Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword poem.
See Also
poem meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aika f Japanese
This name combines 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru) meaning "affection, love" or 藍 (ran, ai) meaning "indigo" with 華 or 花 (ka, ke, hana) which both mean "flower," 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, meaning "incense, perfume, smell", 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join", 歌 (ka, uta, uta.u) meaning "sing, song, poem" or 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise."
Aishi f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 思 (shi) meaning "think" or 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem"... [more]
Aishi f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter" and 诗 (shī) meaning "poem, poetry".
Akihide m Japanese
From Japanese 英 (aki) meaning "hero, outstanding", 暁 (aki) meaning "daybreak, dawn, in the event", 顕 (aki) meaning "appear, existing", 現 (aki) meaning "present, existing, actual", 昂 (aki) meaning "rise", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "patent, clear", 昌 (aki) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining, bright", 晶 (aki) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 章 (aki) meaning "badge, chapter, composition, poem, design", 聡 (aki) meaning "wise, fast learner", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light", 耀 (aki) meaning "shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 晟 (aki) meaning "clear", 曉 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak, clear", 皓 (aki) meaning "white, clear" or 堯 (aki) meaning "high, far" combined with 秀 (hide) meaning "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass", 英 (hide) meaning "hero, outstanding", 栄 (hide) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor" or 偉 (hide) meaning "admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent"... [more]
Amargein m Irish (Archaic)
Meaning "born of poetry" relating to the modern Irish word amhrán meaning song. Was the name of ancient poet, Amargein Glúingel, who wrote the Song of Amargein and the foster of father of the hero Cú Chulainn, Amargein mac Eccit.
Asfru m Berber
Means "poem, ode" in Tamazight.
Barayu f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers" or 薔薇 (bara) meaning "rose" and 蘭 (ra) meaning "orchid", 歌 (ra) meaning "song, poetry", 夜 (yu) meaning "night; the evening" 佑 (yu) meaning "help, assist"
Beshi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 辺, 邊 (be) “area, place, vicinity” or 倍 (be) meaning “multiple times” or 部 (be) meaning “part, section” combined with 四 (shi) “four”, 清 (shi) “clean, pure, clear”, 詩 (shi) “poetry, poem, verse” 志 (shi) “will, purpose, ambition”, or 史 (shi) meaning “history”... [more]
Carminius m Late Roman
Roman nomen gentile which was probably derived from Latin carminum "song, poem", which is a Late Latin form of carmen "song, poem" (see also Carmen)... [more]
Dastan f Kurdish
Means "epic poem" in Kurdish.
Dîwan f Kurdish
Means "collection of poems" in Kurdish.
Ea f & m Japanese
From Japanese 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 咲 (e) meaning "blossom", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 映 (e) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 枝 (e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 栄 (e) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 歩 (e) meaning "walk", 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 瑛 (e) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 空 (e) meaning "sky", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 英 (e) meaning "hero, outstanding", 衣 (e) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing", 詠 (e) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing" or 風 (e) meaning "wind, air, style, manner" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 逢 (a) meaning "meeting, tryst, date, rendezvous", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 安 (a) meaning "relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 気 (a) meaning "spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood", 雨 (a) meaning "rain", 明 (a) meaning "bright, light", 歩 (a) meaning "walk" or 彩 (a) meaning "colour"... [more]
Eimi f Japanese
From Japanese 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 営 (ei) meaning "occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business)", 影 (ei) meaning "shadow, silhouette, phantom", 映 (e, ei) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 栄 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 永 (ei) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 瑛 (e, ei) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 頴 (ei) meaning "heads of grain, cleverness", 英 (ei) meaning "England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx", 衛 (ei) meaning "defense, protection", 詠 (ei) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 鋭 (ei) meaning "pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh" or 榮 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honour, glory, splendour", 伊 (i) meaning "Italy, that one", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" combined with 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 見 (mi) meaning "see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake or serpent", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 己 (mi) meaning "self", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, spirit", 光 (mi) meaning "light", 扇 (mi) meaning "fan, folding fan", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 未 (mi) meaning "un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac" or 笑 (mi) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Eita m Japanese
