Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword future.
Asuka f & m Japanese
From Japanese 明日 (asu) meaning "tomorrow" and (ka) meaning "fragrance", or from (asu) meaning "to fly" and (ka) meaning "bird". Other kanji combinations can be possible as well.
Boaventura m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Bonaventura.
Bonaventura m Italian, Catalan
Means "good fortune" in Italian, from Latin bonus "good" and venturas "the things that will come, the future". Saint Bonaventura was a 13th-century Franciscan monk who is considered a Doctor of the Church.
Buenaventura m Spanish
Spanish form of Bonaventura.
Miku f Japanese
From Japanese (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with (ku) meaning "sky" or (ku) meaning "long time". It can also come from a nanori reading of 未来 (mirai) meaning "future". Other kanji combinations are possible as well.