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Such a beautiful name for a beautiful young girl. Honestly a timeless and truly special name.
I think Julia is a gorgeous name, graced with class and romanticism. I like that it is recognized in several different cultures/languages, I like its impressive timelessness, I like that it's in the Bible, and I like the association with the beautiful Julia Roberts. Overall, I think Julia is a lovely name that ages flawlessly.
Flawless name.
It’s very overused though it is a great name.
This is one of the most famous name for girls in Brazil since the 90’s. Even nowadays people name their kids Julia or with some variation like “Maria Julia” or “Anna Julia”. My sister’s name is Julia and my daughter’s name will be Julia.
Julia is really beginning to grow on me...It's so sweet, princessy and magical! It has the best ring to it, and of course there's the association with Julia Child - and I love anything to do with food.
Nice. Better than Julie.
Julia is such a beautiful, feminine name. It’s “youthful” as the meaning suggests, but ages so well! And the nicknames could be Ju, Juju, Jules, and Jude. I would definitely use it for a daughter, it’s a name so full of joy and life.
I don’t think of juul when I hear it.
Beautiful name, I love how it can sound nice for a child, But still sound professional as an adult.
I think Julia is a sweet and pretty name. Common, but not so common to the point you’re tired of it. I’d say it’s a nice name. I also like Juliana, Julie, and Juliet. All of them are gorgeous. (This is my 1000’s comment!)
I love this name. I know it's common, or can feel common but I've actually never met a Julia. It's sweet and short but also elegant. It's cute for a baby and during childhood yet it's still mature for an adult. As a Spanish speaker I tend to like Spanish pronunciations more but in this case I prefer the English pronunciation, much more elegant. In Spanish it's pronounced like Who-lia. But it's still great for bilingual families.
Beautiful and classic name. I love that I could never guess the age of a Julia as it is so timeless! Lovely choice for girls today!
Julia is one of those pretty and timeless names that looks easy to pronounce. When I hear it, I picture an intelligent girl who's good at most school subjects. Julie and Juliana are good alternative names to this one.
It's a nice name.
Julia always seems musical, like someone is singing a song when they say it. It is a classic across time and still very beautiful. I always imagine a redhead with long, flowy curls, hazel eyes and a song in her heart. It is a name that gives feelings of confidence and energy. I would say if you are considering it, use it! It is a great choice in a name in my opinion and will never completely go out of fashion. If you were wanting to give it an extra "umf" factor you could always go with the similar Juliana / Julianna as well which are equally great choices.
Better than Julie.
My name. I'm okay with it. It doesn't sound trashy, made up or trendy. It's pretty timeless and classic. It's also easy to pronounce in different languages - I like that. I was born in 2001. My mom loves, loves, loves Julia Roberts (starred in popular movies in the 90's). That's why I got the name.
I like it though I prefer Juliet.
Pretty name... I think it could be a nickname for Julliette.
This is my name actually and though I don't like it that much, it's a pretty okay name. I just noticed someone commenting that your kid will be called 'juul'ia like the vape and though I've heard that joke before, it was like once or twice it wasn't a huge deal in my experience. Don't not name your kid Julia because you think they'll be called a vape.
A little common, but I still like it!
I like this name. It's mature, fits great for different aged women, has class and good looks, and a good sound. Also, Julia feels better than Julie, because it feels more complete, serious. I like this name.
One of my earliest name loves. So distinct in my memory, I remember the first time I heard the name Julia as a child and looking up to see who the name belonged to. She had a long Italian last name and I was utterly spellbound by the lyricism of her name said altogether. In general, Julia sounds like a song in the wind, yet it's grounded and simple at the same time. Since my first encounter with Julia, all of the Julias I’ve known from then on have been smart and the quintessential “girl-next-door.”I recommend the name Julia because it’s a firm classic and rolls off the tongue naturally.
I think Julia is a really pretty name with much elegance and class.
Beautiful... Sweet and pretty name.
Julia is such a beautiful name, some people are just...sigh. It is extremely feminine and has such a soothing ring to it. Adore!
Pretty but so overused where I’m from.
Very ugly name. It's like if the name 'Juliette' was turned gross. I work at a game shop and everyone that comes in with the name Julia is just gross. Most 'J' names are very overused, I know about 15 Julias. Plus the name just sounds quite harsh and not soft nor feminine, just my opinion. Most people I know agree.
Actually, I disagree. The name Julia is classic and amazing. It is very feminine. I definitely would not name my son Julia. Yes, J names are pretty common in the English-speaking world, but that's okay. Julia is a nice name for a girl.
Julia is a beautiful name for a girl. It’s very classic and yet very usable for a girl today. I love it paired with these middle names. Julia Caroline
Julia Hadriana
Julia Claire
Julia Elise
Julia Elisabeth
Julia Faith
Julia Catherine
Julia Francesca
Julia Grace.