This name combines 瑛 (ei) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal ball," 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosper," 英 (ei, hanabusa) meaning "excellent, outstanding," 永 (ei, naga.i) meaning "eternity, long, everlasting," 詠 (ei, uta.u, meaning "compose, poem, recite, song," 鋭 (ei, surudo.i) meaning "sharp, keen" or 衛 (e, ei) meaning "defense, protection" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big, plump, thick" or 多 (ta, oo.i,, meaning "frequent, many, much."... [more]
Eito m Japanese
From Japanese 栄 (ei) meaning "glory, honour", 永 (ei) meaning "eternity", 瑛 (ei) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 英 (ei) meaning "excellent, fine" or 詠 (ei) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing" combined with 十 (to) meaning "ten", 人 (to) meaning "person", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation or 杜 (to) meaning "woods, grove"... [more]
Ena f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 衣 (e) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing", 映 (e) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 栄 (e) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 瑛 (e) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 英 (e) meaning "excellent, fine", 詠 (e) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 榎 (e) meaning "lotus tree, nettle tree, hackberry", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 慧 (e) meaning "wise", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 枝 (e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh" or 惠 (e) meaning "blessing, grace, favor, kindness" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 奈 (na), a phonetic character, 那 (na) meaning "what", 南 (na) meaning "south", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 名 (na) meaning "name", 生 (na) meaning "life, genuine, birth" or 和 (na) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Epic m & f English
From epic (adj.) 1580s, "pertaining to or constituting a lengthy heroic poem," via French épique or directly from Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos "a word; a tale, story; promise, prophecy, proverb; poetry in heroic verse" (from PIE root *wekw- "to speak")... [more]
Erena f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 英 (e) meaning "hero, outstanding", 衛 (e) meaning "defense, protection", 詠 (e) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 鋭 (e) meaning "pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 慧 (e) meaning "wise" or 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 令 (re) meaning "orders, ancient laws, command, decree", 怜 (re) meaning "wise", 玲 (re) meaning "the tinkling of jade", 麗 (re) meaning "beautiful, lovely", 礼 (re) meaning "salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration", 鈴 (re) meaning "bell" or 澪 (re) meaning "water route, shipping channel" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens" or 那 (na) meaning "what"... [more]
Fuuta m Japanese
From Japanese 風 (fuu) meaning "wind" or 楓 (fuu) meaning "maple" combined with 汰 (ta) meaning "scour, wash out", 詩 (ta) meaning "poetry, poem" or 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Gulbayoz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and bayoz meaning "a collection of poems".
Guldoston f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and doston meaning "epic poem" or "story, adventure".
Helbest f Kurdish
Means "poem" in Kurdish.
Hibika f Japanese
From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 妃 (hi) meaning "a ruler's wife, queen, empress", 日 (bi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful" or 響 (hibi) meaning "sound, echo" combined with 日 (ka) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry"... [more]
Himeka f Japanese
From Japanese 姫 (hime) meaning "princess" combined with 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume", 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 嘉 (ka) meaning "praise, auspicious", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 架 (ka) meaning "construct, build, raise, install, undergird, support", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 雅 (ka) meaning "elegance", 樺 (ka) meaning "birch", 薫 (ka) meaning "fragrant", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 彩 (ka) meaning "colour" or 神 (ka) meaning "deity, god"... [more]
Hongyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep pool of water" or 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow" and 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Huzan m & f Kurdish
Means "poetry" in Kurdish.
Ichika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ichi) meaning "love", 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 依 (i) meaning "rely on, be set in", 維 (i) meaning "to tie; to fasten; to tie up", 衣 (i) meaning "clothing", 育 (i) meaning "produce, give birth to", 一 (ichi) or 壱 (ichi) both meaning "one", 希 (ichi) meaning "hope, rare", 初 (i) meaning "beginning, start, first", 唯 (i) meaning "just, only, simply", 葉 (ichi) meaning "leaf" or 苺 (ichi) meaning "strawberry", 知 (chi) meaning "to know", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 華 (ka) or 花 (ka) both meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 樺 (ka) meaning "Japanese white birch", 愛 (chika) meaning "love, affection", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 翔 (ka) meaning "soar, glide", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 圭 (ka) meaning "jade pointed at top", 彩 (chika) meaning "colour", 誓 (chika) meaning "swear, pledge", 絵 (ka) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" or 綺 (ka) meaning "elegant, beautiful"... [more]
Ji f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 詩 (ji) meaning "poem, poetry". Other kanji cam be used.
