name and thought it was a really cool girl's name when I first encountered it as a preteen (through a character on 'The Bold and the Beautiful'). It's been quite a few years since I felt that way about it, since it's become so overused, and because I found out that it's not really a girl's name at all. I still like the nickname Lori for a girl named Taylor, though; at least she has that option of going by a feminine nickname when she's got such a masculine forename.
This is a horrible name, it has become entirely too popular, and I find myself always meeting other 'Taylor's. Name your kid something unique not generic. My name is my name because my mother decided on it, but I have met so many others with it that I now feel it is just something to call me by and not really 'my' name.
I always picture this name being said in a valley girl voice, though it's not supposed to be feminine- especially since it's a surname.
I used to like this name, but now I find it trashy. Taylor is one of those names that makes the bearer feel that she has no choice but to be a cheerleader or pop singer like the annoying Taylor Swift.
I like this name for girls, but I love it as a boy's name.
This name sounds icky and snobby to me!
I like this name. I have known two little girls called this one spelt Taylor and the other spelt Taylah. I prefer Taylah as it is more girly and feminine whereas Taylor is more boyish and strong.
I have met a lot of girl Taylors, but only one boy Taylor. I really prefer this on a boy, because it sounds strong and handsome.
This name is tacky and weak, and makes me cringe.
I don't like this name a whole lot, but I don't dislike it. It's not an easy name for teasing, which is good, and it won't get mispronounced. My niece's name is Taylor Shears, though. Poor girl.
:D Hehe I'm a Taylor (f) and although I do not think it's all that great and pretty of a name, a guy told me the other day that my name is very pretty and that he didn't associate my name with a boy's, which I thought was so sweet of him. I personally don't like my name but I have met some really nice girls (and guys) named Taylor and they are very intelligent, too.
Ok, for one, I honestly don't understand why so many people dislike the name Taylor just because they have encountered nasty people that COINCIDENTALLY had the name Taylor. I have encountered nasty people as well, but I don't waste my time going around criticizing everyone who bears their name. To me, Taylor works both as a boy and girl name. I believe that people shouldn't judge by a person's name, because it's ignorant and insulting.
I have to admit this name is becoming so ridiculously popular. It's pretty, but on someone else's kid. My friend has this name and she hates it and wishes she was called by her middle name. I can understand, though, our friend's boyfriend thought she was a he and threatened to beat her up! But this is a pretty name (although she doesn't believe me). Please, when you name your daughter/son this common English name, give them more of an unusual middle name to go by when they get older. They'll appreciate it. :)
Not to be rude or anything but why are so many people so simple-minded? I don't get it, you don't like a name because someone you know has it and is a bitch basically? It doesn't make any sense. And now you're probably going to say I'm saying this because my name's Taylor and no what I don't care. I do agree though that the name is way too common and I've thought about changing my name and still may [I know 5 Taylors] but still to those people that are basically saying all Taylors are the same, I feel personally insulted.
This name is too common and dull. Everybody jumped on a bus going the wrong way.
My name is Taylor (girl). I know 3 girl Taylors, 2 boy Taylors, and 3 people with Taylor as a surname. It is overused.
I think that the name Taylor sounds good for a boy, not a girl though. I much prefer this name to Tyler.
To me, because of personal associations and the sound, it's a boy's name. I have known a few girls named Taylor, but the majority are boys.
This is my name, and I really don't like it. Except for the nickname that comes with it, Tay. I absolutely despise common names, and this is one, considering I know over 5 Taylors. The whole unisex thing is no problem for me, I actually like unisex names, but the meaning is plain. I like some more creativity in names, rather than just flat-out "Taylor."
Well, there's no LOGICAL reason why this name couldn't be used on females. Not all surnames are masculine, and this name has been in use as a first name long enough not to sound too surname-y. It's only two syllables anyway. However, I do prefer this name on males. The -er ending makes almost all names sound masculine, Piper being an exception that I can think of right now. This isn't one of my favorite names, but it's not a bad name. Somehow it just sounds a bit boyish on women, though.
This is my name, and I like it a lot. It's not too popular, and it's strong without being too masculine (although some disagree). I think it's a great name for a girl.
