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How strong is the association with Monica and Lewinsky and how relevant is it?
The reason I asked this question is to stop overthinking name associations and reexamine those thoughts. However, in Monica's case, I am more worried because the association with Lewinsky actually had a significant impact on the popularity of the name Monica, and because the political scandal involving Lewinsky was very widespread. And to explain my background, I am a cusper of Generation Z and Generation Alpha (born 2009) and I am from Korea.

This message was edited 4/14/2024, 5:02 AM

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I think Monica from "Friends" is a stronger association than Monica Lewinsky. Also the younger someone is, the less likely they are to think of Monica Lewinsky.It does sound dated, but not too much. Many "ica" names like Monica, Jessica, Angelica, Veronica, Erica, and Danica sound like they're from the 80's or 90's but not in a bad way and not unusable.

This message was edited 4/15/2024, 7:43 PM

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Monika Geller aka Monana a Amish woman.:-D
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I think Monica Lewinsky isn't as much of an associate unless you're older. Now a day I think more people are more likely to associate Monica with the annoying character Monica Geller on the overhyped show Friends.

This message was edited 4/14/2024, 9:02 PM

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I don't think it's relevant. I definitely associate it with the Friends character first.
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It doesn't matter. I think Americans would more likely associate Monica from the TV show Friends. But it was a common enough name.
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Not a strong association or relevant
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I've never watched Friends, and if I was going to reject the names of every random person that every random celeb bounced the bedsprings with, I'd be left with precious few choices. Monica is a perfectly pleasant name, and the moment you meet a Monica, that will be your association.
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Monica Lewinsky didn't singlehandedly drop the name's popularity. I think the uptight Friends character did as well.
Both asociations are faded now, and Monica was wel-known and popular enough that those aren't the only associations people are likely to have.
It's mainly just dated and with a currently unstylish sound.
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I mean, its fall lines up with the scandal.
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Monica is a nice name that is too common to be connected to a single bearer. I think of a teacher I used to have. She was the first Monica I ever met, so I have a positive association first and foremost.
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Monica is a classic (even ancient) name, so I don't think the Lewinsky association is overpowering.
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I’m pretty sure most people’s association with Monica is the character on Friends. The scandal that caused Monica to fall out of popularity was relevant then, but I don’t think it’s all that relevant now.
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Thank you.
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I'd argue maybe 5% of an association, for the select few people who might associate the name with Lewinsky. However, I believe that most of the English-speaking world would associate the name with "Friends," the television show (The character of Monica Geller). Besides, there are so many other famous people who bear the name Monica; Monica Bellucci, Mónica Spear, Mónica Cruz, Monica (Monica Arnold), Nikki Gil (Has the first name Monica), Monica Seles, Monica Calhoun, Monica Vitti, Mónica Ayo, Monica Hansen, Monica Potter, Monica Anne Clarke, Monica Keena, Monica Raymund, and Monica May (to name a few from Monica is a stunning name regardless of association, but I think you'll be more than fine to use it in this case!
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Thank you.
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0% association.
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Thank you.
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I was young during the height of the scandal, I grew up around the jokes and controversy, and I don't immediately think "like Lewinsky!" when I hear the name. Older people might have an issue with the association, but I don't think young people would care that much. There's also Monica from Friends - if young people today latch onto 90s culture, they're far more likely to encounter that character rather than someone from a political scandal that happened what, like almost 30 years ago?
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I agree. My immediate thoughts as far as associations go was friends. But even that isn't so overwhelming I'd make the connection unless I was actively trying to think of some.
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Thank you.
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