Jieshi m & f Chinese
From Chinese 介 (jiè) meaning "forerunner, herald, between, jammed in" or 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure" and 石 (shí) meaning "stone" or 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem, verse"... [more]
Jizeru f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (ji) meaning "poem, poetry", 晒 (ze) meaning "bleach, refine, expose, air" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Kaavya f Hindi
Means "poetry in motion" in Hindi.
Kaho f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 果 (ka) meaning "fruit" or 花 (ka) meaning "flower" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song; poetry" or 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" or 加 (ka) meaning "add; increase" combined with 歩 (ho) meaning "steps; walk" or 穂 (ho) meaning "head (of grain); crest of a wave" or 帆 (ho) meaning "sail" or 保 (ho) meaning "protection".... [more]
Kanaru m & f Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kanau f & m Japanese
From Japanese 叶 (kanau) meaning "fulfill" or 奏 (kanau) meaning "play music, complete" or from Japanese 叶 (kana) meaning "fulfill" or 奏 (kana) meaning "play music, complete" combined with 歌 (u) meaning "song, poetry", 夢 (u) meaning "dream", 有 (u) meaning "exist", 宇 (u) meaning "eaves" or 羽 (u) meaning "feathers"... [more]
Karina f Japanese
From Japanese 桂 (ka) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 海 (ka) meaning "sea, ocean", 刈 (kari) meaning "reap, cut (grass or other plants), prune", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 南 (na) meaning "south", 名 (na) meaning "name" or 那 (na) meaning "what"... [more]
Katsuaki m Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 活 (katsu) meaning "lively, resuscitation, being helped, living", 健 (katsu) meaning "healthy, strong", 賢 (katsu) meaning "intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness", 克 (katsu) meaning "overcome, kindly, skillfully", 勝 (katsu) meaning "victory, win, prevail, excel", 捷 (katsu) meaning "victory, fast", 晶 (katsuaki) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 松 (katsuaki) meaning "pine tree", 礁 (katsuaki) meaning "reef, sunken rock", 雄 (katsu) meaning "hero, manly" or 剋 (katsu) meaning "victory", 津 (tsu) meaning "haven, port, harbor, ferry" combined with 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "patent, clear", 璃 (aki) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 晋 (aki) meaning "advance", 顕 (aki) meaning "appear, existing", 昌 (aki) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 亮 (aki) meaning "clear, help", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear", 商 (aki) meaning "make a deal, selling, dealing in, merchant", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining, bright", 章 (aki) meaning "badge, chapter, composition, poem, design", 朗 (aki) meaning "bright, clear" or 彬 (aki) meaning "refined, gentle"... [more]
Kayano f Japanese
From Japanese 芽 (kaya) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot", 茅 (kaya) meaning "miscanthus reed", 香 (kaya) meaning "fragrance", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening", 也 (ya) meaning "also", 耶 (ya), an interjection, 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 野 (ya) meaning "area, field", 谷 (ya) meaning "valley" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Kayomi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 世 (yo) meaning "world", 代 (yo) meaning "generation", 余 (yo) meaning "over, more than" or 葉 (yo) meaning "leaf" combined with 三 (mi) meaning "three", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 未 (mi) meaning "the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches" or 実 (mi) meaning "seed; fruit; nut"... [more]
Keika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 京 (kei) meaning "capital city", 圭 (kei) meaning "jade pointed at top", 径 (kei) meaning "diameter, path, method", 恵, 惠 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 慧 (kei) meaning "wise", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 景 (kei) meaning "scenery, view", 桂 (kei) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, valley", 継 (kei) meaning "inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree)", 荊 (kei) meaning "thorn, brier, whip", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly", 勁 (kei) meaning "strong", 奎 (kei) meaning "star, god of literature", 薊 (kei) meaning "thistle", 蹊 (kei) meaning "path" or 閨 (kei) meaning "bedroom" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 耶 (ka) meaning "question mark", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 叶 (ka) meaning "grant, answer", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 鶴 (ka) meaning "crane, stork", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 彼 (ka) meaning "he, him, his, boyfriend", 軻 (ka) meaning "difficult progress" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry"... [more]