I don't like the pronunciation "Yoo-lia", but I love the English pronunciation.
I absolutely love this beautiful name and if I have a daughter in the future, it will be a top contender! I think it would pair beautifully with my own middle name, Rose, which surprisingly enough, two other comments have already mentioned would be a good middle name with Julia! Guess that confirms it’s a good choice haha!
I also think that the nickname Jules is just adorable!
Very beautiful name.
Very pretty! It ages very well and and not too common.
The name Julia is very pretty! I don't think it sounds too old-fashioned for a young girl. It's a timeless name to me. And I don't see it as overused, since I have never met anyone named Julia.
I like AT&T Julia and Acapela Group Julia because they sound American English and German.
Existed for ages, I'm okay with this name, even if I prefer Giulia over this.
My name is Julia! Although the name feels old fashioned to some, the name meaning is "youthful" which I feel is more fitting. My great-grandmother was named Julia so that is where the name came from for me. I get complimented on my name often and cannot imagine myself with a different name.
A very middle-aged and middle-of-the-road name. Always puts me in mind of an overweight 55 year-old school secretary wearing an old bobbly cardigan to cover her huge backside.The 'ju' part is ugly. It becomes better on the 'lia' but still nothing special.It's hard to imagine a precious baby called Julia these days. Not the ugliest name out there, but it doesn't engender beauty or enchantment.
In my opinion, Julia is a classy, elegant girl’s name. It’s on my favorite girl name list. I love this name and I would probably pair it with Rose to make it sound even more pretty. It’s a shame to see that this name will probably leave the Top 100 because it’s such a beautiful name. On the other hand, it might become a unique name when it becomes uncommon.
I find this name pretty, but kind of girly-girly, and too overused. The meaning of the name is pretty, but a little bit cheesy.
My name is Julia Catherine and as I've grown older, I've only come to love it more. I love that Julia is classic and easily translated to other languages. It is very popular in the US, but I've only met a few others. I think it ages very well, too. It's a sweet name for a child, but still mature and professional for an adult.
I really love this name. I find Julia to be a really beautiful and sophisticated name for a girl! It’s really cute and elegant when paired with the middle name Rose. One day, I will name my future daughter Julia Rose and the name will suit her hopefully. One of my favorite girl name combos. It’s popular because it means “youthful”, and I like that meaning. It’s a pretty name and thus elegant! I like the nicknames Juli and Jules and Julia as a nickname for Juliana.
I love this name! My friend Julia, is here right now and I think it is a very pretty name.
Julia is such a classy and beautiful name. It sounds so fun and the fact that it can be translated in multiple languages throughout the world is a huge plus for me, this is also my mother's birth name so this is in consideration.
This is my name. I always thought it was in a happy medium in regards to popularity- I didn't have a lot of girls with my name in school, but it wasn't unusual enough that I got teased for it. It's sort of timeless. Also, as a classical history student I love having a Roman name!
Julia is a very beautiful and elegant name for a girl! One of my favorite girl names. I absolutely love a few J names as well as Josephine. These are some of my favorite combos paired with Julia for a girl that I love!Julia Taylor
Julia Alexandra
Julia Rose
Julia Aurora
Julia Amelia
Julia Elizabeth
Julia Quinn
Julia Mackenzie
Julia Christine
Julia Silvia
Julia Lynn
Julia Grace, I could go one!:)))
My name is Julia, and I just love the way it sounds! I can also speak in Russian and it sounds very much like my Russian name! Also, I love the song that John Lennon wrote for his mother Julia, after she passed away.
My name is Julia Isabelle. I see a lot of people saying the name is overused, I personally have only met one other Julia in my life. My mom tells me everyone loves my name but I feel like it sounds a little harsh with the “Ju” sound. I think I would love the name so much more if it weren’t my own. However, I do have it better than a lot of other people!
My sister is called Julia. We call her Juju at home, or Jay/Jay-bug. I think it is a very pretty name, with a strong personality. I would name a future daughter Julia, maybe. My sister's middle name is Liselotte (a French/German form of Elizabeth Charlotte) and I think Julia and Liselotte go really well together. Some other good Julia combinations are:-Julia Destiny
-Julia Sunset
-Isabelle Julia
-Anna-Rose Julia
-Julia Katherine.
One of my best friends is called Julia. I love this name and we call her "Lula" most of the time which I think is a really cool nickname for her.
My name is Julia and I think it is a very lovely name. It can be fierce and feisty, beautiful and graceful, delicate and girlish. I am very glad it is my name, for it can take on any personality.
My little sister is seven and her name is Julia. She is a beautiful graceful child; her hair is long and straight; her eyes are large and deep, her nose is pert and her lips are thin and set. She is a tall girl with long legs and very smart. I would advise parents to name their little daughters Julia.
