Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really like this name. Sounds upperclass and handsome.
Upper class, handsome, athletic vibe!
Love! Love the nn, Trent as well!
It's okay but nothing special.
I like the nickname Trent.
Very handsome! I had a dream that I had a son named Trenton Asher. His sisters were Rosalind Avery and Veronica Lane. Idk, you tell me!
I love this name! Gorgeous!
Great name!❤️ Love!
Love...sounds handsome. Love the nickname Trent as well!
Kinda pretentious. But it sounds more complete then Trent on it's own, and where I live I don't think people would really think of Trenton, NJ.
This is a nice name. Trent is a cute nickname. Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen's brother's name is Trent or James Trent Olsen.
I'm sorry, but for some reason I find this name quite tacky. It doesn't have a pleasant sound, and it really doesn't even sound like a name. It's a little too 'new agey' for me. Trent is nice though.
I understand wanting to name a child after a beautiful place or a place with personal meaning, like Paris, India, Vienna, or Virginia, but who wants to name a kid after the capital of New Jersey? From what I've heard, it's crime-ridden and depressing. I wonder if some of these parents even know Trenton is an actual place and are only using it because it's trendy and they think it sounds cute.
This name is a really cute strong name for a boy. No one is going to think about the Trenton River or area around England. Some people don't even know where that is! This is just a good name and the nickname Trent is cute too!
I agree with ZoeAliza. Trenton is a horrible place after which to be named. Who in their right mind would used this name?
I live just across the river from Trenton, NJ. And trust me- that place is horrible. Disgusting and dreary with a very high crime rate. Not a good namesake for a baby at all.
I really like the name Trenton. I think that Trent would be a cute nickname for Trenton. Trenton seems to me a mix of emotions. It seems soft and gentle little Trenton but then is seems strong and refined. So I believe this is a name that would age well on someone.
This name is wonderful. I would so name a male that!
Trenton is a nice name for a boy, it sounds strong, rugged and handsome.

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