So pretty.
Woah. Stunning.
Agree with ciara23. It's also more exciting than Vivian imo.
If we continue to hold ideas like the previous comments, we will just get usable names less and less, duller and duller, result in some people have to kre8 "interesting" things out.
I think this name is absolutely beautiful. Vivian is so common. I know at least three Vivians and a Vivienne. Viviette sounds so absolutely bewitching to me. It could be a name for a pretty little girl with a witch for a mother. Or a young, spirited lady in Victorian times. Beautiful. I don’t see why it’s getting so much hate.
I think this name is quite alright really, although I do agree that it is a little bit too overly girly, but I think it has lots of great nickname potential too. :-)
This name is frilly, but not awful as the previous comment suggests.
Vivian, although sharp and cold-sound, surpasses Viviette easily. I really think this is a snobby, ugly sounding name, one you would give to a character that ruins the protagonists life with her snootiness, her cattiness.

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