Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is my favourite name, it sounds really strong and masculine. If I had a child I would probably name it Tyrone.
I just find it interesting that so many Black guys are named this, but hardly any White ones, despite that it's an Irish name.
Tyrone is the most superior of all names.
I have a cousin called Tyrone. It is a great name.
Gross and low class.
I don't like the sound of it.
So many racist stereotypes, I wouldn't use it.
It’s a decent name but the stereotypes that are stuck to it are miserable.
I'd rather name my kid Tyrone than Tyler because it's more unique and less common.
My name is Tyrone Smith and being a white male in the south (Atlanta, Ga) hasn't been easy and I say that because the whites think you're black before meeting you and the blacks feel like you're trying to trick them when they do meet you. But I love my name, its meaning is strong and powerful- absolute ruler or tyrant/(sovereign). It's also been a great tool to sort out and avoid the racists. The name was passed down through the Irish side of my Irish/Cherokee family.
I consider this name to be very strong and masculine. Much more handsome for a male than the overused and modern sounding Tyler.
Somehow, naming your child after American states is trashy, but with Irish counties, it's a whole different story. Tyrone has an ugly sound, and reminds me of bullies and chavs. Eoghan is a lot more pleasant sounding than Tyrone. Besides, this name is only used in English-speaking countries. I think that it's strange to name your child after a county in a country you have no connections to whatsoever. What's next? Mayo? Sligo? Roscommon? Have to admit, Monaghan sounds pretty nice, though.
Bwahahaha, this name always makes me think of trashy, dimwitted criminals.
I always think of this name as athletes! There are so many players that share this name!

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