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[Opinions] Patricia
Patricia is one of those names that people view as overused and dated, but I’ve always loved it. I think it would be beautiful on a little girl, and that it sounds melodic. How do you feel about Patricia? I prefer it in full, without the nicknames Pat, Patty, or Trish.
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I don't mind it, however this is one of those names that I think needs to wait a few more decades before coming back into use. It doesn't feel that fresh to me. If I were to use it now, I'd use it in the middle. My favourite nickname is Tricia. I know an older lady with this name who goes by Pattie (spelt as written), and I find that sweet.
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It's ok, not overused. I like the nn Tricia or Trish
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As an 80s baby, I grew up with a lotta Trishas, but no Patricias, so it's always seemed like a fancy, rare name to me. Patricia has been growing on me a lot over the past few years, but I'm not as fond of Trisha so that kind of holds back my full admiration. Trish is ok, for some reason, but Trisha, no. The problem with Patricia is that a nickname is inevitable. Dang it. Patty and Patsy are great nicknames that are beyond retro. I wonder if they'll have a resurgence, or fall out of use the way "Fanny" did. Patricia seems very stately and formal, and I enjoy that about it. I think it would be an unusual sight on a baby these days, and I think I'd find it refreshing to meet one.The combo Patricia Caroline has long floated around in the back of my mind as being very lovely. Both names have a similar level of restrained aristocratic elegance.
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I’ve always thought Patricia was beautiful. I was born in 1990, so it’s not as associated with anonymous glut for me as Katie, Lauren, etc. are. My favorite nickname for it is Trixie, though Tricia sounds very gentle and charming.
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I've always felt neutral towards it. I do think that it is overused and dated, but it's absolutely isn't terrible by any means. I do prefer it in full, although if a nn were to be necessary, then Trish or Tricia. (I absolutely don't care for Pat, and especially Patty. I'd personally avoid Patty at all costs! LOL! The imagery that comes to mind with that one is less than ideal)
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