Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword sight.
Aina 4 f Latvian
Feminine form of Ainārs.
Ainārs m Latvian
From Latvian aina meaning "scene, sight".
Aisling f Irish
Means "dream" or "vision" in Irish. This name was created in the 20th century.
Ayumu m Japanese
From Japanese (ayu) meaning "walk, step" and (mu) meaning "dream, vision". It can also be written with alone, or with other combinations of kanji.
Drishti f Hindi
Means "sight" in Sanskrit.
Ruya f Arabic
Means "vision, sight" in Arabic.
Tal'at m Arabic
Possibly means "face, sight" in Arabic.
Yume f Japanese
From Japanese (yume) meaning "dream, vision". It can also come from (yu) meaning "abundant, rich, plentiful" and (me) meaning "bud, sprout", as well as other kanji or kanji combinations.