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[Facts] I think i missed some fun
I hate missin the crazy ppl... like... the add so much fun to my life...Thanks to Satu and Ivayla for replying to my previous lil entry
and hey Yahalome (sp???), whats kicking girl? I still have an email for u somewhere on my comp that ive never answered -shame shame on me-To Constantine/Some crazy cult guy hung up on AlbanismYou may be suprised to know that most names are thousands of years old, and hence u have to look at the languages spoken at their time of creation to find their meaning. You can't go telling me that cultures like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks, that had fully established societies with written language, whose citizens have names which are words in their language, and these names through pronunciation changes and language changes have been altered are related to the modern day Albanian language, ur off ur rocker!You can take any name, pronounce it a little odd and relate it to something. Hell, Albanian is a new language compared to a lot of the names you are claiming it is related to. Rome was established in 1000 BCE, but it wasn't until 753 BCE that a historian Livy created the story of Romulus and Remes who were sons of MARS, that's the the Tribunal assembly of Rome often met in the Field of MARS, and the ppl of Rome believed they were destined to conquer the world as they were decents of MARS.Look... all names are from modern English (pardon as i use all ur names)Magia is from the English MA GAY, meaning 'your mother is happy'
SATU is from SAT YOU, meaning 'to sit on someone'
PAVLOS is from PA FLOSS meaning 'to floss your fathers teeth'
AVA is from AFA a common short form of Alfala... which we all know is ever popular
IVAYLA is from I FLAIL YA meaning 'to whip someone'
MIRANDA is from MIRE AUNTY meaning 'my aunt lives in a swamp'
SILVER is from SILLY IRK meaning 'to be funny yet bothersome'Lastly, CONSTATINE which is from CON STATE TINY meaning 'the little province of lyers'And this prooves we are all decedents of England, and we might as well offer our lives over to the Queen, cz lord knows those Brits are gonna rule the world cz we all came from em.Ya'll enjoy ur names :P~SD
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LOL! In this case, Constantin is from the French "Con" mening...Cu... well, forget it :P
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Aaah, haaah!Yeah, let's try with Swedish!Caprice is derived from "kapris", meaning capers
Chrisell is derived from "kris" and "säl", meaning seal in crisis
Daniel is derived from "dansk" and "el", meaning electric Dane
Silver is derived from "sil" and "värk", meaning aching colander
Miranda is derived from "mil" (Swedish measure, 10 km) and "rand", meaning 10 km of stripes
Michelle is derived from "min" and "källa", meaning my source
Ava is derived from "avig", meaning wrong side
Magia is derived from "mage", meaning tummy
Pavlos is derived from "kavel" and "os", meaning smoking rolling pin
Satu is derived from "sade du", meaning you said
Ivayla is derived from "iväg" och "land", meaning off to the land
Constantin, finally, is derived from "konstig" and "ting", meaning strange thing :)Yeah, that was fun. Swedish is so easy :)
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Ooh ooh! Do mine! la la.
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Jordan is derived from "jord" and "dans", hence a dance in soil
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Could that be loosely translated as "mudwrestler"?That'd be fun. : D
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Chrisell is derived from "kris" and "säl", meaning seal in crisisROTFL! I really am! Seal in crisis, that's fabulous!
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try to translate this names in SwedishAlban
the name Caprice is dervied from albanish 'kap e breshe' meanng 'take it and destroy it'.
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Why would it be hard for me?Alban is derived from "al" and "band", meaning alder bond
Arber is from "arm" and "be", meaning begging arm
Adelina is from "adel" and "lina", meaning noble wire
Illyriana is from "iller" and "lian", meaning an polecat in a liana
Alexander is from "läxa" and "sand", meaning homework sand
Cassander is from "kasse" and "sönder", meaning broken plastic bag
Odysse is from "ord" and "dessa", meaning these words
Adrian is from "av" and "ren", meaning of the reindeer
Atalanta is from "apel" and "lampa", meaning a lamp in an apple tree
Paul is from "par" and "ull" meaning a pair in wool
Pelagia is from "pelare" and "aga", meaning to cane a pillar
Theodora is from "te" och "dåre", meaning tea maniacSe, det gick väl smidigt? :)
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OopsLeft the translations out:
Alban - from the ancient Slavic (or Slavish :P) "bania" - one who bathes
Arber - from the Slavic "berja" - one who picks flowers
Adelina - from "ad" + "linia" - the path to hell
Illyana - from "ili" and "ana" - or Ana
Illyriana - from "ili", "ira" and "ana" - either Ana or Ira (given to a girl whose parents could not decide on how to name her)
Odysse - from "hodi se..." - go and [do things] to yourself
Atalanta - from "talant" - the talented one
Pelagia - from "ne lazha" - the one who does not lie
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"My aunt lives in a swamp" ROFL!a
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Hold up Silver what do you mean the albanian language is new it is much more older than the greek or latin language. The greeks were created after the Trojan war. The greek language is much more younger than the albanish, it is thanx to the illirians that they made the greek and latin language so riche. There is noway that the greek language could creat so quikly as it did, the illirians help'd the greeks creat the greek language. The illirians named greek and latin words after illirian people. The word Vera means something in latin but in albanish it means "Sommer". Constant, Damnus, Corcyre is latin words with albanish backrounds. Alexander the great was illirian his mother Olympia, prinses of Epirus and his father Philip from Macedonia, the macedonians were a illirian tribe, ma ce dhen means "you have said it". Somedays before Alexander was born Olympia had a dream, i don't remeber the hole story but she had a dream about she given birth. When the day came, when she gave birth to Alexander it was like in the dream. Olympia said in illirian "ka le si ander" in albanish "ka le si enderr" meaning "born like in the dream". Is it not more specific than alex-ander as greeks translate. Aristolote was born in Stageira a city in Macedonia. Aristoltes mother Festia or Festias had a 100 procent macedonian or illirian blood and his father was half macedonian (illirian) and half greek. Aristolte could speek the illirian language but he wrote in greek because the illiran language wasen't no writting language. I can translate greek, latin, gods, heros, astronomers, words, places all over the world with the help of the pelasigian, illiran and the albanian language. The city Troya was located in present Turkey in the mythology but in the history the city was located in Dardania somewhere in present Herzegovinia. The albanian words "trojet tona" means "our place", what do you think about that.
Each divinity in the mythology is explained by the albanian language. The illirans gave in greek the senses after.

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You are so stupid all those names are greek you idiot
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(1) Excuse me, but how did the Illyrians pre-exist the Greeks, when the word "Illyria" is derived from the Greek "Illyria" (according to my trusry Oxford English Dictionary CDROM)?(2) Alexander was indeed a Macedonian! And like all Macedonians he spoke Greek, worshiped teh Greek Gods and participated in the Olympics.(3) Dont intentionally confound the macedonian (northern Greek) people and culture of classical times with the newly-founded country of "FYRO Macedonia", whose people and language are related to Bulgaria!(4) As far as your laughable Micky Mouse etymologies of Hellenic Gods, no comments...
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LOL. The Greeks were created after the Trojan War?Wait a second... then who FOUGHT that war? And why is The Odyssey a Greek poem?woah, Nelly.Hey... what do y'all think of the name Nelly?Michelle
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ahahahahahahahahaha...ahahahahahahahahaha.. I kind of feel sorry for him. .
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-giggles-god u just repeat urself!
I'll pray for u to Saint Dymphia...
patron saint of lunitics...Oh lord and please dont continue ur tirade
a) no one cares
b) u make no sense
c) ur insaneMuch love and pretty white jackets with buckles tho,
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