Kimiaki m Japanese
From Japanese 王 (kimi) meaning "king, rule, magnate", 君 (kimi) meaning "mister, you, ruler, male name suffix", 公 (kimi) meaning "public, prince, official, governmental" or 仁 (kimi) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel" combined with 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 淳 (aki) meaning "pure", 彰 (aki) meaning "patent, clear", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining, bright", 章 (aki) meaning "badge, chapter, composition, poem, design", 璃 (aki) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 璋 (aki) meaning "ceremonial jeweled implement", 顕 (aki) meaning "appear, existing", 照 (aki) meaning "illuminate, shine, compare, bashful", 亮 (aki) meaning "clear, help" or 朗 (aki) meaning "bright, clear"... [more]
Kizashi m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 兆し/萌し (kizashi) meaning "sign, omen."... [more]
Kotoba f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (kotoba) meaning "poem" or 言葉 (kotoba) meaning "words". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Lingyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" or 灵 (líng) meaning "soul, spirit" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver, wealth", 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" or 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, tone".
Madhiya f Uzbek
Means "written tribute, eulogy, ode" in Uzbek.
Mahbooba f Indian, Pakistani
"beloved, darling, sweetheart or lover". Urdu and Persian form of Habiba.... [more]
Manzuma f Uzbek
Means "poem, poetry" in Uzbek.
Meiyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" and 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Mishiko f Japanese
From Japanese 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth" or 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 司 (shi) meaning "director, official, govt office, rule, administer", 孜 (shi) meaning "industriousness", 枝 (shi) meaning "branch" or 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Miuta f Japanese
From Japanese 雅 (mi) meaning "elegant", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul" or 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Mujika f Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (mu) meaning "dream", 詩 (ji) meaning "poetry, poem" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Muua f Japanese
From Japanese 舞 (mu) meaning "dance", 詩 (u) meaning "poem" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Nau f Japanese
From Japanese 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" combined with 詩 (u) meaning "poetry, poem". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Nazmiya f Uzbek
Derived from nazmiy meaning "poetic, in poetry".
Nazmiyeh f Arabic
It means "poem" in Arabic. This is the name of a protagonist in Susan Abulhawa's novel The Blue Between Sky and Water (2015).
Odée f Flemish (Rare)
Comes from "ode", which means « song » in greek. Today this name has disappeared from France and remains very rare in flemish. The name is better known as a surname or Odéa.
Otin f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine name meaning "female teacher", "a woman who reads mystic poetry at traditional gatherings", "an educated woman", or refering to an epithet for distinguished women.
Pajlug f Hmong
Means "poetry" or "song" in Hmong.
Poemu f & m Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (poemu, poe) meaning "poetry, poem", 保 (po) meaning "protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support", 星 (po) meaning "star", 歩 (po) meaning "walk", 帆 (po) meaning "sail", 穂 (po) meaning "grain" or 母 (po) meaning "mother", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 影 (e) meaning "shadow, silhouette, phantom" or 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream" or 笑 (emu) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Poesy f American (South, Rare, Archaic)
Originally a variant of Posy, this name was sometimes associated with poetry, from Old French poesie, ultimately from Greek poesis "composition, poetry," from poein "to make or compose"
Poet f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word meaning "someone who writes poems". From the Old French poete, from Latin poēta 'poet, author', from Ancient Greek poiētēs (ποιητής) 'creator, maker, author, poet', from poieō (poieō) 'I make, compose'.
Qasid m Arabic
Either from Arabic قاصِد (qāṣid), meaning "resolute, destined," or Arabic قَصيد (qaṣīd), meaning "poem."
