Manchu Submitted Names

Manchu names are used by the Manchu people of northern China.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abahai ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ f & m Manchu
A short Manchu form of Tiancong, meaning “Heavenly Ruler”. Best known as one of the Manchu titles of Hong Taiji.
Abai m & f Manchu
Aixinga ᠠᡳᠰᡳᠩᡤᠠ m Manchu, Chinese
The name of a famous Manchu military general belonging to the Šumuru clan of nobility.
Alin m Siberian, Chinese, Manchu
Means "mountain" in Manchu.
Alingga ᠠᠯᡳᠩᡤᠠ m Manchu, Chinese
Buyinzhu f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a Noble Lady (6th rank consort) of the Kangxi emperor. She was the sister of Nalanzhu.
Dorgon ᡩᠣᡵᡤᠣᠨ m Manchu
Ebilun ᡝᠪᡳᠯᡠᠨ m Manchu, Chinese
Eidu ᡝᡳᡩᡠ m Manchu
Meaning unknown.
Eje m Manchu
Means "bull" in Manchu.
Elden ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠨ m Manchu
Means "light, ray" in Manchu.
Erdeni ᡝᡵᡩᡝᠨᡳ m & f Manchu
From the Middle Mongolian ᡝᡵᡩᡝᠨᡳ (erdeni) meaning "precious, gem, jewel".
Fiyanggū ᡶᡳᠶᠠᠩᡤᡡ m & f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the name of a Jurchen chieftain (d. 1522 CE). After the establishment of the Qing dynasty, he was given the posthumous name Emperor Zheng.
Fodo m & f Manchu
Means "willow" in Manchu.
Hojo f Manchu
Manchu form of Mei 1.
Hong Taiji ᡥᠣᠩᡨᠠᡳᠵᡳ m & f Manchu, Chinese (?)
Possibly deriving from the Mongolian khong tayiji, a title that was borrowed from the Chinese 皇太子 huang taizi ("crown prince"). This was likely the personal name of the founding emperor of the Qing dynasty (1592-1643 CE).
Hooge ᡥᠣᠣᡤᡝ m Manchu
Best known as the given name of one of General Hong Taiji’s sons.
Ilha f Manchu
Means "flower" in Manchu.
Jakdan ᠵᠠᡴᡩᠠᠨ m Manchu
Means "pine" in Manchu.
Jirgalang ᠵᡳᡵᡤᠠᠯᠠᠩ m Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the name of a prominent Manchu leader (1599-1655).
Laimbu ᠯᠠᡳᠮᠪᡠ m Manchu
Derived from the Manchu ᠯᠠᡳᠮᠪᡠ (laimbu) that can be translated with the Chinese character 賴 (lài) meaning "to depend on" combined with 慕 () meaning "to admire, to adore" and 布 (bu) meaning "cloth; textiles" but also "to announce; to proclaim".... [more]
Makata ᠮᠠᡴᠠᡨᠠ f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of Princess Wenzhuang, who was a daughter of Hong Taiji.
Manggūltai ᠮᠠᠩᡤᡡᠯᡨᠠᡳ m Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the name of the older half-brother of Hong Taiji.
Muke m & f Manchu
Manchu form of Shui.
Nalanzhu f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of Consort Yi, a consort of the Kangxi emperor.
Niowanggiyan m Manchu
Means "green" in Manchu.
Oboi ᠣᠪᠣᡳ m Manchu, Chinese
Sahaliyan ᠰᠠᡥᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠨ m Manchu
Means "black" in Manchu.
Sain ᠰᠠᡳᠨ f Manchu
Means "good, auspicious" in Manchu.
Sholontu ᡧᠣᠯᠣᠨᡨᡠ m Manchu
Means "horned dragon" in Manchu.
Šolontu ᡧᠣᠯᠣᠨᡨᡠ m Manchu
Manchu masculine name maning "horned dragon".
Tayiji ᡨᠠᡳᠵᡳ, ᠲᠠᠶᠢᠵᠢ m Mongolian, Manchu
Derived from Hong Tai Zi, meaning “Crown Prince”. It is usually a very honorific title, not a name.
Tulišen ᡨ᠌ᡠᠯᡳᡧᡝᠨ m Manchu
Tulishen ᡨ᠌ᡠᠯᡳᡧᡝᠨ m Manchu
Tulixen ᡨ᠌ᡠᠯᡳᡧᡝᠨ m Manchu
Ulhicun ᡠᠯᡥᡳᠴᡠᠨ f Manchu
Possibly meaning "knowledge".
Yelu m Manchu
Means "boar" in Manchu.