To me, a Julia sounds like an airhead, or a person who's too soft to do anything. The name is super overused and just has an aura of daintiness. Not dainty like ladylike, just dainty as in "can't do anything". It's awful!
Julia is a beautiful girl name and my best friend is named that. Julia is kind and she makes me laugh all the time. She is very pretty just like her name so it fits perfectly for her! My baby girl's middle name is going to be Julia. :)
Julia is classic and beautiful. I love Julie, too.
I'm grateful my parents chose this name for me, I think they did a good job thinking through this one. One thing that I appreciate about it; it translates well into many languages. So, when I go to Europe, it translates into every country basically. Also, I love that it translates well into French. Overall, I think it's a classy name. For my generation, it was not so common (I was born in the late 70's and went to school in the 80's/90's), Julie was more common then, so I was the only one. With the advent of Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, etc. It became much more common; I liked seeing all of the little Julia's running around, hah! Plus, John Lennon's song, "Julia" is lovely. It's in the Bible as well, 16th Chapter of Romans. "Juliet" is a little too dramatic, in my opinion.
Love Julia! So beautiful, and classy. I would love to meet a little Julia.
Julia's are hard to pin down! They are blondes and brunettes, tall and short, but they all seem to be very youthful and kind which is a great tribute to the name!
Julia is a great, classy name but is highly overused!
My sister is named Julia, and my name is Erica. I think that's such a great sister name pairing because they are both 5 letters and end with "a".
My name is Julia (I was named after my great grandmother) but my family uses the nickname "Jules" a lot. I think without bias that it's a very timeless, beautiful and classy name, although it is severely overused nowadays and it does get annoying knowing so many people with the same name and not knowing if someone is referring to you or the other person.
I've always thought this name was boring. It's pretty and mature, but very dull and overused. I prefer Juliet, though not by much.
Julia is awesome.
Julia is a beautiful name. A perfect, feminine name. :)
This is my name. A nice, classic name fit for any girl!
My 14 year old daughter is named Julia. When she was born the doctor who delivered her said to me "Julia is a great name for a little girl and a great name for the president of a company."
I have an 11 year old Julia. Full name Julia Pearl. She likes her name, and goes by Jules. It's been a good naming choice for us, as it is 'normal' enough, but not overdone (in our area at least).
Julia is a very beautiful name for a girl and it ages very well. If I ever have I daughter, I'd totally consider using this name!
I love the name Julia. It's my middle name.
I just adore this name. I am pronouncing it "joo lee uh"/ "jool ee uh". I've never heard anyone pronounce it "jool yuh". Anyways, if I were to ever have a daughter I would fight for this to be her name... Julia is used in countries all over the world; it is classy, beautiful, unmistakenly feminine, and would be easy for a young child to learn to spell. I love that it's never been trendy... I believe it's popularity has been relatively steady over the years. A Julia could be a doctor or an engineer or a ballerina or an artist. Not much rhymes with Julia so hopefully even the most creative bully couldn't come up with much to tease a little Julia. There are some decent nicknames as well: Jules, Lia, LiLi (like lee lee)I just adore this name!
The name Julia sounds so elegant. It is definitely on the top of my list!
I like this name. It's cool. It's classical and has a long history behind it. I think of Julia in George Orwell's 1984 and the songs titled 'Julia' by The Beatles and another by Chris Rhea for his daughter. It also reminds me of Julia Gillard - Australian ex-Prime Minister. Overall, it's a good name with a long history.
Id like it if it wasnt so incredibly overused
I mean it's not that great anyway. neither do I like it with the English pronunciation of it.
So pretty and classic, and suits all ages!
Beautiful and classic, Julia will always hold up. She has already outdone the once tremendously popular Julie, which is now extremely dated. Julia is regal and strong, yet feminine.
Truthfully, I like the name Julia a lot. Sadly, it's also the name of a really mean girl at school. Therefore, the name sort of is bittersweet... :(
Very pretty, girly name.
Julia is a lovely, melodic name. Shame it's not that common any more.
I like this name a lot, especially when pronounced the German way (YOO-lee-ah). I'd use that form, for sure,
A boring housewife name. When I think of Julia, I imagine a stressed mother vacuuming a living room. No. I don't particularly like this name. It's rather boring. For that person who said its 'soothing'.. No. Just no. It's dull.
My name's Julia, and I think it's way over-used, and so are all the nicknames, Jules, Juju, etc. The only original one I've gotten is J-dizzle.
My name is Julianna, and I hate it whenever someone calls me Julia as a nickname. Julia sounds a bit too prissy for my taste. I prefer to be called by Julie or Jules.
Julia is one of my favorite names - one can use it almost everywhere in the world without people getting totally confused when reading or listening to it. It's a popular name, and not in a bad way (not for me). I like international names because people can just adapt the pronunciation according to what their language sounds. This is a bonus, I think.