Qasida f Arabic
Feminine form of Qasid. Means “poem”
Rara f Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (ra) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 姫 (ra) meaning "a noblewoman, a lady, a princess". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Rikuei m Japanese (Rare)
Riku means "Land" and Ei means "Protection, Defense, Long, Lengthy, Everlasting, Eternity, Crystal, Sparkle of Jewelry, ... [more]
Runo m & f Finnish
From Finnish word runo, which means "poem".
Sachika f Japanese
From Japanese 幸 (sachi) meaning "happiness" combined with 愛 (ka) meaning "love, affection", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance"... [more]
Salme f German (East Prussian), Estonian, Finnish
East Prussian German, Estonian and Finnish contracted form of Salome. As an Estonian name, Salme is also associated with Estonian salm "poem, verse" and a dialectal word for "inlet, sound".
Sanelma f Finnish
Old Finnish name of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory, however, connects this name to the Finnish word for "story; poem" and ultimately to the Finnish verb sanella "to dictate". Sanelma may also be derived from the name Anelma.
Shi f Japanese
From the Japanese name "Shi" (し or シ) meaning "death" (死), "poetry" (詩), "city" (市), or "samurai" (士), among others. The meaning can vary depending on the kanji characters used to write it... [more]
Shia f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (shi) meaning "moon", 幸 (shi) meaning "happiness", 史 (shi) meaning "history, chronicle", 思 (shi) meaning "think", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple, violet", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry" or 自 (shi) meaning "oneself" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 有 (a) meaning "exist", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 開 (a) meaning "open, unfold, unseal"... [more]
Shibing f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice".
Shichun f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, clean, simple".
Shido m Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
This name can be used as 志度, 志土, 詩土 or 士度 with 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu, yuki) meaning "aspire, hope," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem," 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai," 度 (do, to, taku, tabi, -da.i) meaning "occurrence, time" and 土 (to, do, tsuchi, tsu, tsuku) meaning "earth."... [more]
Shidō m Japanese (Modern), Popular Culture
This name can be used to combine 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu, yuki) meaning "aspire, hope," 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai," 獅 (shi, shishi) meaning "lion," 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet," 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history" or 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem" with 道 (tou, dou, michi, ji) meaning "road, way," 堂 (dou) meaning "hall" or 童 (dou, warabe) meaning "juvenile, child."... [more]
Shiemi f Japanese
From Japanese 志 (shi) meaning "intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling", 支 (shi) meaning "branch, support, sustain", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry", 資 (shi) meaning "assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to", 蒔 (shi) meaning "sow (seeds)" or 七 (shi) meaning "seven", 咲 (e) meaning "blossom", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 衣 (e) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 笑 (emi) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Shiena f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shieri f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem", 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shieru m & f Japanese
From Japanese 空 (shieru, shi) meaning "sky", 幸 (shi) meaning "happiness", 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 志 (shi) meaning "intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling", 思 (shi) meaning "think", 支 (shi) meaning "branch, support, sustain", 枝 (shi) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple, violet", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry", 偲 (shi) meaning "recollect, remember", 伸 (shi) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 信 (shi) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 青 (shi) meaning "blue, green", 知 (shi) meaning "know, wisdom" or 天 (shi) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 瑛 (e) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 英 (e) meaning "hero, outstanding", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 慧 (e) meaning "wise", 映 (e) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 昴 (e) meaning "the Pleiades (star cluster)" or 得 (e) meaning "gain, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to, profit, advantage, benefit" combined with 映 (eru) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 璃 (ru) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 累 (ru) meaning "accumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually" or 空 (eru) meaning "sky"... [more]
Shiguma m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Borrowed from Greek σίγμα (sigma), the name of the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet.... [more]
Shihan f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 晗 (hán) meaning "pre-dawn".
Shihui f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent".
Shijing f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright".
Shijuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
Shika f Japanese
This name can be used as 鹿, 史可, 志佳, 紫花 or 詩夏 with 鹿 (roku, shika, ka) meaning "deer," 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history," 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling," 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry," 可 (ka, kou,, -be.shi) meaning "can, do not, mustn't, passable, should not," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled," 花 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower" and 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer."
