Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword meat.
See Also
meat meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Avio m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name related to aviorpoq "sound", "ring", "twitter", "buzzing" (in the ears), "whistle". The notion that buzzing in the ears (aviutitsineq or avequllattaaneq) as a plea for food from a deceased is known thoughout most of Greenland... [more]
Gaa-binagwiiyaas m Ojibwe
Means "which the flesh peels off" or "sloughing flesh" or "wrinkle meat" or "old wrinkled meat" in Ojibwe.
Isshū m Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 秀 (shuu, hii.deru, ho) meaning "beauty, excel(lence), surpass", 州 (shuu, su, su, kuni) meaning "province, state", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn", 舟 (shuu, funa-, fune, -bune) meaning "boat, ship" or 脩 (shuu, osa.meru, naga.i, hojishi) meaning "dried meat."... [more]
Kamuima m Ainu
Meaning "Cooking Bear Meat" in Ainu.
Kiǫtvi m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse kjǫt meaning "flesh", "meat".
Neĸe m Greenlandic
Means "meat" in Greenlandic.
Panertoĸ m Greenlandic
Means "dried meat, dried fish" in Greenlandic.