Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is excellent. Combines modern and classic attributes. Common enough to be known but not common enough to be frequently shared. A similar name, Van, is pronounced the same but spelled in a simple manner. I personally prefer Vaughn for the visual effect of the letters over Van, but both are nice.
It’s alright, but a little bland?
So handsome. I love how it sounds.
I am one of the few who own the title: Vaughn, I don't like the name but I'm still proud to bear it.
Vaun is a better spelling.
Shaun's unmanly eccentric brother.
Beautiful to say, but the actual spelling isn't so attractive.
I like it I guess, it's very unique. Although it doesn't remind me of Vince Vaughn. I think it makes a better middle name personally, I knew a boy with this as his middle name and I always thought it was after Vince Vaughn :P.
The spelling looks somewhat chaotic with all the consonants following one another, and I don't like the ''aw'' sound, especially in certain people's pronunciation this can sound very annoying, just like Dawn can.
I love it, it's different and soft and it generally goes with any first name that you put with it.
My loving boyfriend is named VAUGHN and now I think the name is STUNNING!

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