Shiki m & f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 志樹, 志基, 志希, 志輝, 志騎, 志季, 詩希, 詩季, 詩稀 with 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry," 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood," 基 (ki, moto, motoi) meaning "foundation, fundamentals," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "beg, few, hope, phenomenal, pray, rare, request," 輝 (ki, kagaya.ku) meaning "gleam, radiance, shine, sparkle, twinkle," 騎 (ki) meaning "equestrian, riding on horses," 季 (ki) meaning "seasons," 起 (ki, o.kiru, o.kosu,, o.koru, ta.tsu) meaning "get/wake up, rouse" and 稀 (ki, ke, mabora, mare) meaning "phenomenal, rare."... [more]
Shiling f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 泠 (líng) meaning "nice and cool".
Shimi f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 宓 (mì) meaning "quiet, in good health".
Shimiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 妙 (miào) meaning "mysterious, subtle, exquisite".
Shimon m Japanese
This name combines 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling", 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history", 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai", 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry" or 嗣 (shi) meaning "heir, succeed" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate" or 文 (bun, mon, aya, fumi) meaning "art, decoration, figures, literature, plan, sentence, style."... [more]
Shina f Japanese
This name can be used as 品 (hin, hon, shina) meaning "article, dignity, goods, refinement."... [more]
Shinami f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem" combined with 南 (nami) meaning "south". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shino f & m Japanese, Popular Culture
This name can be used as one kanji, 篠 (shou, zou, sasa, shino, suzu) meaning "bamboo grass," or it can be a combination of 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry," 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet," 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history" or 信 (shin, shi) meaning "faith, fidelity, trust, truth" and 乃 (ai, dai, nai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji, no) meaning "accordingly, from, possessive particle, wherefore" or 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "civilian life, field, plains, rustic."... [more]
Shiohn f & m Korean (Modern)
From Sino-Korean(Hanja) 詩(shi) meaning "Poetry, Elegant" or 時(shi) meaning "Excellent, Great, Good" and 嫣(eon) meaning "Beautiful, Pretty, Charming" or 彦(eon) meaning "Talented, Good, Excellent".... [more]
Shi-on f Korean (Modern)
From Sino-Korean(Hanja) 詩(shi) meaning "Poetry, Elegant" and 嫣(eon) meaning "Beautiful, Pretty, Charming" or 彦(eon) meaning "Talented, Good, Excellent". Other Hanja combinations are possible.
Shione f Japanese
This name combines 汐 (seki, ushio, shio, sei) meaning "eventide, opportunity, salt water, tide" or 潮 (chou, ushio, shio) meaning "opportunity, salt water, tide" with 音 (in, on, -non, oto, ne) meaning "noise, sound" or 寧 (nei, meaning "preferably, rather."... [more]
Shiqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful", 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud", or 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate".
Shiqing f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" or 施 (shī) meaning "give, grant, bestow" and 情 (qíng) meaning "affection, sentiment, love, emotion" or 晴 (qíng) meaning "clear weather".
Shiqiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
Shiraz f Hebrew
Probably means "secret song" from Hebrew שיר (shir) "song, poem" combined with רז (raz) "secret, mystery".
Shirui f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poem, poetry" and 蕤 (ruí) meaning "drooping leaves, delicate".
Shishuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poem, poetry" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Shitora m Japanese
From Japanese 伸 (shi) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 信 (shi) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 史 (shi) meaning "history, chronicle", 司 (shi) meaning "director, official, govt office, rule, administer", 嗣 (shi) meaning "heir, succeed", 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 姿 (shi) meaning "figure, form, shape", 子 (shi) meaning "child", 市 (shi) meaning "market, city, town", 師 (shi) meaning "expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army, war", 心 (shi) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 志 (shi) meaning "intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling", 思 (shi) meaning "think", 新 (shi) meaning "fresh, new", 椎 (shi) meaning "chinquapin, mallet, spine", 獅 (shi) meaning "lion", 白 (shi) meaning "white", 紙 (shi) meaning "paper", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple; violet", 至 (shi) meaning "climax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in", 詞 (shi) meaning "part of speech, words, poetry", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry", 資 (shi) meaning "assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to" or 静 (shi) meaning "quiet", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 十 (to) meaning "ten", 杜 (to) meaning "woods, grove", 砥 (to) meaning "whetstone, grindstone", 飛 (to) meaning "fly", 富 (to) meaning "wealth, enrich, abundant", 図 (to) meaning "map, drawing, plan, extraordinary, audacious", 永 (to) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy" or 統 (to) meaning "overall, relationship, ruling, governing" combined with 虎 (tora) meaning "tiger, drunkard", 良 (ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled", 寅 (tora) meaning "sign of the tiger (3rd sign of Chinese zodiac)", 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 楽 (ra) meaning "music, comfort, ease", 宙 (ra) meaning "mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time" or 頼 (ra) meaning "trust, request"... [more]
Shiwen f & m Chinese
From Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem, verse" or 士 (shì) meaning "scholar, gentleman, warrior, knight" combined with 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing" or 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns"... [more]
Shixing f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 幸 (xìng) meaning "luck, favour, fortunately".
Shiyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 艺 (yì) meaning "art, talent, ability" or 意 (yì) meaning "thoughts, ideas".
Shiyo f Japanese
From Japanese 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry," 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet," 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history" or 信 (shin, shi) meaning "faith, fidelity, trust, truth" combined with 昌 (yo) meaning "good, prosper"... [more]
Shiyun f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 芸 (yún) meaning "rue" or "art, talent, ability, skill".
Shiyuri f Japanese
From shi that can mean "poem" or "four" and yuri that can mean "lily" (see Yuri 2).
Shuyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver, money, wealth" or 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Si-Eun f Korean
From Sino-Korean 時 (si) meaning "time, season", 詩 (si) meaning "poem, verse", or 始 (si) meaning "beginning, start" combined with 銀 (eun) meaning "silver" or 恩 (eun) meaning "favour, grace"... [more]
Sihyun f & m Korean (Modern)
From Sino-Korean(Hanja) 時(shi) meaning "Exellent, Great, Good" or 詩(shi) meaning "Poetry, Beautiful, Elegant" and 賢(hyeon) meaning "Wise, Good, Better".... [more]
Şiir m & f Turkish
Means "poetry, verse, song" in Turkish.
Somphors f Khmer
Means "perception" or "rhyme of a poem" in Khmer.
Song m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 嵩 (sōng) meaning "highty; lofty (literarian term referred to a mountain)" or 松 (sōng) meaning "pine tree" or 颂 (sòng) meaning "to acclaim; hymn; ode"... [more]
Song-a f Korean
From Korean Hanja 送 (song) meaning "to deliver, to carry, to see off", 頌 (song) meaning "ode, eulogy, to praise in writing", 淞 (song) meaning "water, river", 誦 (song) meaning "to read aloud, to recite" combined with 妸 (a) meaning "beautiful, graceful", 雅 (a) meaning "elegant", 娥 (a) meaning "good, beautiful"... [more]
Songhui f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent".
Songqiong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious".
Songxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Songxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance".
Songxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 萱 (xuān) meaning "day lily".
Songxue f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Songyan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" or 松 (sōng) meaning "pine, fir" and 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Songyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Songying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" or 松 (sōng) meaning "pine, fir" and 英 (yīng) meaning "brave, hero" or "flower, leaf, petal", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous" or 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch".
Songyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
Songzhen f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Soraka f Japanese
From Japanese 空 (sora) meaning "sky", 宙 (sora) meaning "mid-air" or 天 (sora) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 叶 (ka) meaning "fulfill, come true", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind" or 遥 (ka) meaning "distant, remote"... [more]
Sumika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 角 (sumi) meaning "angle, corner, square, horn, antlers", 恭 (sumi) meaning "respect, reverent", 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook", 好 (sumi) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 住 (sumi) meaning "dwell, reside, live, inhabit", 淑 (sumi) meaning "graceful, gentle, pure", 純 (sumi) meaning "genuine, purity, innocence", 澄 (sumi) meaning "clear, pure", 清 (sumi) meaning "pure", 菫 (sumi) meaning "violet", 朱 (su) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody", 珠 (su) meaning "pearl, gem, jewel", 涼 (su) meaning "cool, refreshing", 鈴 (su) meaning "bell", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 水 (mi) meaning "water" combined with 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 家 (ka) meaning "house, home, family, professional, expert, performer", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 霞 (ka) meaning "mist", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 郁 (ka) meaning "cultural progress, perfume", 河 (ka) meaning "river", 樺 (ka) meaning "birch (esp... [more]
Threnody f American (Rare)
From the English word meaning "song of lamentation", which is ultimately derived from the Greek elements θρῆνος (threnos) "lament, wail, dirge" (probably from a Proto-Indo-European imitative base meaning "to murmur, hum") and ᾠδή (oide) "ode".
Utaba f Japanese
From Japanese 唄 (uta) meaning "song, ballad", or 詩 (uta) meaning "poetry, poem" and 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Utaichi m Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one" or 市 (ichi) meaning "market". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Utaka f Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry" or 詩 (uta) meaning "poetry, poem" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry" or 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower"... [more]
Utano f Japanese
From Japanese 唄 (uta) meaning "song, ballad", 歌 (uta) meaning "song, sing", 雅 (u) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined", 詩 (uta) meaning "poem, poetry" or 唱 (uta) meaning "chant, recite, call upon, yell", 楽 (ta) meaning "music, comfort, ease" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 野 (no) meaning "plains, field, rustic, civilian life" or 能 (no) meaning "ability, talent, skill, capacity"... [more]
Utari f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (uta) meaning "poem" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Utawa f Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (uta) meaning "poetry, poem" combined with 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Utazou m Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 三 (zou) meaning "three", 蔵 (zou) meaning "warehouse, storehouse" or 藏 (zou) meaning "storing place; depository". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakoka f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony", 歌 (ko) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 子 (ka) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Xiaoshi f Chinese
From the Chinese 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak" and 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem".
Xingyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 杏 (xìng) meaning "apricot, almond" or 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet, point of light" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver, wealth" or 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Xinyong f Chinese
From the Chinese 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul" and 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing song or poem".
Xuesong f Chinese
From the Chinese 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" and 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode".
Yaoji f Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 瑶 (yao, meaning “beautiful jade”) 姬 (ji, meaning “princess” or “noble woman”). Yaoji is the goddess of Wushan, a mountain in southern China. Some sources say that she was a daughter of the Flame Emperor, while later ones incorporate her into the Daoist religion by making her a daughter of Xiwangmu.... [more]
Yarawi f Quechua
Means "poetry" in Quechua.
Yinchen f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak".
Yinhan f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 寒 (hán) meaning "cold, wintry".
Yinjie f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, purify, pure".
Yinlian f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, waterlily".
Yinlin f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 霖 (lín) meaning "continuous heavy rain".
Yinsong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, recite" and 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode".
Yinxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Yinxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 垠 (yín) meaning "boundary, riverbank" or 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful star, jade" or 萱 (xuān) meaning "day-lily".
Yinyu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 殷 (yīn) meaning "many, great, abundant, flourishing" or 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues" or 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing".
Yinzhen f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry" and 臻 (zhēn) meaning "attain, reach, utmost, superior".
Yongping f Chinese
From the Chinese 咏 (yǒng) meaning "singing song or poem" or 娉 (pīng) meaning "beautiful, attractive, charming".
Yongxing f Chinese
From the Chinese 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing song or poem" and 幸 (xìng)# meaning "luck, favour, fortunately".
Yuzuka f Japanese
From Japanese 柚 (yuzu) meaning "grapefruit, pomelo, citrus fruit" combined with 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing or taking care of a person", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 圭 (ka) meaning "jade pointed at top" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance"... [more]
Zhanwise f Circassian
Derived from zhan meaning "princess (unmarried royal daughter)" and wise meaning "poem".
Zhengyin f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 峥 (zhēng) meaning "high, noble, lofty" and 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Zhensong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode".