Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword coconut.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Anushavan m Armenian
Means "sweet town" from Armenian անուշ (anuš) meaning "sweet" combined with ավան (avan) "town, village". Originally, it was formed from Avestan anaoša meaning "immortal" and urvan "soul", though it was also interpreted as meaning "slogan" or "adoring, loyal" or derived from a word meaning "coconut".
Erita f Tahitian
Means "royal coconut" in Tahitian.
Kayako f Japanese
From Japanese (ka) "beautiful, good" and (ya) "area, field" combined with (ko) "child". This is merely one popular combination; many other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Koroya f Japanese
From Japanese 心 (koro) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut palm" or 夜 (ya, yo, yoru) meaning "evening, night". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Maphrao f Thai
Means "coconut" in Thai.
Mona f Japanese
From Japanese 最 (mo) meaning "utmost, most, extreme", 望 (mo) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 杏 (mo) meaning "apricot", 杜 (mo) meaning "woods, grove", 桃 (mo) meaning "peach", 椛 (mo) meaning "autumn foliage, birch, maple, (kokuji)", 百 (mo) meaning "hundred", 花 (mo) meaning "flower", 苺 (mo) meaning "strawberry", 茂 (mo) meaning "overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant", 萌 (mo) or 萠 (mo) both meaning "sprout, bud", 裳 (mo) meaning "skirt" or 雲 (mo) meaning "cloud" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 南 (na) meaning "south", 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection", 渚 (na) meaning "beach", 真 (na) meaning "true, reality", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 名 (na) meaning "name", 梨 (na) meaning "pear", 椰 (na) meaning "coconut tree", 永 (na) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 花 (na) meaning "flower", 隆 (na) meaning "noble, prosperous", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store" or 和 (na) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Nauri f Tahitian
Means "the two young coconut shoots", referring to the southern archipelagos south of French Polynesia.
Niusae f Polynesian
Means "tearing apart coconut leaves" in Bellonese.
Ohn m & f Burmese
Means "coconut" in Burmese.
Sakuya m & f Japanese, Japanese Mythology
As a unisex name, it can be used as 咲也, 咲哉, 咲弥, 朔夜 or 朔椰 with 咲 (shou, sa.ku, -zaki) meaning "bloom, blossom", 朔 (saku, tsuitachi) meaning "conjuction (astronomy), first day of the month", 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)", 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly", 夜 (ya, yo, yoru) meaning "evening, night" and 椰 (ya, yashi) meaning "coconut tree."... [more]
Teben m Polynesian
Means "coconut" in Gilbertese.
Tenii f Polynesian
Means "coconut tree" in Gilbertese.
Teniu'usi m & f Polynesian
Means "the dark coconut" in Bellonese.
Yako f Japanese
From Japanese 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut palm" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child" or 琴 (ko), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Yano f Japanese
From Japanese 也 (ya) meaning "also", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 哉 (ya), an exclamation, 埜 (ya) meaning "open country, field, wilderness", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 屋 (ya) meaning "roof, house, shop, dealer, seller", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut tree", 矢 (ya) meaning "dart, arrow" or 耶 (ya), an interjection combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 暢 (no) meaning "stretch", 弐 (no) meaning "two, second", 展 (no) meaning "unfold, expand", 能 (no) meaning "ability, talent, skill, capacity", 音 (no) meaning "sound", 信 (no) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust" or 倫 (no) meaning "ethics, companion"... [more]
Yuriya m & f Japanese
From Japanese 百合 (yuri) meaning "lily", 揺 (yuri) meaning "swing, shake, sway, rock, tremble, vibrate", 弓 (yu) meaning "archery bow", 結 (yu) meaning "tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten", 癒 (yu) meaning "healing, cure", 優 (yu) meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", 友 (yu) meaning "friend", 憂 (yu) meaning "melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy", 有 (yu) meaning "exist", 由 (yu) meaning "cause, reason", 祐 (yu) meaning "help" or 裕 (yu) meaning "abundant, rich", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 谷 (ya) meaning "valley", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut tree", 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 也 (ya) meaning "also" or 耶 (ya), an interjection... [more]