Elegant and simple. Great choice.
Personally, I don't like this name. Where I come from, there are many Julias. It reminds me of middle aged women that live in suburbs. Nope. I'd never name my daughter a name as common as Julia.
I prefer this as a surname or male middle name.
OMG! I love this name! One of my faves. So feminine, sweet, classy, upperclass, fun to say. I like these short forms of Julia: Jule(s), Julie, JuJu, Jay, Lia. Also sounds like a princess, queen, or aristocrats name. This is one of those names where popularity doesn't matter, it's so perfect.
I think Julia is a beautiful, aristocratic name with an old-fashioned charm. I like how it sounds like _jewel_. Julia makes me picture a Victorian lady with rich, red tresses, an alabaster complexion, wearing a beautiful ruby necklace. It has a Victorian aesthetic and glamour, which I like very much.
Call me a ultra name freak, but I want to cry when I meet people with this name BECAUSE I love it so much! I just wish it wasn't so common! It's on my top 5 favorite names! It is SO beautiful. People with this name should be proud. It's my favorite common name.
To give you an idea of Julia being over-used, I was born in 1992, around the same time as most of my classmates. Three Julias in my year spring to mind plus another girl I know who lives farther away. And that's only in my year. When I searched for all the Julias in my school on Facebook, there were 36 including the girls in my year. Please wait for this name to die down before using it. There are way too many people with this name.
This is my name. I adore it. I would never consider changing my name. It is very calming and soothing. A great thing about this name is that it stays good from as a child to a senior. Another variant-- Julie, is also good, but I prefer Julia.
I would love to name my kid Julia. It's not common, the only place I know where it is common Is Deal or No Deal where there are lots of Julias, Julies, Juliannas, Juliannes etc. I think they mean to get all of them, because it's not common.
I really like the name Julia, and I don't think it is very common either - I don't know any Julias. I know a lot of Katherines and Jessicas, but no Julias!
Not common to me - I guess it depends on where you live. I know only one Julia, close to forty by now. One of my favorite names - it's beautiful and it ages well. That's hard to find in a name these days.
Not common, actually - I know only one Julia.
I like this name. I don't think I know any Julias. I know a lot of Julies, but not Julias. The 'a' on the end just adds a refreshing change.
This is a beautiful, nicely simple, classy and elegant name that you can't really go wrong with. The trouble with this name, for me, is that I associate it with the misfortunate character in Nineteen Eighty-Four, and I can't shake off that association. It's such a tragic story, and her fate is horrible.
People keep on saying that Julia, as a name, is over-used. Well, I have never met a Julia, & neither have my 4 brothers.
I agree that this name sounds beautiful pronounced jool-ee-a. Jool-ya is just not as pretty and can sometimes sound annoying.
I like this name, and I know and Julia. Her name is said like "Joo-leah." though. Everyone calls her "Jewl-ya" though, her mom is the only one who really says her name right. "Joo-leah", but people try to get it right, and it comes out all funny, and she laughs about it. I love this name. It's sweet, although the "JOO" sound does sound a smidge harsh, I still love it.
My sister's name is Julia and I think it is very pretty. Especially when you say it with a y in the beginning. I never really thought it was that popular, but then I looked it up and that made me think about it and I realized that I know a lot of Julia's. I like Julia way more than Juliet, which I think is far too common in other countries and all around a heavily dramatic name.
I love the name Julia. I have a friend named Julia. I never really thought about it being popular till I went on this site. I like Julia grace.
This name is so popular, yet I've only known one Julia in my entire life! I really like this name though, it's very pretty.
I think this name is pretty, only if it's pronounced ju-lee-a. Not jooool-ya. That sounds so harsh to me.
My mother's name is Julia, and she doesn't like it much because she thinks the "JOO" sound is harsh and un-lovely. She goes by Julie and my dad calls her Jules (just because it springs to the lips easily). I think it's pretty though, and I don't know of that many Julias.
My best friend's name is Julia. I'm totally jealous because everyone loves her name. We also call her Jewlz for short and her nephew calls her Aunt J!
I named my 2 year old Julia, I agree that there are a lot of Julia's out there but it is a sweet name, and I like it! At least it's not a made up name or a trendy name that a teacher has a hard time spelling HA HA that is way overused!
Very nice but very over-used.
I have always liked the name Julia and its other forms Juliet, Julie and so on. One of my favourite people in history is a Julia and I like it is a very sweet, attractive and down to earth name.
I like this name. Well, here in Germany there's also another nickname of that name: Julchen.
I think Julia is a very pretty and classy name.
*Julia* is a beautiful and soothing name.
My name is Julia, and I think it's a pretty name, although it can sometimes be too harsh. However, please, please, please don't add any more Julia's to the world, this name is way overused.

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