I've noticed that there's a lot of negative reactions to this name; even the good reactions pale in comparison to the intense, blunt, and often hateful interpretations of the name. I personally don't care what a person is named; so long as the soul inside is beautiful, that person is beautiful. I am proud to know a very beautiful Taylor, which just proves that names don't make the person. He's not a clothes-mender, he's not a winmpy boy or an unfeminine girl, so there go the conventional connotations. He is a wonderful person, and he would be just as wonderful if he was named anything else.
The name Taylor reminds of a wealthy, snobbish, selfish white girl.
I can't stand modern names like this. I don't mind calling your kid Red or something, but a surname, especially for a GIRL? It means literally and simple a TAILOR. Someone who takes in clothing for a living. It's so unattractive and heavy and masculine sounding. I just can't get used to seeing little pretty girls in dresses with rosy cheeks being called a surname. McKenzies and Taylors and god knows what else. It's so uninviting. Please call your kid a FIRST name?
Just awful.
Ugh. I think I just threw up on the keyboard. Anyhow, this name is awfully horrendous. I mean, maybe it's just because the people I know who HAVE this name are awfully horrendous, but seriously, people. I think we're running out of name ideas. You might as well be naming your children "Seamstress" or "Politician" or "Speech therapist", because they're all job names. Kinda like "Taylor".
Taylor is an ugly name. It just sounds like trailor trash.
So many stupid, stripper names to mock, so little time. Taylor is ridiculous. Don't name your kid Taylor. Just don't. A Taylor is someone who mends clothes. It is not something you name your daughter.
I would like to ask johann14 if she was calling all Taylors strippers? What does it matter what a person's name means? "cutter of cloth", why is that so horrible? I mean seriously it's not like it means "ignorant moron" right? I have to say that some of your views are extremely biased.
Gross for a girl but awesome and cute on boy. I have no clue why it's so popular for a girl right now. It's so unfeminine.
This isn't a name. It's a surname and a job.
I like Taylor more for a girl, it just sounds more feminine to me.
This is a cute name for either gender I think! CUTE CUTE!
EW. I despise this name. I know two people that have it, and both of them are really nasty, mean, ugly girls. Sorry to nice, pretty Taylors out there, but really, I can't help it. And the meaning is NOT to die for. It means "cutter of cloth". Um, okay, shall I barf to emphasize the fact that this is a REALLY LAME MEANING?
I truly hate this name. It reminds me of Sheriff Andy Taylor, a character played by Andy Griffith in a popular 1960s TV show. All of the girls I have met named Taylor make me dislike the name more. Yes, this is caused by bad impressions, but I think this name sounds more masculine than feminine.
Taylor is a perfectly fine name on boys and girls. And all you people who say it isn't right to name a girl a boy name, remember, 100 years ago girls couldn't wear pants, so things change.
This is my name and I think it is a very strong name.
I like most unisex names and I like the name Taylor even though it is common. I think it sounds good on both boys and girls.
Another case of surnames being used for first names and also a case of a boy's name being used for girls.
I know one girl named Taylor but still think it's best suited for a boy. Taylor is both dull and overused.
I think this name sounds much more feminine than it does masculine, although it's not a bad name for a boy either. I think it can work for a cute little kid or a mature adult! The only thing I dislike about this name is the meaning "cutter of cloth".
I don't understand why anyone would name their daughter this. It's very masculine sounding and it's a profession. Whatever next? Will we soon be seeing little girls called Shoemaker, Cordwainer, Locksmith and Miller?
I love this name, my next daughter is going to be named Taylor Christine.
Beautiful name. However, for a boy I'd opt for Tyler - Taylor just sounds more girly and Tyler is more manly.
I dislike this name. I won't say I hate it but it's just not my taste of a girls name. I'd rather name my child Destiny. Because it's more unique and anyways the name is way too common.
I like the name Taylor only for girls. I prefer the sound of Tyler anyway.
While I don’t particularly like this name for either a girl or a boy, I do think it’s much more masculine then feminine. I do, however, like the tradition of using some last names as first names as a means of honouring various family names. It was customary for years to give the first born son his mother’s last name as a first or middle name as am means of honouring her family, and I will definitely give my children my last name as a middle name. As to the person who asked what happens when Miss Taylor Brown marries Mr John Taylor, the answer is she remains Ms. Taylor Brown. Have you ever heard of feminism? Women today are considered people with names and identities of their own, not property or extensions of their husbands, so this really isn’t an issue.
Taylor is the ugliest name for a girl I ever saw. I never met a Taylor, and I'm happy I didn't. This name sounds too masculine. (I think it's cute on a boy). I can't believe how popular it is for a girl. It's just SO ugly for a female.
Eeww! Taylor is the most un-feminine name, ever! Seriously, it was a last name for a poor person who cut cloth, then it became a first name because it was a middle name to honour the mum's maiden name or whatever. It is the ugliest girl's name ever, whatever happend to sweet, regal names? Seriously, can you imagine a Princess Taylor or Queen Taylor? I think not.
In Britain Taylor is in the top 3 SURNAMES*. Unfortunately we have started copying the idiotic trend of using surnames for given names and so I hear little kids being called Taylor and immediately react as it's my surname. Give it a rest guys. There are plenty of brilliant given names to choose from without resorting to surnames.
*What happens when Miss Taylor Brown marries Mr John Taylor?
You make a good point. All the more reason to only use surnames for boys (love Taylor for a boy).
I despise this name for a girl, and I despise this name for a boy. Anyway, why would you name someone after a person, generally poor, who cuts cloth? Beats me.
I love the name because my name is Taylor and I have come to find that people named Taylor are beautiful people, not just on the inside but the outside especially! Including myself and for bedrock, there are obviously plenty of people who like the name Taylor! Like me for instance, don't hate please! Because chances are your name is probably the boring and un-feminine one! Taylor is the best name a person could get and F.Y.I. Taylor is the girl name and Tyler is the boy name! Taylor sounds pretty too!
Wow. I absolutely cannot believe how contradictory of yourself you are in here. You start by saying that Taylor is a good name because it's your name, and then by saying that, not only are you beautiful on the inside, you're (especially) beautiful on the outside. You then go on to insult the names of everyone else reading these comments, claiming that they have unfeminine names. When you look at your own name, you will see how particularly unfeminine and plain it is, and perhaps you will grow up a little from your obvious age of eight-and-a-half and learn to reserve your judgment.
This is my name! And whoever doesn't like is just plain dumb and crazy! I used to not like my name, but now I've grown to like it.
I love the name Taylor for either boy or girl. It is one of true unisex names that works for either like the name Jamie.
I think this name is much better on a guy than on a girl. It's just SO overused for girls nowadays. I will admit to being slightly biased about liking it better on guys, though. I don't understand why people can't leave boys' names as boys' names.
My mum's maiden name was Taylor, but I think it's just an average surname.
I totally agree that Taylor is better for a boy than a girl.
I like Taylor better on a guy. All the girl Taylor's I know, I don't like. I've only came across one guy named Taylor though.
It is a pretty sweet name.
I like Taylor better for a guy! All the boy Taylors I know are blue-eyed, blonde and HOT! (Boyfriend's middle name)
Taylor is a beautiful name and most girls, not all but most, are hot.
Taylor is a nice name. True though, is it boy or girl. It definitely is a unisex name. I like it for either boy or girl.
This is a pretty name that was very unique. Personally, I like the fact that no one CAN tell if it's a boy or girl! I was named Taylor because I am Tailor-made by God. After my older brother, Adam, died, my parents were depressed. When I was born, I saved my mother and father's hearts. When my youngest brother was born, they named him Seth (which means "anointed") because God blessed them with one more boy. But hey, if you don't like it, that's cool. :)
Who would name their child Taylor? This name has got to be one of the ugliest names out there. For a boy it sounds wimpy and for a girl it sounds very unfeminine. Whatever happened to naming children with first names? Now everyone is using the same old used up last names. i.e. Taylor, McKenzie, Cooper, Brooks. Horrible!
This is one of those names that has become so over-used. No one knows if it's a boys' name or a girls' name.
Taylor stands for
I know a friend named Taylor. She is rude, not pretty inside or out, and is competetive and selfish. Now when I think of that name I can't think of it being pretty because of her. If I had never met her then I might be able to think it's pretty. All Taylors out there please don't turn out like her.
I love this name. It's my name. My aunt named me this. I didn't like my name when I was little, but now I love it. It's a beautiful name for both boys and girls.
I agree it IS a beautiful name. It's classic, elegant without frills and strong without being boyish. I think it's prettier and I suggest it other than Emma, Devin or Lindsay.
Taylor is a name that means eternal beauty. The people with this name are beautiful inside and out.
I have always liked the name Taylor. I think it is a very strong name.
Those with the name of Taylor, possess great intellect and are wise. They are always in the search for truth for it's truth that finds them as well.

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